There are several things a like about this game. It stands in a line of dark fantasy games about succubae and incubi, that try to combine a solid fantasy story with erotica.
The premise is kind of the college game genre of fantasy adult novels. Add to this some sandboxes that you have to learn to navigate and it can get quite annoying. That's why I required three starts until I finally managed to play this VN to the end of 0.4.
What I like about Golden Mean is that the family is actually quite likable, and that includes the father who has actually some nice husband moves going on. So, to see his relationship with the mother unfold was quite fun to watch, especially since our MC acted quite reserved and didn't start out as a manipulative creep. His dynamic with his sisters seems genuine to me and I enjoyed the content. Lewd content takes quite some time to develop, which is perfectly fine in my book.
Now that I arrive at the end of the prologue (so to say) I realize however, that there is a huge risk that we fall into the popular genre traps. This could easily become a trainer-like, an abuse-focused game, a game with a superior MC who suddenly has everything and everyone under his thumb, maybe with some ntr-pathing to give the illusion of choice.
That's a genuine fear I have, because there are some occult characters that have been introduced that I genuinely liked. My absolute favorite is the doc, because her dry humor and sarcasm are rare among AVN characters. I'd like to see more of her, to see her have more influence, and to see options for the MC besides merely creeping out on his family one way or another.
I mean, this is a story about sex demons, so I don't expect a fairy tale, but offer some agency here, yeah?
Both in terms of visuals, atmosphere and character designs I am very happy with the result so far. This could become a great fantasy plot or degrade to a trainer-like corruption novel. But I'll adjust my rating when that actually happens.
The premise is kind of the college game genre of fantasy adult novels. Add to this some sandboxes that you have to learn to navigate and it can get quite annoying. That's why I required three starts until I finally managed to play this VN to the end of 0.4.
What I like about Golden Mean is that the family is actually quite likable, and that includes the father who has actually some nice husband moves going on. So, to see his relationship with the mother unfold was quite fun to watch, especially since our MC acted quite reserved and didn't start out as a manipulative creep. His dynamic with his sisters seems genuine to me and I enjoyed the content. Lewd content takes quite some time to develop, which is perfectly fine in my book.
Now that I arrive at the end of the prologue (so to say) I realize however, that there is a huge risk that we fall into the popular genre traps. This could easily become a trainer-like, an abuse-focused game, a game with a superior MC who suddenly has everything and everyone under his thumb, maybe with some ntr-pathing to give the illusion of choice.
That's a genuine fear I have, because there are some occult characters that have been introduced that I genuinely liked. My absolute favorite is the doc, because her dry humor and sarcasm are rare among AVN characters. I'd like to see more of her, to see her have more influence, and to see options for the MC besides merely creeping out on his family one way or another.
I mean, this is a story about sex demons, so I don't expect a fairy tale, but offer some agency here, yeah?
Both in terms of visuals, atmosphere and character designs I am very happy with the result so far. This could become a great fantasy plot or degrade to a trainer-like corruption novel. But I'll adjust my rating when that actually happens.