Unity - Global Mutation [v0.1.0b] [Rolanda]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.1.0b

    Okay, the game is still in development. It barely has any content.

    Nevertheless, it has a shit ton load of potential.

    Gameplay wise is quite good for a lewd game. It has survival aspects, which requires you to search for food and water. You can go for building; simple things like a crafting table, to unlock more crafts. Cooking is also a thing. There are RPG elements; stats, weapon and clothing which also has damage and armor stats respectively. There is weapon, clothes and tool durability. Overall this is clearly lacking in a lot, since it is still in early development, but it has potential to be a superb game

    Lewd wise, is also ok; is your usual side scroller with enemies that have catching attacks, topple attack, which then go into a catch, and loose get fucked. Your usual side scroller. I am looking forward to this, since there is a lewd meter, exposure and a "heat cycle" (in the game you are a furry and occasionally goes into heat). So while there is not much to know about it. Maybe there would be lewd combat in the future, or at least some sort of sexual interaction, that could be player initiated.

    We will see, overall seems like it could be a solid game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game it have my favourite mechanics (character customisation-multiple protagonist-platformer-realistic life-etc)and the animation is sooo good,
    I really liked this game and i hope it got more updates and more love from people
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitively gives me Project Zomboid vibes, well made, is an actual game, decent customization, and the content in general is pretty good! Wish there were more games like these
    Small feedback might be to have on the HUD an indication/button to open the inventory, took me a while to figure out U was the key for it
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is close to a tech demo for now, but the tech being demoed sure is great! Good animations, fun lewdness mechanics, an actually engaging action combat system, somehow an entire survival and crafting system... Roughly speaking, this game is a lewd, furry, realtime Cataclysm DDA.
    The game has a few hours of content for now (if you explore fairly slowly); a bit more if you to push the limits of what the crafting system can do. It's pretty worth playing if you don't mind furries and are interested in a lewd survival game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Carl B

    As the game progresses with each update its shaping up to be better and better as expected
    For those who enjoy open world h games this seems like itll certainly scratch that itch
    The art good enough imo, and so far I think Global mutations future is very promising, ofc im into furry content so my opinions wont align with everyones
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr. Harold Pontiff Coomer

    Date : 1/1/2025 1:20am CST.

    - Can be played with one hand if change attack key binds but have to left click to clear dialog often.

    [Gameplay] Rated : 3 out of 5
    [Lewdity] Rated : 3 out of 5
    [Quality] Rated : 4 out of 5
    [Replay-ability] Rated : 4 out of 5
    [Audio] Rated : 4 out of 5
    [H-Scenes] Rated : 3 out of 5

    [Over All] Rated : 3.5 out of 5

    Notes :

    Would love more variety in combat and levels, all combat feels the same or pointless to initiate. You don't need to fight the dog, goats struggle with so no bother but slimes mix it up by preventing certain direction roll. The smelt system is kind of boring to do for the apple trees and when I first messed with them they took all my starting seeds and gave me equivalent of one seed, I thought I duplicated my apples with 1 seed but was disappointed when I restarted. (WIP)

    Would give it 2 stars but ability for fetush toggles are always a plus in my book. The main reason this would be a two is because the game felt linier and there was no exciting small enemies to fill the gap while I ran around trying not to die because it skips the H-scene if I pass out. Would love like if like beta wolves that were easy to kill but can randomly spawn on you while going threw the level and you trying to fight off plant enemies till you get to the first mini boss that's a alpha wolf that once beaten will stop the wolves from spawning and will give room to spawn/trap the player. I was thinking forest animals like squirrels, rabbits, turtles, and fish that can jump from the back ground as the player walks near water or on a bridge. the game is still in development but love the rare gem that is a great furry game. This goes a bit into quality and gameplay but fits the topic in my opinion.

    As of this version, the replay ability is bare minimum but if you gave race a special buff and/or ability then the game is set up for greatness. Like bird race gains the ability to double jump and slowly descend allowing to mid air combat and reach places other races couldn't but the gain a debuff if the get wet or slimy that sets the player movement to 0.85 and can't jump till they find a towel or clothing that will be used to dry off, chu cant use clothes that were worn while gaining this effect to dry off. There's other ideas but this wasn't meant to be a suggestion review but I love the progress thus far.
    Wish there was more ambience sounds, and some of the voice choices are really bad but really good otherwise.

    Would be higher if there was pace option or a skip current action that skips from catching/teasing/impaling/nearing/finish. I think (Mage Kanades Futanari Dungeon Quest) has the best scene skips that are mostly really smooth and will slow the player down if they skip to fast, also the auto feature is nice for conversation/sentences. I would rate 5 stars but the rating say 3.5 so it would be 4 stars so still really good. (Will edit if any opinions change going to retry the game tomorrow.)

    [Over All]
    Overall, I would support this game by buying it/subscribing to patreon if $10 or less a month. Really well made and can tell some if not a lot of effort was put into this. I want to see this game grow but needs more variety in gameplay, few graphic designs depending on the level of dedication or a more stable art style/customization option with a bit simpler but decent amount of selections.

    The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of speech, religion and the press. It also protects the freedom to peacefully assemble or gather together or associate with a group of people for social, economic, political or religious purposes, as well as the right to protest the government.

    This is all my point of view on the state of the game and none of my ratings, suggestions, or ideas were meant to please others or to attack anyone. I do this for putting my voice out to give my personal ideas or information I learned from experiences while playing the content uploaded to this site. This is not a political, religious, or rascal comment and anything that turns out to fit one of the things listed, please inform the user (Me the commenter) and it will immediately be changed.
    (Thanks to the Black Mesa we can fund the rate-o-matic to give our (my) honest rating and opinion.)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    fantastic game with great potential, I like the possibility of customization and a large number of settings, the characters in the editor are beautiful, the animations are excellent, I would like to see a clearer display of the location on the map and new enemies, I found a bug that in buildings you can partially see enemy through the wall in another room
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll give it some budge up on the score on a review since it's still in development but the general idea of the game is pretty decent and when more (non-slime) creatures are added and maybe more of a progression it is a good time killer.

    I don't know if the Dev is on F95 but if they are, hope you see this project to its end. Defiantly worth a donation in my opinion even in the game's current state
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So far so good, it will be great with more creatures and enemies to interact with. maybe like a minotaur or a giant boar man, also would be cool to see more female humanoids that are hostile out in the map too.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The Game as great potential, and is very fun as is. Really hope to see more in the future. That being said as its a new game it does have its bugs, I sometimes get despawned when graded by enemies but it was quite rare though.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    nice game, easy control, nice characters.
    suggestion: character creation like hair styles, fur colors, boobs size etc, and maybe x-ray scenes (just personal preference). i also suggest implementing pregnancy system
    overall nice game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    BIG ass potential

    A game like this has too much and complete potential. I seriously hope that the project is done well, and therefore, I have no problem waiting for it in due time.
    One of the things that I think should be added, if I have to add anything, is the possibility of *making an explicit temporal relationship* with the monsters, whether being horny or not. I would add a lot more content at once but, seriously, I hope they take their time.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Early alpha review (v0.0.8). In summary: very good, even in its current early alpha state.

    I'm not entirely enamored of the run-or-rape genre (for more than a few reasons that are probably not worth getting into here) or of furries, and a lot of people don't like playing as a female protagonist getting boned by a game full of male-cis-mascs (I'm personally not fond of male-trans-mascs or intersex-nonbinary either, but those aren't in the game (yet?) and I won't kink shame anyone who does).

    If you're not one of the many buffoons on F95 who feels the need to spam that you're not even bothering to download something doesn't match your preferred tags (you know who you are), you're going to find something that behaves like a modern, streamlined version of Legend of Krystal, and satisfies at least some of the Demon Girl/Angel Girl/Shinobi Girl monster-on-girl fetishes.

    Animations are incredibly good; although there aren't any inverse kinematics affected by the environment, the character rig is quite impressive and the MC moves in an exceedingly realistic and smooth fashion, especially for a 2D game. The character uses independent limbs rather than a skinned model, like LoK, but other than the occasional overlap for your underwear while walking or a hard line when the tops of your character's breasts jiggle far enough to overlap your character's collarbones, you'll hardly notice, and the walking and running animations are still pleasing to the eye both aesthetically and sexually. Sexual animations are fairly impressive, as well, due to how smooth they are.

    The aesthetic is somewhat paradoxical. Literally everything in the game world wants either to ignore you or to rape you, which gives a feeling of loneliness and eventually boredom, even though the art aesthetic makes the game world seem cheery and it gives the impression that everything is still running smoothly. This creates a strange and probably unintentional vibe. The buildings are more than bright enough to navigate without turning the lights on, so rather than carrying the panic of I Am Legend (non-porn novel/video) or horror games, it's really rather tame and you don't actually fear going into buildings in the same way that you might in a roguelike or even a first person shooter. The play experience suffers as a result.

    More emphasis on the breakdown of social order that would come with the "mutation" or whatever event caused all of the goatmen, slimes, etc. to be running around is probably needed to reconcile the game's strange lack of emphasis on the player waking up into what by is purported by the concept to be a disaster scenario. I assume that will be fleshed out as time goes on, but there's also no clarification that the player "started" as a furry girl or "became" a furry girl immediately before play begins, and clarifying that would be a good first step at pinning down exactly how abnormal the situation is, tempering or priming the player's expectations.

    Scavenging is a little frustrating at the moment, especially for clothing, because if an enemy successfully strips your character, they will immediately take your clothing and eat it. If it was harder for enemies to digest your clothing, giving you the chance to get it back a little worse for wear, it would be more entertaining. Eventually, especially once you get the hang of the combat, you'll probably just stop caring about wearing clothing because the stat benefits they provide aren't really worth the need to replace them over and over again, and the enemies are usually hostile/horny enough to attack you anyway, regardless of whether you are dressed.

    Scavenging actually carries A Valley Without Wind (non-porn game) vibes, which is also a fairly good thing. Unfortunately, some of the genius of the procedurally generated shopping district is also its curse, with bizarrely backwards level transitions at times, making it hard to find your way back to the city exit simply by merit of the city being non-Euclidean. If the shopping district were just a straightforward set of 3x2 panels that you could flip between north and south in the midpoint or flip between adjacent panels at each end, it would work wonders on making the scavenging experience a little more fun -- or, alternatively, going full AVWW and having a navigable minimap of non-Euclidean panels like Hachina, etc.

    Getting the hang of scavenging isn't too hard, but one problem with the game is that the crafting system is locked to tables with resources that are not easy to acquire, especially on your first couple of days. There isn't enough overlap between locations to scavenge basic staples, and the "random number Jesus" RNG can often make your first few day trips into the shopping district a wasted trip if you can't find one of the building types you need. Some days you'll just run into a bunch of seafood restaurants, some days just a bunch of clothing stores, when what you really want is a construction site... and so on.

    Combat is a bit lacking. Because of the same smooth animation system lauded earlier, attacks are brilliantly smooth looking, but telegraph far too slowly. Mastering the timing becomes more annoying than fun: when you have to compare a 1.3 second swing to a 1.5 second lash of a bunch of slime tentacles, combat feels stilted and mechanical rather than fluid and engaging. Losing combat doesn't feel like you're being punished for your own mistakes, but rather being blamed for the game deliberately holding you back as you swim through molasses. In fact, a global doubling of the attack speeds (or, possibly, moving the attack animation speed to a game option) would probably do half the work of solving that problem. Additionally, for reasons inexplicable, the "Get Up" button is its own separate keybind rather than bound to the game's "Activate" button or more intuitively to your movement keys.

    It could definitely do with some Sheltered-style encounters with random NPCs who are variably either friendly or hostile -- which I assume is forthcoming -- to break up the monotony. While I'm not sure a full-fledged companion system would be warranted, the game quickly becomes boring without a drive to go on. By the time I built my crafting table, I didn't feel particularly compelled to proceed through the rest of the process.

    At time of play, 0.0.8, there is a bug that causes your character to vanish when "seduced" by the forest wolf, who appears only at night; it's an avoidable bug (just search the forest during the day) but it's something to keep in mind. This soft-locks the game, requiring you to exit (and lose your progress, as saving can only be done at your bed). Otherwise, I haven't run into any unrecoverable bugs whatsoever, which is quite impressive!
  14. 4.00 star(s)



    I remember when this was unplayable due to being a prototype, now roughly playable due to limted content and balance.

    But it is really promising.

    Yet for now most aspects feel unfinished:
    • Clothing and has little durability, possibly due to lacking (meaningful i-frames) and enemies having fairly frequent long-reaching + multi-hit attacks.
    • Combat is weird- there are a lot of monsters around, and needing to dodge/ avoid them all, even when are some harmful even without targetting the player or use unfair surprise attacks (upon entering spaces, invisible on ceiling). Including unfair surprise attacks; their blocking and special attacks have little indication for start and end and short cooldowns for them.
    • Stagging is seemingly random and getting staggered by goat-man has no escape.
    • Resources are varied in style, rather than function- there's lots of apparent items, but they most of them differ by a handful of stats, making some essentially worthless compared to common better. options, their "prepared" states aren't worth the time and ingredients
    • Crafting is currently very limited, not to mention very grindy and slow, with plenty of for now unused resources.
    • Character creation seems to hint at a possible stat system, but haven't seen anything past initial stat distribution.
    • There's a closed area, found no access.
    Still, it is very promising and I will be following its progress.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for [v0.0.8]

    I wasn't expecting this much of good content from an early release. I am not into furies but I adored the gameplay mechanics. Here are some of my thoughts about the game:

    • Clothing is really well done. You can easily swap parts of clothing and inventory system is better than most of AAA games out there.
    • Survival with adjustable settings is an awesome thought by the dev so that you can tailor your own experience and difficulty.
    • Currently there are only a bunch (4-5 types) of enemy but I expect more in the future updates.
    • Another cool gameplay mechanic is that some enemies are not that aggressive. So you can ignore some of them or just enjoy the h-scenes.
    • Combat is okay. Hit-block-dodge. I like the simplicity of it.
    Overall I enjoyed my time with this game. It's a masterpiece in the making. I am looking forward to future updates and willing to buy the game to support the dev.

    Verdict: 10/10. Kudos to the dev.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Never thought I'd see a mash of The Last Stand: Union City, Furries, and Porn. It honestly works pretty well. If you liked any of that combination, I'd say to give it a try. Pretty fun for what it has so far. Looking forward to the future of this project.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    So far it's a five-star game for me, I liked being able to change clothes and appear as characters, I liked the crafting system, having to make the crafting benches and something I like, the negative points of the game can all be attributed to the same thing, the game is still in an early version, as you can pick up items from the same place as many times as you want, having a limit per day in the future would be good to force the player to explore the game's locations for now and that's it . It's great to see this game in its final version (now for the developer I found two bugs, the first in the wolf when he knocks you down and the animation ends the character becomes invisible and locked in place and another and with some deer when they take your hands, they pass through the character and this continues with a good work)
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    For a version this early the game looks very promising.
    moving the bugs aside you get a decent gameplay with fairly easy controls
    Overall this game is good and I hope in the future will be even better
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good games with pretty smooth animation for a side scroller games and the explore and looting system are amazing and also the sex scene are pretty long enough and well the stamina system are likely good almost the same as reality, but it took long enough especially when you are fought againts some foes. But maybe you can make the enemies more agressive? with the dodging and sprint system at least there some enemy with fast attack speed right?

    Anyway this is one of the best side scroller games i've ever found. even among those normal games because of that looting and exploring system.

    Gameplay: 10/10

    Animation: 7/10

    Graphic: 8/10

    Enemies: 5/10 (for now)

    Overall: 7.5/10
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall it's a pretty good game. Smooth animations, huge lengthy sex scenes, cute PC design and the element of exploring + looting buildings makes for a good gameplay loop.

    I have to remove one star because I don't enjoy the combat much. Most enemies are damage sponges, heavy attacks generally feel worse than normal M1 attacks and stamina takes a long time to regenerate.

    Still though, this is just an early demo but it already holds some great promise. I can definitely see this being much better in a half-year.