It's a long story I'm not willing to write, so TLDR Chiaki wasn't planned to be love interest since she was just initially a little kid in the story, but she got aged up due to this whole thing with trying to get the game approved on Steam since they didn't approve of a kid with no sexual scenes in the story being in a sexual game.Hey guys sorry if this was asked and answered 100 times before but I just discovered this game and I'm really curious, what's the plan with Chiaki? As far as I can see there is no content with her yet, did the developer adress this? What are they planning with her character?
Anyway I have to say this game seems great and I can't wait to play more of it, great job dev, keep it up!
So since Chiaki got aged up and this design is staying, she's a love interest now and she will probably get her own route eventually. Maybe her route will start after this next update that is focusing on the femdom Noriko route, though don't take me at face value, I could be wrong. Also, sorry dev if I got any part of the story wrong about what happened with Steam.