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RPGM - Completed - Goblin Adventurer Hunting [v2.00] [Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Way too much grinding for what is essentially watching the same cutscenes dozens of times. No real unique interactions with any characters.
    I have to capture 300 female knights to unlock every single one of the 3 special cutscenes, which is just a different sex position looped? What a waste of time. Graphics aren't the greatest either.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Its an alright game with very simple gameplay, no story except a debt system and ok H scenes. If your someone that likes roguelike/lites then you might like this game as did I. I had a save of 13 hours and I haven't even tried to "beat" it yet (Pay off debt). Because of the sheer quantity and price of upgrades its really hard to start paying off said debt especially when there's interest involved. None the less, I do think this games deserves a try.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    It's just Goblins Strike Back but with less everything. Less complexity, less content and too overly simplified. At a glance this would have been a relatively decent game if it was the first one, but it isn't. Its just literally a direct downgrade to the previous game. While GSB was interesting because by design its a roguelike puzzler that required you to minmax your resources with each randomized map, this game takes that concept and simplified it to as simple as it gets: three room choices each filled with an extremely specific thing and thats it.

    Goblins Strike Back had actual map design and gave you opportunities to get more resources, spend resources for other things, or outright avoid everything when possible. In this one you really cant avoid anything, are getting boat loads of resources by theme (magic rocks, water and bottles, nothing but weapons/food, etc) and don't really have much choice over anything else. You're given 3 rooms and they're randomized to, as mentioned already, very specific themes and you just pick one room and thats what you get. Sometimes there can be a rock or something between them that you can remove if you have the right resource to gain access to the adjacent room and its loot.

    Overall it's a relatively decent game to introduce people to this genre of weird roguelike puzzler but when compared to the previous game it just has way less going for it. Less girls (like 8 in total vs GSB's roughly 20 or so iirc), less puzzles, and its still just as grindy as the first game with an astronomical curve. If you find yourself enjoying the time sink as per the game's design then just make the switch over to Goblins Strike back. It's the same thing but better.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This is just a poorly deisgned Goblins Strike back. The puzzle design in general is far worse. Rather than having a whole screen to play around with you're pigeonholed into three choices that can completely softlock progression in your run, something that didn't really happen in the previous game. They traded a variety of capturable characters with around 8 with animations, which is a sidegrade, if it werent for the fact that the animation blocks the entire UI, preventing you from knowing what choice to make with the defeated heroine.

    Go play the other one.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    First of, I like this studio, i've played all their other games to end of story objective and then some. So with that out of the way, I think this is the weakest of them in all regards. Largely in part that the collection scaling is so incredibly weak.

    Lets do some easy math. I can capture asassin for 7g per floor OR sell directlt for 6000. at 6000/7=860 floors the capture will have given me more money.... but in my 10 hours i've likely climbed maybe 400-500 floors(600 if very generous). And that gold I can immediately spend on upgrades to climb faster/easier. This also doesn't take into account that instant gold scales higher as you climb floors while the per-floor-gain on capture is constant.

    They balanced this game way too long on your gradual meta progression. Also alot of QoL that should be included like a single skillcheck button on chests to skip scrlling down when using ATK to open them. A monster bestiary(been part of previous games).
    Treasures are Kinda useless.

    I will say though, I love the slot machine at rest areas. The Energy one is a brilliant addition along with the crafting stations.

    TL;DR go try succubus alchemist instead. a lot better balancing, use of permanent income and a neater theme
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed my time while playing but more because of the gameplay rather than because of its lewd content. The lewd content is pretty easy to reach and the scenes are a bit meh since there is not really a story behind any of the girls besides "I beat you so now your working for me".

    This in turn creates a situation where you do not feel a connection with the girls and watching the scenes feels like you might as well have watched them on some lewd website or gallery instead.

    With that out of the way, the actual gameplay elements are really fun if you like seeing numbers go up and if you like puzzles. There is a lot of replayability and you can definitely spend 10+ hours just grinding away and watching your character become stronger and stronger.

    Overall the ero content is more like a 2 ( at least its animated). But gameplay elements make me push it up to a 4.