VN - Unity - Completed - Girl Next Door [Final] [SinVR]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Like an idiot, I downloaded this.. thing!
    Oh-boy... Let's just say don't even bother wasting 2.50GB on this load of rubbish.
    You get 5 extremely short stories.. all can be played in just 12 minutes, maybe shorter once you realise all of them have the same tacky animations and cheap voice acting.
    It's not even a game = there's no save/load feature - there's no rewards for doing things - it's just a* read the words the voice is saying anyways and then choose 1 of 9 different animations, next, 1 more picture of 3Dg comic, The End/Menu screen.
    (a*) meaning all 5 mini comics.
    They're not a 3D game like we mostly know it as - It is a 3D game environment, but you can't move MC, only the camera around the MC.
    I could go on about the badness, but I won't bother, they ain't worth it.. so just trust me.
    Rating: .05/5. Avoid.
    Likes: t727