VN - Ren'Py - God's Call [v1.5.1] [Chrys]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    review of 1.51,,

    Why the 2 stars....


    Plot \story is good.characters background story is the best of it..
    Graphics are the normal standar for HS nothing out of the extraordianry..
    Models are size and shape..

    the bad...

    3 paths to chosse...none of them are bad or good..they are diferent..
    All of them have sadistic ppl in it...
    The inwanted sex scenes..its feels a kinetic novel..
    the shemales are called he or him not she or her...

    the worst..

    The sandbox or side quest and map..
    each time a path is open up and or fnish go straight to the sandbox ridiculous...
    Bcs the are only 3 paths is all being scripted so is not a conventional avn is more a kinetic novel is disguise....

    In all fairness i will say have the ptential to be better much better ,but this have being made and put so much effrt on it that is hard to trash it if this can be done....
    i dont think is possible to change anything about the way the game is based ,sometimes the plot is so bad that come to a halt ,...characters are sadistic in a way that you the player realized that doesnt matter wich side you take,there is always bad ppl ,eveil ppl and insane ppl on it..
    this coul led to the point the player can be very dissapointed,.not seing much futher in to the fiture than it can be..
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    You are an effeminate young “man” that wakes up with amnesia in the middle of a desert within a stereotypical magical medieval world. Who will you kill? Who will you save? Who will you fuck?​

    Final Thoughts
    Overall this is a good game with a lot of effort that shows through in the result. However it probably will never be an excellent game because it is held back by a lack luster story and weak writing. 4/5

    Visual Novel with three main paths and some small choices along each one. The paths are considerably different diverging from an early point in the story. There is an optional card battle system used at certain points when fights occur. Its pretty simple and straight forward.​

    The story is OK, something like a C-list anime with a contrived story where the leaders of the world are supposed to look like bad asses but often behave like little children with an intellect to match and only the protagonist and his band of misfits have any agency.​

    The writing is serviceable with some spelling and grammar mistakes but still intelligible. More unfortunate a limited English vocabulary means that lords, ladies, commanders, and even royalty all sound like really emotional children.​

    The character visual designs are quite good with plenty of variation to differentiate everyone. Lots of different body types, clothing, facial expressions. Even soldier characters wearing the same uniform armor can be easily identified from one another. On the other hand the character writing is pretty weak, people shout simple emotions and motivations loudly without wit or subtlety.​

    Models and animations were done with Honey Select. Overall the models, backgrounds, and bits of custom ui are well done and above average. I found some of the sex animations were more funny than sexy but it didn’t hurt my experience of this game.​

    Basically all of the males in this fantasy world are shemales with feminine bodies complete with breasts but with dicks instead of pussies. Effectively everyone in the world looks female but when they get naked the males reveal themselves (as well as pronouns and some in-universe identifiers too). Sexual interactions with such characters is optional to an extent, but the main characters is one such male as well so your mileage may vary.​
    Many if not most characters in the game have large breasts (the average is bigger than the real world but still plausibly realistic) (this goes for both [she]males and females alike). So Big Tit lovers are likely to be pleased.​
    There are some beast-kin characters with animal / furry characteristics, sexual interactions with them are optional.​
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    I couldent really get into the story, stright from the start you see MC saving a random girl he knows nothing about, she could the evil one in the fight but it dosent matter to MC he just saves that single girl while almost killing another girl him self... then he just stands there doing nothing while the rest of them are fighting.

    When it comes to relationships i dont really understand why it has a choice to show if a choice is a LIs route or not, i think i saw it once only and it was waaaay to late since you already fucked her multiple times before ever having a choice of anything.

    As for choices there barely are any in game and when you do finaly see a choice its not one that matters or changes much, other then picking what side you want to play for elves or beasts theres no other game changeing choices atleast none that i noticed.

    That also means its a mindless fuckfest game, but there really all that much fucking going on either so its a very weird game, you do some times see others fuck? which i couldent care less about watching but oh well...

    I also tried the card game thing but its just boring and sometimes it even comes down to luck since your oppenent can have alot better cards then you which means your just fucked.

    Theres quite a few things i dont like in games, like forced LIs and forced fetishes and this one has both of those things.

    MC feels off in so many ways, hes shy and act alot more like a girl but calls him self a man, sure hes very powerfull which is a good since if he wasent he would be everyones slave/cum dumpster, you also needs to really be into the futa since there are no males in this game

    Girls 2/5
    Mostly aimed for big tit fetish and its forced on you as well, a few has cute faces but most just dident do anything for me.

    Animations 3/5
    Pretty average, not great but most of them you can still enjoy watching.

    Music and effects 3/5
    Some times it got annoying other times it was ok so i guess ill call it average.

    Choices 1/5
    Well everything other then picking a side is forced, so you have no choices in relationships or who to fuck or if you want to see others fuck, so pretty much kinetic novel after picking a side.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Saint McDaniels

    for those like me that are not into the futa tag, this is not a typical futa game where they all have enormous cocks and spend their time fucking/being fucked.
    The point is everyone has female looks. The males have a cock, the females have a pussy, while they all look like attractive females.
    The protagonist is interesting, the renders are way above average, but the story and the atmosphere are what grip you to the game. It's a full fledged fantasy world that will take you into a wild ride like the great Japanese cartoons a la Princess Mononoke .
    it's gripping and emotional, you will suffer and cry with the protagonist, you will desire him to succeed in a merciless and brutal world, hidden behind the beauty of the renders and the good soundtrack. I definitely recommend anyone to at least give it a try!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    First thing i experience from this game is a straight rip off from P5 , word for word and ( from my memory) the same voice, merely slightly tweaked. W-O-W. Much originality and creativity there my guy ,very good start.

    The MC is infuriously beta. Shy and naive to retarded levels, while, of course, being insanely powerfull/infinite potential because otherwise, he would have to actually face the consequences of their personality.

    The story is very anime like and very childishly edgy at times. Up to you if you like those type of narrative style.

    The game want to make you beleive there is males in this games. There is not. There is only females and futas. But despite it being painfully obvious , the game will try to gaslight you about the absolute bombshell with DD breast being "male".

    The visuals are okay , but to me, the visual of a game do not matter so i will not grant or remove points based on that.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never done a review but I felt compelled because I feel that most of the bad reviews here do not do the game justice, because they aren't being objective but rather subjective and biased towards their own opinions.
    And that's no longer a review, that's an opinion.

    It's as if you're going to a seafood restaurant and complain that they do not have meat.

    With that out of the way, let's address the elephant in the room.

    The genders/characters

    They are futas/weird combinations, males look exactly like mostly with big breasts and a dick and balls. Females are your regular females, with a vagina.

    This point comes first because this might not be for you, you can imagine it as if the game only had females, but some of them pack a gun in their crotch. If this isn't for you that's fine.

    This is a subjective point so it's just something to have in mind.

    The Story (Prologue)

    The story starts as the usual cliché of an overpowered being dropped with amnesia. This part itself is okay. It feeds a LOT of information to the player and that is most likely overwhelming for everyone. However the more you progress the easier it is to digest, because the base plot isn't convoluted. And we can summarize it quite easily.

    - We learn that males look identical to females.
    And that small breasts are rare for some reason.
    [Get cucked pedos :LUL:]

    - There are races, three to be precise.
    Elven, Beasts and Humans

    - We find that Humans are at war with the Beasts.
    [And a strong message that the beasts might be evil]

    - And you get drafted to the military because you had just saved someone, one of the main Heroines. This part felt a bit rushed however but it is understandable that it might have just felt like padding the plot if it had gone otherwise.

    - You meet the squad/main heroines.

    It's not a bad start but it's not an amazing start either, you get hints of intrigue here and there that spice the experience into pushing forward for things you know aren't just right.

    The Story (Continuation)

    I won't spoil what makes this game good, which is not the prologue that is for sure. It's the depth that the story can go and the fact that this game can be and will be brutal.

    A character you like may die, at times you expect it but it will still shock you.
    But at the same time (currently at v1.4.1) it has a very good balance of... "deaths."
    It's not oversaturated that you know they'll die, you don't really know.
    But boy you can never shake that feeling.

    That in my opinion is one of the best storytelling aspects that God's Call has.
    We've seen planned things go wrong, your choices killing a person among others.

    And with that last statement...

    The World & Choices

    This game is absurd to have gone the way it has gone.
    There are 3 routes.

    These aren't your "run of the mill" routes, these are entirely separate realities.
    When you reach Chapter 2 the game will take your past choices and scale them on a "Race/Alignment" and you'll have different available paths with your previous choices, these paths are extremely different to the point they could have been a different game all-together.

    This game has too much content, to put it in perspective it has around 7000-8000 current renders. Most complete games are near that mark.
    God's Call is halfway through... of each individual route.
    [And the human route isn't even at half yet.]

    And I find it very amusing that the best way to play this game for it's Lore and World building is to play all three routes. Many answers to questions are sprinkled between the three routes, and I find that an excellent decision and good storytelling. Most developers cannot write a concise and entertaining story, much less an intertwined world.

    The Flaws

    All that said, it isn't all roses and flowers.
    The game has that stingy/awkward anime feeling at times that I do enjoy, but they overlap with the seriousness of the story and that duality can give you a slap on the face.

    There are missing holes in the plot and things are explained in a way that allow the plot to move forward, that is fine at best but it can sometimes leave that shallow experience in certain moments of the game.

    These scenarios are forced ones, if you the player don't want it.
    The game is very choice-focused but the ones that it gives you, are calculated. I understand that this is to keep the scope down... but it leaves you with a sour taste in your mouth, I give you an example, a forced rape scene.
    I understand it IS the plot and part of the main story but that's something that affects the main character.

    The reason of why this is bad, is that the character is meant to be a blank slate. So you would be the one in "control" but it just gives you that illusion.
    And as of now Chapter 3 of the Beasts had an amazing ending sequence.
    But I wish it didn't go on that path.

    The sound effects are good but not amazing. The main negative point are the sex scenes being devoid of sound effects, it lacks them completely.

    The minigame.
    I find it fun don't get me wrong, it's a well-developed minigame. But I still feel that it's misplaced. I rather see those battles than play a card game, since the dev can clearly make good battles [visually and with pleasing battle choreography ].
    I wish the card game was scrapped in favor of more action-focused sequences.

    The long wait times between updates now that Chrys started developing another game. I personally love the game, but updates take a back seat now.
    So it feels like an eternity waiting for the next update.

    The Merits

    The soundtrack is phenomenal. It is very high quality.
    That's all I have to say about it.

    The visuals are absolutely stunning at times, it is quite good in terms of raw quality. However no custom animations like Eternum for the action sequences, but the action sequences are full of "oomph" and power it's a shame they can't be animated but they look really good. I still think the visual effects on some of the attacks/magic effects are surreal.
    [Some are of mixed quality but as a small dev doing this amount of work I'll praise it where praise is due.]

    The attention to detail is very cool to see, characters get "damaged" and hurt so to speak, you get to see a lot of nasty stuff and that is really well done.
    Bruises, blood, death, dismemberment, gore it doesn't hold back at all.

    Characters will die in very brutal ways.

    Characters get bloodier as fights go on, this makes it more of an impact to complement an immersive experience, more than I ever could have expected it would.

    The UI is very pleasing and intuitive, Chrys has the habit of doing a little too much for the UI.
    It looks stellar, I remember seeing the map upgrade and the hub being completed, I have to say, great job!

    I wish more games (including big-name games) valued my eyes and you value them.

    The characters and pacing of the plot are very spot-on as well.
    ALL the characters feel unique, some cliché of course, but they have depth which is an oddity in this genre of games to say the least. They have their own lives and have their own values, reasons and backgrounds. Not ALL characters are perfectly developed but those that are (belong to the main cast / integral to the plot) are really well done.
    [Although I firmly believe better can be done with more time.]

    Updates are packed with content, and recently, each chapter is getting bigger and bigger!
    We're getting close to 2000 renders with hundreds of animations per update.
    [The last two had 1900+ and 1600+ respectively]
    One of the bad points of God's Call is its months of development time, but they do pack a helluva punch more than most devs bother to do even when their development is around the same.

    So that's God's Call.


    It's an experience to say the least, you'll have a lot of feelings playing this game. And I don't mean it will only make you sad. It will make you feel the entire fucking scope of feelings, from sadness to uncontrollable rage where you want to nuke the humans out of the fucking planet those motherf-.

    It's not for everyone, if you can get past the point of the gender shenanigans there's an amazing plot and characters awaiting you in this dark fantasy world.

    And character design?
    There are so many varied, unique, and overall very beautiful characters be they male or female.

    It takes itself very seriously and plot armor will do little to save whoever you think it might save, but balanced enough that it makes it feel compelling and at points at the edge of your seat to see the outcome.
    I honestly wouldn't even rule out the possibility of the main character dying, and its implications would be tremendous and that would affect that entire plot in a very interesting way.

    Chrys as a developer took a gamble, this is a project with extreme ambition and passion.

    That's why it is so good, despite not being perfect.


  7. 1.00 star(s)

    The the Guy

    Im only in the prologue but the beginning of this kinda drags out for a while and its just a lot of exposition and character intros. theyre all just kinda thrown in there back to back.

    Its really only been you wake up immediately save a lady youve never met before then she takes you to the city and just kinda trys to throw you into the army then you get interrogated and let free in minutes. Then the game just continues as if that didnt happen and starts introducing more characters.

    Just the description of that sounds like it should be the story of the first arc or chapter of a story but i dont even think all thats a half hour into the game. like slow it down a little it feels like your trying to brute force your way through these plot point. At the end of the day this is a porn game lets go through some sex scenes or some accidental walk ins on naked characters through out all this. break it up with fun interactions. Even if youre going for a more serious story all of that should still be broken up a little bit.

    I wanna like this game but that intro is just really tough to get through. I say all that happens in like half an hour i think but it felt like it took 2 hours because of how boring and how much of a slog it is.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    Another game with an interesting synopsis and some plausible art, but the construction is so confusing that it let me down!
    OK, it's understandable that this game is designed for teenage boys or people with weird fetishes!

    The only good things about this game are the art style songs and the animation. Besides, I didn't see anything else interesting in this game.

    Bad points:

    There are minigames that are mostly boring and annoying, only at the beginning of the game I managed to lose 6 times to the enemy because the opponent only had strong cards and I had weak cards, not to mention that it was some kind of boring card game, during the second invasion of humans in the that settlement dominated by the beasts. so as usual, I recommend skipping all kinds of minigames, if you don't want to suffer.

    about story, is just filled with overused anime tropes. you are the chosen one some kind of demigod with no memories, you must lead the three great nations to world peace, elves, human and beasts they are at war for supremacy, all three major factions are scumbags and bosses, so there is no midfield, it's up to you to choose which side to ally with.

    MC is EXTREMELY: shy, prudish, soft-hearted, naive, soy boy, etc... luckily he's not weak, otherwise he'd just be a punching bag!

    Okay, basically besides the MC's problematic personality, his character is male, and he is known as male but has breasts, small but has breasts. as if that were not enough, this rule is valid for the same for all other "men". So for people like me who like male or female characters it's a big problem because you are constantly referred to as male even though having breasts and a very female face. So if prefer more "vanilla" heterosexual content and story makes it feel alien. because your character looks very feminine and is not really masculine either, and you never know which character in this game is male or female! why do some guys of them have huge breasts? Also, Just correcting myself there no “male” characters in this games, only trans and women.

    Honestly, I don't understand what goes on in the head of the DEV? this game just about gender-bender characters filled with overused anime tropes. Hell, in 40 minutes of the game, he hinted that the main idea of the game is to show that he likes FEMBOY?!

    Welp, the developer may have all kinds of weird fetish things, but forcing players to do these weird things really reduces this game's potential player base, a option to hide and skip all trap content in the game would be nice!

    Supposedly the way to fix this is to turn more playable, let the player himself define the character's gender during the game or at the beginning, I have no problem playing with male or female mc.

    Honestly, this is my experience with this game which was extremely negative, however much the synopsis and art of the game attracted me it was disappointing to the point of negative a game, so I don't like to negative games. Anyway, good luck there dev!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I, for one, welcome the trap MC! Cheers! Very obviously a lot of effort put into this, between the music, the videos and even kind of passable writing (for a porn game). Good on ya, I will be watching your career with great interest!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    It's seems like this game is designed for teenager boys.
    The only good things about this game is the art style and animation.

    Here come the bad list (for me at least):
    MC is EXTREMELY: timid, prude, pushover, weakminded, naive, soy, etc...
    Story is very meh, so far as there aren't much "choices". Harem game but nowhere to been seen a harem.
    Also with this kind of setting, u are expected for this to be a debauched game. I expected there should be: Orgies, Gangbang, Group sex, running train, etc... BUT so far there aren't much sexual contents
    Game is not optimized

    TBH, the thing that put me off the most is the MC character mindset. Same loser mindset as all these shounen mc character commonly in manga/anime.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.3

    The only real regret i have when it comes to playing this game, it is the fact that i didnt wait until God's call was further in development. The game is not even half finished and i cant really tell if this game is good or amazing.

    I really like the story and its setup, it allows you, the player, to choose who to support and what type of future you want for the world. I appreciate a game that add weight to your choices, even now, the game showed you that rejecting someones love has heavy consequences, which not a lot of games make you hesitate and rethink if rejecting a characters love route was the right decision, its not a real problem in other games, you can just do the route on a new playthrough. Plus, i do love game that are not afraid to kill characters, especially when it comes to games that puts the weight of the world on a players shoulders.

    Another thing that really stood out was the music selection and the background art. The music in this game is good, with a lot of variety that fit the setting and better yet, fit the situation in which you are in. The background art was not left behind for the characters art, both are really good, but the art of the world really did give life to a fantasy world.

    The characters themself are really good, not amazing, but well done. Its a bit too early in the games development for me to say if the characters are good or amazing, but i can see the potential for a really good character driven game.

    One thing that i will heavily criticize, is the fact that you dont have a choice. Sure you can pick which path you will take and who will you support, you also can pick a love route that you can enjoy. But there are no other choices given to you, its a very linear story as of this point. I would not be incorrect if i described this game as a 3 smaller games combined into one. You get three main choices that are a radically different answers given by the dev gods in the pivotal test of characters moment.

    If this game was further in development, i would have given it a 4/5, but i decided to give it 5/5 for the potential of this game being great. The potential of greatness is there, but i cannot tell if it will be achieved.

    Keep up the good work Developers, i hope you all the best with your game.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Shock factor just for the sake of it. Just randomly killing characters the audience like as a cheap way to create an emotional response. Needlessly brutal, too on the nose, no subtlety at all. Filled with overused anime tropes.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    As usual, first an individual rating on each criteria then a general rating on the game at the end. Played version 1.2.1 (all paths).

    Graphics: 4/5

    3D models, they look very good overall despite a few little quirks here and there, like the color difference between cock and body. A handful of really well-designed characters (Orion for instance). All sex scenes are animated which is definitely a plus.

    Feels like this game really pushes the RenPy software to its limits, for example there's that animated main menu screen that bugs whenever you click on options and go back. Maybe this game should run on different software, although I'm not knowledgeable enough to make any recommendations in that department.

    Story: 4/5

    The writing quality is solid, although nothing amazing either. The plot is pretty good, it's even surprisingly detailed on some aspects (like that little thing about the different types of mana). I'd like more of that personally but maybe move that to some sort of "codex" to not annoy people who are only here for the horny content and don't care about lore.

    There's a map which is helpful although I'd prefer if there was a button on the side somewhere to display it at any time. There's so many moments where a place or city is mentioned and I have no clue what they're talking about.

    Music: 4/5

    It gets a bit too quiet or disappears altogether sometimes, I'd like it to be more consistent, but decent overall

    Gameplay and UI: 5/5

    There's a map like I mentioned, also choices and minigames which is very refreshing, a lot of VN-type games don't bother with that type of stuff.

    There's a significant problem that's I'd like to mention though that doesn't really fit into any of the categories and that's the dubious choices when it comes to sex content.

    Ok so basically ( little spoiler) your character is male, referred to as male, but has tits. And it's the same for all the other "males". So for people like me who like futa it's a huge turn-off because you're constantly being referred to as a male, and your character has very small tits.

    But for people who prefer more "vanilla" heterosexual content it's also weird because your character looks very feminine and is not really "male" either.

    Honestly can't even understand what sort of kink this is supposed to cater to? Femboys? But then why some of them have massive tits? I really have no idea, maybe it's the dev that has some weird fantasies. I'm not kink-shaming or anything but forcing the players into that weird stuff really reduces the potential playerbase of this game.

    The best way to fix this is:

    - Include an option to change the pronouns ( I only played the game because some guy in the thread made a mod doing exactly that, but it's the dev's job imo)

    - Include an option for the MC's tits size. Considering how many 3D models have been created for this game changing 1 of them slightly would not require a lot of work but it would dramatically improve the experience for people like me.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game... The story is just beautiful and the renders are also very good for a honey select gaane... The gender pronouns being used feel a little wierd to me and the dialogue is sometimes a little immature in places but the story is very engaging and interesting... The characters are also decently written... Don't try if you don't like futa cause there'll be nothing in the game for you but for everyone else, this is recommended...
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I do not know why this scores so high.

    It is an average game at best. It has great potential. In a great world. A lot of different direction can be chosen. But every choice, just leads you to getting kicked around. The only thing you do, is pick a direction. But for the rest, you just get beaten down. During important moments, you do not have a choice. This game could learn a lot from the choices in desert stalker. Where your choices actually matter. Where your choices actually makes you feel like a bad ass. Plus this game has a bit too much bad written anime for me. I wont be coming back to this game.

    Quality overall: 7
    Models: 7
    Story: 5
    Choices: 3
    Sound: 8
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Played this hoping the rape tag would be accurate, for all the other people out there looking for that content look elsewhere, the only rape in this is one that's stopped by the protagonist.

    As for the game itself it's mostly ok, storing/writing/graphics are all pretty average. There's only a few sex scenes in the game right now, making it more of a military/political thriller than an erotic game
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good, has nice animations, good fights, great story and the developer seems to be putting their heart into this project which I like a lot, it's the first game that while playing I was thinking to myself that I definitely need to support the developer for such a good game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game If you like futa and females characters without males in the middle, the story feels solid, each of the three paths highly differs from each other and each character is Very likeable.
    The graphics could be better but the design of the characters and the other aspects of the game outshines It so Its okay.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    overall great concept and visuals are high quality....

    - not much in the way of choices after an hour of play 2 choices, makes it get boring and become a struggle/trudge very quickly
    - messed up skeleton causing nasty clipping in the models such as spaulder turning and clipping into boobs and neck...
    - video's are overtop for renpy, not sure why the dev did not go for a full on game instead of renpy...

    - amazing visuals/graphics
    - solid story and plot for the most part
    - good idea with card game type play (rage style) for fighting specially for a renpy...

    overall really well done, but for the quality really should have made a full on game such as rpg/fps style or something...
    it really would have been better that way, however the downside is lack of interactions/choices in this renpy...
    the dev should go back and consider (when the renpy is finished) redoing this in a full game or possibly doing something similar to RPGm possibly where it would make much more sense....

    good game, could be great with more choices/interactions such as being able to navigate the cities/areas and maybe more intimate interactions for building up relationships with NPCs or something.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    In a tumultuous fantasy world, the goddess Celeste sends down an individual to put an end to long standing conflict between three races. The humans have enslaved the elves, and they are waging constant war on the beastfolk. Guide the protagonist Kai through your choices, across three entirely different routes based on how to resolve the conflict. In the human route, you will conform to their ways and try to help win the war for them. In the elf route, you will try to liberate the enslaved elves. And finally in the beast route, you will seek retribution for the human’s wicked actions. Each route is entirely unique, and you will discover different locations, plot lines, and characters. The renders are gorgeous, the fight scenes are impressive and well choreographed, and the H scenes are very very good (they are animated as well). The world is incredibly interesting with a very real weight to it. The story is very compelling, and you will want to play each distinct route to see all the paths the story takes. There is also an incredible gallery in the game that allows you to review literally every scene in the game after you’ve see them once. There is even a glossary with extra lore added into it, including character bios and information about different species and locations. You can tell the game was crafted carefully and with love. Just play it; you won’t regret it I promise you.