RPGM - Completed - Goblins Strike Back: Instant Fuck Heroines [v3.0] [Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I am of two minds when it comes to this game. So I'll review the gameplay and hentai aspects separately.

    Let's start with the gameplay: It's great. Without a doubt this is a very fun game to play. It's easy to understand, the grind is real, and there are multiple ways to go about defeating your enemies. It was obviously very well thought out and they did great work in this aspect.

    However in comparison, I feel like they focused on gameplay more than they did the hentai aspects. Compared to the gameplay, the hentai content is very repetitive. It's the same thing over and over: you find a npc, you beat a npc, you get a rape animation and the same dialogue. It's kind of disappointing.

    That's why my rating is at three stars. They did excellent work with the gameplay, but didn't put as much effort into the hentai. Maybe it's because they had a huge cast of characters, but it was still a bit of a let down in that regard.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Much more enjoyable than meet the eyes. A very nice puzzle roguelike gameplay loop where you collect items, fulfill stats requirements, then upgrade your base. The H stuff is kind of repetitive but at least there are variety and quality for the first few hours or so.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game for people like me who love to grind and manage stats.
    It is has a nice gaming loop where you make runs through random enviroments and collect ressources and women, afterwards you can spent the loot the build up your lair and raise your base statsbefore you make the next run.
    The little bits of voice acting is nice and the women look good, it even has a little bit of animation in some situations. ^^

    I can't give it 5 stars because of two reasons.

    1. The game doesn't explain things enough which leads to some trial and error.
    2. The sexual content is a bit lacking, just one picture when you capture a woman and a mini animation loop in the goblin lair.
    Its not bad but a not enough for the grind, if it had more conten there it would have been better.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a dungeon crawler puzzle game where you collect items, trade items and conquer the kingdom.

    The only fun part are the puzzles. The grind is annoying, the H-scenes are very repetitive, you have 1 unique CG, 2 animated H-scenes copy pasted a hundred times, very lacking.

    The upgrades you buy are kinda trash, the only way to go is - grind captured women, put them in the brothel, repeat until you have ~250 women caught, rush through the levels over and over again to get profits from the brothel (15-20 * the profit from each girl, depending on how far you explored), buy all the attack, mag attack, intellect upgrades, now you can finally play the game, buy whatever else you need easily, capture some women for breeding to expand the army, and finally reach the enemy hideouts and attack them, it's very easy.

    The combat when attacking a hideout is boring.

    I would suggest loading a save and skipping the grind, but the gallery as I said is not high quality.

    Oh and, the "tutorial" is absurdly hard, you might need to whip out a pen and paper to track what resource should go where, this is how insane it is.
    Likes: DuniX
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    one of the few game around here were the gameplay is above the porn.

    if you survive the bad tutorial that barely teach anything and can be easily failed if you make a single missclick (or just skip it really)

    The game is a bit grindy but the puzzle part of the gameplay is fun, you learn from experience what tool you might need in what amount, and with every run you get new upgrade allowing you to start with higher stat/tool making it easier to reach the end.

    the RPG fight part is meh, but not worst than any other rpg maker fight.

    for the porn part, you have ~20 unit, each have a different pose/line on defeat, though all unit share the same animation in the drain/breed room, only an asset swap (with voice that repeat way to often i feel, but nothing horrible as you won't spend long looking at them anyway)

    story can be written on a post-it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I unironically have at least 70 hours played in this game. A bit grindy, but gets easier as you learn the tips and tricks.
    Gameplay is heavily dependent on RNG and sort of a massive puzzle game. Progress is slow at first, but accumilates as you grind. Lots of different girls, each with unique defeat poses, but animations are pretty much the same in the goblin lair. I would have liked rating it 5 stars, but some of the mechanics seem to be broken, like goblin army upgrades, and just crash my game when interacted with.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Rare case of being a (sort of) decent game but a bad h-game. The art, premise, and gameplay are all sound, but somehow this game manages to be less than the sum of its parts through poor implementation of h-content and reward structure.

    It's a puzzle-y roguelite where you are presented with successive pseudo-randomly generated screens of obstacles, npc's, and resources. Your goal is to reach the exit on each screen while collecting and using your resources as efficiently as possible. The girls are enemy npc's that will block your way and can either be defeated, captured as a resource, or avoided.

    Each run starts you with a fresh character that you level up over the course of the run. Collected resources from each run can be spent in the fairly expansive meta progression system to give you better starting stats or equipment in the next run. Eventually you build enough strength between runs to progress through biomes of increasing difficulty. The progression system is fairly well laid out, but it's too time consuming to unlock compared to what you are getting out of the game.

    As an h-game, the only real incentive you have to progress through the game is to see new girl sprites and animations. The issue for me is that the girls are presented as puzzle obstacles, not rewards. You press a single button to defeat/capture the npc and it instantly changes their battle sprite into an ahegao scene. The lack of any buildup removes any erotic quality and it feels as mundane as removing a boulder or unlocking a door.

    The npc's themselves aren't strictly unique and you'll see repeats of each character "class" frequently. Between the lack of npc individuality, the absence of dialogue/characterization, the NFT-style similarity of each character, and repeated animations, the game does a terrible job of integrating the sex into otherwise acceptable gameplay. The capture system serves as a built-in gallery but it's still a little too disconnected of an experience to work for me.

    The worst part is that all the components are there for this to be a good game, but it fails because it's structured so poorly. If each new type of girl was a floor/biome boss and had just a few lines of dialogue to give some unique characterization it would go a long way to play into the whole goblin fantasy. Corruption and conquest are the core pillars of the goblin fantasy and this game doesn't deliver in any meaningful way.

    The game feels like mass-produced rpgm standard where the game was built first and then lewd sprites were lazily planted in afterwards with no actual care to make a fappable experience. I'd hesitate to recommend this even to people with an extreme goblin fetish. There are just so many better options that don't miss the entire point of the goblin fantasy. You can nab a completed save file with the full "gallery" unlocked, but expect to be disappointed.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Before I found this addictive game, I played a similar one called "The Dungeon of Lulu Farea -Kill, Screw, Marry!".
    I did not like the "puzzle" mechanic in that one, and was worried this was going to be too similar. Instead I found myself spending many hours, having fun with collecting and exploring all the different routes and challanges.
    Only real critic might be the lack of variety, since most of the animations use the same base templet, and all the girls share similar features.
    I loved playing this one so much, I think it gave me a goblin kink.
    Highly recommend trying this game.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Sex game? I dont see a sex game here. You play as a Goblin. His village got burned down and a Godeess appears and gives you the ability to play this game. Than you are in your base. This game rushes to the gameplay. That is not a bad thing. In some sex games I hate the unnecessary prologue/tutorial. Here it gets straight to the point of boring me to death.

    -The gameplay is just trading. Maybe a salesman can enjoy this game. Its just run around click that, get that to get that and get that.
    -The Grind. After seeing how much Gold you make and how much you need to permanently lvl up your shit or get stuff I was already done with the gameplay. So I continued for the sex scenes. Big mistake
    -The sex scenes consist of one image for the girls when getting beaten up in a encounter and then if you can manage to get them into your sex dungeon its a mediocre animated picture.
    -Generic Music and Sound Effects

    +Its finished.
    +The Artwork of the ladies is good.
    +I struggle to find more.

    This game is just not my game. I cant find any enjoyment in it and the sex part of this game is just not worth the grind.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Goblins Strike Back: Instant Fuck Heroines [v3.0] [Ketchup AjiNo Mayonnaise]
    Game that never varies.
    The scenes with the girls are practically all the same, the gameplay is always the same and it's not funny at all, in fact, as far as I'm concerned, I find it quite boring.

    Can you like this type of gameplay? Some people may like it.
    Are the scenes good? No, and here it is an objective factor.
    Is the story good? No, nice incipit but then the story doesn't evolve and the game decides to focus solely on the gameplay, which as I said isn't for me.
    Not recommended!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 5/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 8/10
    Kinks: 5/10
    Overall: 7/10

    Too much ugly crying, but the puzzles are fun.

    This is a game before it is a sex game, and it takes some learning. Leveling up the goblin every single outing, collecting power ups that enhance your starting bonus, strategically using resources to battle, charm, mind break, and defeat heroines. Seriously, if you want a game that edges you onwards to do just one more run, this is it.

    Speaking of the women, you got quite the list to run down. From the basic bitches to the bosses, there's swordswomen, martial artists, mages, beast women, maids, nuns, sorceresses, nobles, knights, princesses, queens, pirates, ninjas, etc etc. The variety I found was very nice, a fantasy women for every taste someone might have. Sadly the content they offer in terms of sex, is crying while being fucked roughly and complaining about having goblin children. Kinda killed my boner, since they are all voice acted and screaming bloody murder is not sexy.

    Anyways, maps are RNG based, puzzles are RNG based, so completing them requires a lot of forethought and planning. Save up supplies, horde resources, collect everything, and do everything you can to not go directly to your intended destination. Take paths that lead places the compass is not pointing to, because those are the areas where you'll locate the big permanent bonuses.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    This game is one of those relatively recently new types of rpg maker games where every map is randomly generated with resources and with whatever you have on you, you are tasked to figure out the best order of operations to get as many resources as you can out of it before moving on. Create elemental stones, trade elemental stones for more magical stones to be changed into elementals, gather gold, absorb energy, fight girls, etc.

    Base line is this game is certainly hit or miss for people. It's a simple concept that might not be fun for some but fun for others due to the slow progression. That said this game is extremely repetitive and is honestly designed in a way that expects you to pump 60 hours into it or something crazy like that. Upgrade costs become so steep that you quickly enter a gameplay loop of exploring, minmaxing your time, reaching the end of your exploration, and then coming back to the base and having just enough gold to buy maybe 1 or 2 upgrades and then repeating that process over and over until the end of time. This type of gameplay is not interactive at all but again the simply strategic aspect of it might be appealing to others.

    There really is no story here, you're a goblin that was about to be slaughtered and some random goddess just bestows upon you the power to fight back and fuck any girls in your way. Drain them of energy, steal their gold, or use capture stones to capture them and put them into your facilities back at the home base. The content is a couple of CG per girl spruced up with some sounds and is always the same so there isn't much variety other than the girls designs themselves.

    It's worth giving a try but honestly with how steep upgrades get as fast as they do I don't imagine there are many people who aren't going to simply download a full save or edit their save so they can hurry up and blow through the repetitive nature of the game much faster. It's a decent mindless experience that you can just throw on while watching something else on the side.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This is an incremental progress game. The expectation is that you play it again and again and again and get minor upgrades every time you play. However, does that make for a good h-game? No. No it doesn't.

    Story 1/10

    There is no story. Your goblin town was raided. Some goddess thing gives you power, a base, and tells you to go conquest. That's it.

    I DNF the game so there may be some plot at the end, but if there is it'd be paper thin.

    Gameplay 3/10

    The main gameplay loop is a per-game per-map puzzle game. You walk around and basically try to min-max your gains. Gains being crystals. Each map is a single screen and there's stuff you can pick up for free and then basically a bunch of trades. Even battles are basically trades because you can choose not to battle. You trade hp to access the tile.

    At the end of a run, you can incrementally increase the value of items you bring back. It's unclear to me what this incremental progress is. I got some items to +10% but I have no idea what that means.

    Additionally at the end of a run you make some permanent gold and permanent energy. You can use this gold/energy to upgrade your base... to make more gold and energy and potentially carry more stuff into your next run.

    I rarely DNF games. It's a pet peeve of mine. But the grind was ridiculous in this game. I played a good 5-10 hours and I made some decent progress... but for what? This is a not an h-game. It's just a game. With h-content strewn about.

    Art 3/10

    There's like 20-ish girls in the game, but they're basically carbon copies of each other. Each model is different, sure, but some of the poses are exactly the same.

    Each girl has around 3 unique poses and 3 shared poses. Shared because they're literally the same.

    And by poses, I mean poses. They're basically static images they display with a splash of flavor text.

    Overall 2/10

    The cute artsy style and the plethora of girls is what attracted me to this game. Don't be tricked. This is not an h-game. It's an extremely grindy incremental puzzle game with a couple of h images strewn around.

    What could they do to improve? I don't even know. Without the grindy puzzler, what does this game even have? It needs more art, more story more of everything. There's a base attack event you can do and for the pirate base, know how many types of girls there are? Two. The regular pirate and the boss pirate. There's just not enough content and the gameplay is not good for an h-game.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game had some decent game mechanics, but did get repetitive after a while, as each run more or less goes the exact same, and it doesn't seem like there's many ideal ways to play besides farming mats, and then getting strong later.

    But that would be more acceptable if it wasn't because all the art in the game is incredibly copy pasted, it's pretty much just the same model with a different outfit 20x times. And there's pretty much nothing here animation wise besides a screen shake.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game that actually worth your time!
    Addicting, somewhat incremental, roguelike, puzzled hoarder simulator, thats the words that I can characterise this game.
    Sex scenes quite lacking, but this game deliver in gameplay department. I am a bit confused why bother making 18+ game in the first place. You can complete camplaing in about 10-15 hours, currently I am quite beyond that, at the 20 hours, buying everything there is and just enjoying meditative gameplay.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Short: Gameplay = 5 stars, Lewds = 3-4 stars, Engine = RPGM, Avg = 4 stars.
    Long review:
    Gameplay is 5 stars.
    Each level is a randomly generated puzzle where you want to use given resources to maximum effect. For example you have to choose if you want to buy a key for 1 red crystal or to buy a pickaxe for 1 green crystal and answer depends on how many picks, keys, red/green crystals you have and how many objects on the level (like chests for keys) may need picks/keys/crystals.
    Yet there is no way to lose - quality of your decisions only affects speed at which you progress through game. This may be bad or good depending on your opinion. Combats (unless you focus on them) are rare and don't take much of your playing time (unlike in many RPGM games). This game's story is simple and doesn't bombard you with walls of text, which is good in my opinion. Overall gameplay is better than most games on the site.
    Now for the lacking part - lewds. I give it 3 stars, someone who is into ugly male protagonist amassing harems may give it 4 stars. Sex scenes are simple and are not a part of gameplay (don't expect things like battle sex or brothel management).
    Finally RPGM is not the best engine for games, so average rating is 4 stars.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I came to fap.
    Then I found one of the best incremental/active idle games I've ever fucking played. This is a ToTS roguelite, I never knew I needed this in my life. The numbers they are going up I haven't touched my dick once while playing this but I have gained more dopamine from seeing the numbers go up than nutting would ever give me.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Good idea, but very poor execution. Extremely grinding. And your effort to do collect all those crystal, food, key, resources in general, will be very bad rewarded.

    Art 6/10
    I like the art, but the most of then are very similar, with just some variation
    Story 1/10
    There's not story, just a goblin who wanna fuck bitches

    A lot of variation of girl
    Rogue-like game

    The game is very bad balanced
    Some features lack of utility
    Extremely repetitive
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable and challenging game if you are playing version 1.07 or with bug fixing (which is available on page 4) and rebalancing (some parts of which I had to do myself - available on page 7).

    The only downside the game has is that dev doesn't have a strong mathematical background so most of the time numbers are not add up together.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Not bad, The base game is dungeon gathering with semi rougelike elements.

    H scene is really basic.
    The game balance is a bit short of perfect.
    The gameplay loop and return system are very well done gameplay-wise.

    There will be some farming, I really enjoyed growing and playing out the hidden map part of this game.