Others - Completed - Goblin Burrow: I'll Borne [v211124] [Peperoncino]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    love this game its a good sequel the only bad thing i can say about this one is that you don't see first game heroines but they are referenced a lot in this one, mechanic wise is better, the lore is better, the hero party seen like a threat in this one, all the battle are more difficult and require to think more than just spam thunderhawk like the first game 10/10
    Likes: Seidl
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    better that the first one just for the new girls and desings, the gameplay same as original but with less traps and more tedius to ply it
    Nice art style and animations but thats all it become kinda boring afther 10 minutes 5/10 kinda mid but thanks to the art style its a 6/10 fappable (sorrry dor my bad english)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay, so, I liked the first Goblin Burrow game enough. The original I would call a solid 4/5 once you get the hang of it. As for this game:

    The Good: Tons of new girls to capture and bang, all with their own unique CG sex scenes. Solid. Also, new abilities for your goblins that come from breeding said girls. This new DLC is also more of a challenge than the base game, in the event that's your thing. Honestly, highest praise I can give the game is that it feels more like "Goblin Burrow 2" instead of "Goblin Burrow DLC".

    The Bad: OH GOD does this game love to kick your ass. You can only place 1 trap at the door of your burrow when in the base game you could place 3. Also, some raids are just gonna hurt you. Get too low on your goblin population and you're toast. In a lot of places it feels unfair, and while the game is about NG+ to make subsequent runs easier (after your burrow gets wiped out that is) it does not feel great to have to start over, even with better goblins and equipment.

    In short, well made sprites, CGs, and robust strategy, but will make you suffer over and over and over again before you succeed. 5/5 if you're a masochist.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    TL DR The Ill borne experience: Fuck girls to get better goblins, use better goblins to get better girls, Breed better girls with the better goblins, Repeat all that. And when you die to some bs just cope.

    H-scenes: its OK, very much eh. if you play this game your not really playing for the h scenes.

    Gameplay: 2 WORDS, LUCK. and GRIND. trough out this game? if you get unlucky your gonna get clapped. to get better goblins is pure luck. to get upgrade is also pure luck. to get food is also luck. in a battle is also quite luck based sometimes.

    Here is what your gonna do trough out the whole game: FUCK the girl until she give births to something that's worth upgrading. Favorite that lil shit otherwise the game uses it as a meat shield. After that progress the stages to get better girls with better passives / abilities.

    YOU CANNOT GRIND SLOWLY. YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DO THAT. When your Day counter turns red that means intruders are incoming. and boy they will wreck your shit if you aren't strong enough / prepared.

    After you get decent goblin units, Go to the tower to get items: Foods, traps, other special units. But mainly your here for food and trap items. TRAP ITEMS ARE NEEDED, if you don't want your nest to be wiped out? use them.
    And always remember to check the upgrades. if you see a cheap upgrade just do it, since they are permanent.

    Tip: Keep some back ups when your main team dies, Or just save scum.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    i do understand that management games do have a certain amount of grinding involved. but this game took it to a whole new level. the excessive amount of grinding is one thing, and usually they will add a little bit of extra content while you grind. i won't mind those small little content even if those are repeated. but no, this game just simply give you a few cg after each massive grind and that's about it. and the amount of unlockable cg is not even worth you spending time on the game. finally, the cg is not even good. so i didn't even bother to find a full save for the cgs. all in all, i wasted my time on this game, that surprisingly, have people who gave it anything more than 1 star.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    As always, Peperoncino delivers a great game, with deep strategy, interesting story , and REALLY HORNY GOBLINS. Seriusly, everything that man touches is gold. We should also thank the translating team. MuninKai, if you are reading this, thank you very much once again!
    What to say about the game ? Well, its a goblin burrow game. If you played the first 2, you know what to expect. Intense turn based battles, really good art, dark (and i mean, DARK) stories for the heroiness with no happy end in sight, unless is a bad end for you. If you are into those things and never played something from Peperoncino, i would recomend this one as a good entry, since its easy to understand.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Goblin Burrow: I'll Borne [v211124] [Peperoncino]
    I recommend the game even if it fails to reach the level of the first chapter.

    The improvements are there, now it's easier to understand the stats, it has a better tutorial, and other improvements that make the player's life easier (visual indicators).
    The game is good, the gameplay is like the first game, so it works.

    I didn't like the characters at all. While I still clearly remember almost all the characters from the first game and their dialogues (their story), in this second chapter I remember almost nothing about the characters, too anonymous characters.
    While it's a sequel and there are characters that resemble certain girls from the first game, nothing else happens.

    Also being a sequel I expected at least one new goblin troop, but no, nothing new.

    This game is more like a DLC from the first chapter, with a cleanup of the old characters.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This would be a 5/5 for the production value and game premise, if it weren't for the absurdly high difficulty level. I will give -2 for the difficulty and grind. And i am no stranger to challenging management games. This is just unbeatable without some sort of strategy guide. The rewards in my opinion is not worth it, the CG is extensive but fairly vanilla and repetitive.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the first one a lot, this one tho felt like a chore, the difficulty is stupid and even more stupid is getting actually useful units, the rng is too damn stupid, when you actually get a passive its wasted in a basic goblin, and then you get a shaman with magic sword and mow down, what a waste of time
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on v220415. Currently it can be found in the translation thread of this game.

    A solid turn based strategy/battle game where you manage a goblin burrow.

    In this game you'll:
    • Organize goblin armies.
    • Send them to various places around the world so they can conquer the land, bring valuable loot back to burrow and capture any girl they find.
    • Breed captured girls to create future generations of goblins so they can survive, thrive and capture more girls to breed. Breeding has 2d non animated cg's but they are different depending on the girl, the goblin who breeds her and her mental state. They also have 2d animations with sound effects in burrow view, representing their two mating states(mating and pregnant).
    • Defend the burrow from attacks.

    There are two aspects of gameplay.

    One aspect of gameplay is where you manage the burrow but you have limited actions each day/turn so you have to be careful about what you're doing. This is the part where you:
    • Organize defending and raiding armies.
    • Decide if you want to go for a raid or not. Going out automatically ends current day/turn, regardless of the action points you may have left.
    • Decide who and when to breed. You'll have to choose which girl to breed because their inhabited stats and skills(which can be passed onto the future generations of goblins) matter a lot during combat.
    • Decide what to feed them(they have different effects on newborn goblins and prisoners). But you can't feed adult goblins to raise their stats, only newborn goblins can be fed.
    • Choose which traps and how many of them to set up(because your burrow will be attacked every few turns/days).

    Other aspect of gameplay is battling enemies in a turn based combat.
    • If your burrow is attacked, enemy army acts first. If you are the attacker/raider, your army acts first.
    • Stats are pretty understandable. You have attack, magic, sp(mana), hp, defense and range stats, pretty basic stuff.
    • Each leader unit can perform one action per turn. You can't attack twice or use skill twice using the same unit in one turn. This also applies to enemies too.
    • There's also pack units. They are basically living meat shields but they also buff their leader unit's stats as long as they live.
    • Each type of enemy and goblin unit has different stats. Some units can only engage in melee range, while others can be placed in rear and can still attack enemy rear units. Some units are tanky enough to take punishment, others are fragile but very powerful if left unattended.
    • Skills come in two types and units can only have one of each. Units can't have two actives or two passives at the same time. Active skills are the skills that need sp(mana) to use during battle. Passive skills work automatically and they usually offer stat bonuses but they can also have different and interesting effects. Your units can't learn skills naturally because they are way too dumb to learn but they'll inherit them from their mother and father so if you want skills you need to breed the captured prisoners a lot.
    I should also mention this game has several different endings.
    I tried to describe the game as much as I can.
    Sorry if something doesn't make sense, my mother tongue isn't english.
    I think this game is one of the best games on this site and it is a hidden gem.
    I really want more of this kind of game.
    I can't recommend this game enough.
    NOTE: This game doesn't have english translation. But fan made translation is very good. I completed the game several times with it, so this is not even an issue.
    NOTE #2: To play it you need to use Locale Emulator. A minor inconvenience.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the first game and this one is just more of the awesomeness. I just wish there were more animations. Even though we have tons of waifus we only get like 4 animations at best. That's not enough especially since this is a sequel that needs to do more.
    The translation needs work aswell, but mostly the "he/she" stuff.