[R>Artist 2D] [R>Programmer] [R>Writer] Paid Goobies needs YOU!


Active Member
Mar 28, 2023

You mentioned humor and comedy in different genres...

Now that caught my attention. Currently involved in screen writing on one project that is not to labor intensive... writing consultant for a couple of games for world builds, economies, military, history, fantasy, realism...etc... Sadly, haven't had many opportunities to write humorous stories; however, in college literature I wrote a lot of humorous papers.

I'd be willing to assist for the fun of it. I know you're going through resumes at this moment, so if interested, hit me up and I'll share my Discord address. Oh, least I forget, would be willing to assist with other writers.


Apr 6, 2023
Can the NSFW sandbox game of the future be turned into an adult monster collecting game a la Pokemon? Because if so I have just the thing. Have a doc with all of the ideas, though they might seem a little stream of counciousness. Mostly because it was. If the idea appeals to you and the Goobies, please let me know either by DM or Discord. wariodude128#1364.


New Member
Aug 1, 2022
Hey there! I'm a professional NSFW artist and this sounds like an interesting project. Feel free to contact me @ Eliseo#5591! I can show you some of my recent work and do some tests for you, if you'd like to. That style in your sketches seems lovely and i would love to give it a shot and discuss rates. Cheers!
Apr 17, 2020
I'm interested in offering my services as a writer and even as a proofreader for this project. Please, feel more than free to shoot me a message. You can find me here or on Discord as CrimsonSpiralErotica.


New Member
Jun 4, 2020
I am a freelance concept artist and illustrator. I'm interested in helping you on this project
Check out my Cara for portfolio:
Let me know if you're interested
contact: nartass285@gmail.com
Thank you!
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