I shortened the clips to one cycle of the animations. They are about 10 to 30 seconds long now. Put in under Goblin Quest/www/movie.
my recommendation is to give players progress and skip options.
some portions of the sex can loop infinitely until a player presses a button.
at the same time, spamming the continue button should let you skip the whole thing in just a few seconds.
Even 30 seconds is pretty long to be trapped in something you cannot exit, like if you accidentally did a replay.
but at the same time it can be nice to have a scene go longer.
I shortened the clips to one cycle of the animations. They are about 10 to 30 seconds long now. Put in under Goblin Quest/www/movie.
I also "fixed" the sound effects. Put it under Goblin Quest/www/audio/se.
I don't understand why you put those two hotfix patches separately. In what world would someone install only 1 hotfit and not another?
Anyways, main goblin waifu is really sexy. So I am hoping this goes well.
Although it would be nice if there was some better development between you and her instead of the immediate "meet -> fuck"
it feels like a missed opportunity.