Let's go through the checklist shall we?
>Unreal Engine ✔
People seem to hop on UE like it'll make their ass dev skills any better because they have premade games they think they can swap out assets for and become rich.
>90% bought assets ✔
This one isn't necessarily bad. They exist for a reason, either as placeholders or permanent assets to service a game. I've seen good games with a majority of the objects, locations, and assets being store-bought. This one isn't one of them.
>Runs like ass despite being low res ✔
This is just a common UE problem with amateur devs. They just ship out whatever the fuck and expect people to run it flawlessly. Having a potato PC is on you but games like this, like Silicon Lust, like Lust Wish, they're just badly put together.
>Non-functional or barely-functional systems ✔
Saves barely work, dying respawns key items but not zombies, movement feels awful, etc. Again, typical.
>Extremely dark for no reason ✔
Why? There's no gamma sliders anywhere, it's un-fucking-believably dark and depending on your monitor that might be outright pitch darkness. This wasn't tested, this wasn't run by anyone other than the dev's setup and it shows.
Yep. Off to the shovelware pile. Its only saving grace is that it's short but given the low quality it's not even worth the $5 on Steam, hell I want a refund even if it was pirated. Awful experience.