Others - Completed - Girlish Grimoire Littlewitch Romanesque [Littlewitch]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This whole game is indeed beautiful! If you want to play this game solely based on how well done the illustrations are you shouldn't be disappointed.

    The main gameplay is about receiving tasks, roll dice to get points, and then use those points to get new magics to complete the tasks. It is simple and highly addictive, later on you can also use different magics to create your own combinations. There are also other stuff that you should try out yourself.

    Finally, the element that I liked the most were the conversations. They are nicely paced and written in a way that you wouldn't get bored, I was hooked.

    Very sastified!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Fun little (actually it is anything but "little") adventure, that I have no intension of repeating. It takes too much time to beat and the payoff in form of decent, but boring slideshows just doesn do it for me.