Yes sir!RNGeusEX, would you mind giving us an idea on how light/heavy the femdom aspect will be in this game?(without spoiling too much of course)
Thanks for a MC in VN +18 of indie dev that is not a complete retarded with a bless hanging between his legs or the guy who just take advantage to become in the Alpha male of a new mankind with MC as the Allfather or the guy who just goes full dark side mode taking revenge and manipulating everyone. I hope this have an incest patch because this vainilla dialogs are a bit unnerving. I must say that is very well develop the interface, is pretty refreshing to me. The bad thing is the money hide around, it feels very random, no clues and consume memory clicking like crazy around the whole screen (at least for my laptop with 3GB of ram). I completed the 100% of the content in this v0.1 release, i hope next releases maintain compatibility to not pass again into finding money. Oh yeah... reading some comments here... I hope you introduce a class companion of MC as a snowflake that irritates MC, trying to distract him because is a girl very hot, and having the option to indulge, complain or as like with Noriko to tell her to just fuck off.Yes sir!
The femdom is done in a progressive way, it is difficult to explain it without spoiling too much.
But to make it simple, ignoring Noriko or reacting too weakly to her attacks will activate some levers that as soon as she has the upper hand on you she will take advantage of.
She will gradually test things and discover a dominating side that will excite her a lot. She will test more and more things, and it is not necessary to make bdsm in femdom, things can also be told differently.
Yes, the saves will be compatible, the game has been developed taking into account this particularity. If I have worked well you can continue your adventure without worriesRNGeusEX, In the next and future updates, is old saves usable or no?
The new version will be released by the end of June/beginning of July for all pledgers, the public version will be released two weeks later. The new version will focus on Noriko, it's time to take action or not.what is the estimated day till the game updates. Can't wait for the next update!!!
Agreed. It's amazing how many snowflakes there can be on a site like this of all places. Just wait until they find out there is an actual oppression fetish.Jeez yall so FUCKING soft. Its a fucking flag. "oMg oPpResSiOn" get a fucking life.
Or at least, making a poll in his Patreon asking about those thing to determine if is necessary (something like "What the Rising Sun Flag means to you and do you believe it could means for MC?. Read ya'll in the comments Patreons, don't forget to vote and comment (poll will close XX days)". This reminds me of the recent incident of J. Scott Campbell vs Tumblr, Campbell literally just take it as a free initiative of an artist but the same, he ended sweeping the floor by commenting all the mistakes of the artist who "fix" his work in a professional way and by making the REAL FIX of "the fix". To Dev, I posted the spoiler about the flag incident (though late) because the flag is still in use on Japan and not all japaneses take it with like something bad, it still appear in anime, newspapers, soda drink (and other things), is part of the culture, even those who criticize the swauvastika they only remember the "Nazy incident" and forget things like that symbol was used for years by Christians in the times of the first christians before Rome conversion, it's called Gammadion Cross. Dev, i don't think it was bad to have the flag in MC room, it's part of their culture and history, defend your creativity liberty (more love for your own workAgreed. It's amazing how many snowflakes there can be on a site like this of all places. Just wait until they find out there is an actual oppression fetish.
Dev, please don't make the mistake some Japanese animators have by placating a small but loud minority of your commenters. Chances are they won't be the ones supporting your game development anyway.
I agree what you said although I don't think a poll would be necessary. The people with nothing better to do than gripe about a piece of background in game (That as you pointed out, is in common use in irl Japan) just need to get a life and do something productive. Those of us who matter are here to show our love for a great game.Or at least, making a poll in his Patreon asking about those thing to determine if is necessary (something like "What the Rising Sun Flag means to you and do you believe it could means for MC?. Read ya'll in the comments Patreons, don't forget to vote and comment (poll will close XX days)". This reminds me of the recent incident of J. Scott Campbell vs Tumblr, Campbell literally just take it as a free initiative of an artist but the same, he ended sweeping the floor by commenting all the mistakes of the artist who "fix" his work in a professional way and by making the REAL FIX of "the fix". To Dev, I posted the spoiler about the flag incident (though late) because the flag is still in use on Japan and not all japaneses take it with like something bad, it still appear in anime, newspapers, soda drink (and other things), is part of the culture, even those who criticize the swauvastika they only remember the "Nazy incident" and forget things like that symbol was used for years by Christians in the times of the first christians before Rome conversion, it's called Gammadion Cross. Dev, i don't think it was bad to have the flag in MC room, it's part of their culture and history, defend your creativity liberty (more love for your own work).