Others - Goodbye Eternity [v0.10.3] [RNGeusEX]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    I had 5 crashes in 3 mins of play time, that is on supposedly bug fixed 0.9.1 latest version. The game is inplayable clunk. The text is so slow, you can fall sleeping while a single sentence loads. Why is there no text speed setting in menu? Skip text is completely bugged, not only freezes game but it does not show what text you are skipping.

    I have seen this game 3 years ago, it is sad that it is still not playable, even worse apparently the dev has been getting rich on a broken mess.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game a lot, and I've been following it's development for a while and tbh I don't mind the engine switch if it makes easier for the dev, though he definitely needs to fix the bugs. Now with that out of the way with this update 0.9, not gonna lie I was expecting more of Noriko taking the lead in the you know femdom route. Now I'm not upset like some are that it's the love route since the dev said a while back that both the male and femdom are the love routes for Noriko, but still not gonna lie like I said I was kinda hoping that Noriko would be taking more a lead in the scenes, but oh well what can you do, I still enjoyed and I hope that this game continues to have a good development cause I enjoy it. So that's why it's 4/5 in my eyes
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.9 Update[ Femdom route for Noriko]:

    Version is Extremely buggy, crashes during skipping, and after a short time.
    Crashed dozens of times as I saved and loaded every day and event till I reached the end of Femdom Route with Noriko.


    1) Firstly the Art, 5/5 beautiful as usual

    2) Sexual Writing could use major work 2/5 at best

    3) Storyline is pretty good 4/5

    Progression since last update is impressive as a whole.

    Now, the Negatives:

    1) Very Buggy

    2)Progression is not shown (earlier versions had characters' icons appear to tell you if anything is to be done)

    3) "Femdom" is nowhere to be seen, let me ellaborate:

    The "femdom" part is just as misleading as the "maledom" part, which was Love route at best instead of Blackmail/Dominating .
    Femdom route is more like Roundabout love path, never been more dissapointed with how even the supposed scenes were written and played out.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    ok i just started playing this game and im already giving it a good rating, because ive only been playing for 30 minutes and am already laughing my ass off. this game is hilarious af. Macumba is such a funny character. I have a good feeling about this guy , except the things he said he would do with that bench, that scared me. also love the anime references.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've ever played on here. Good story, nice graphics + animations and no unnecessary grinding. I can highly recommend Goodbye Eternity! Especially for people with an incest kink ;)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I eager to see how the story will unfold once the college starts. Good animation and art style, might be the best for me personally. The game delivers very emotional story. I would love to see those thugs gets avenged, but then it might be less interesting. I don't know, but blood and death makes the story more interesting than giving vanilla harem story.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics and art style 10/10
    Story needs work , could be amazing , and the time travel idea is dope
    If the dev had more ppl working for the game maybe the overall quality would be GOD tier !! Animations and artwork are so so good !! i clearly thought that devs used ai to draw background and all !! Characters are good , sex scenes are great and tbh for a game like this godot engine seems to be a pretty good choice . I would love seeing the progression of story in a unique way !!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really don't like Ren'Py but sometimes I make exceptions for gemmies like these that have an interesting story and content. The art style is great, too, I fancy it a lot. The game is a lot more frustrating to play on mobile, but it was nevertheless an enjoyable experience and I hope to see more from this Developer. In the future, I will consider supporting their project when I have more liquidity.
    The story is interesting - I feel like it's executed very well. There's a lot of cliches, but they're in the right places, so it doesn't take away the personal enjoyment of the game. There's a deep sense of emotions poured into it, and it's such a good experience to immerse myself in. Also, I'm glad Netoru lost, otherwise I'd have ate noodles out of a toilet and uninstalled the game immediately.
    The supporting characters are truly perfect. Macumba is obviously the best character ever. He's a bro... a homie... a protector, a guardian, a real friend. I've never had such deeply ingrained emotions for a fictitious buff black man before. Okay, that's a lie, but everybody loves Lee Everett from Telltale's TWD.
    I hardly appreciate linear games, but this one's good, despite me playing most of it without sound. The ability to make path choices is also nice, so that it gives me the ability to get a sense of the main character and look through the 'true' eyes of him.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Well after playing it for while i must say that only good thing about this game is the art and the sex scenes.

    The story is absolute mess. It seems that the dev has absolutly no story outline and jsut make things as he or she goes. The characters are most of the time absolutly annoying including the MC. One of the girls is yandere that at one point in the game tells you to break up with every women and you don't have a option to tell her to fuck off. I really hate when game takes away agency from the player this shit belongs in kinetic novels not in sandbox.

    That brings me to say this: Don't trust the sandbox tag this game is totaly linear with exception of moving around the city.

    So yeah like i mentioned good art and sex scenes but the story suck.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    I'm Fucking Red

    Version 0.8.1

    Let's start talking positives here. The art and character design is pretty good, I really like the aesthetic and some of the sex scenes were enjoyable as well, but it doesn't make up for the negatives of the game. This is a below average game in all departaments, minus the art.

    The game has three massive problems in my opinion.
    1- The pace is horrible, the game is disguised as a sandbox game when it is almost completely linear. It is a cool map with very beautiful backgrounds, but it doesn't matter when the map is completely empty (excluding the goddamn extra cash).

    2- The story is simply put, bad. It seems like the script was based of some isekais and there's even a cool little joke monologue when the MC is running and Asami is reading a book about isekais, pretty cool moment, but nonetheless it's so bad. The tone of the story makes it seem like it's being written by an angsty teenager, the plot about revenge and shit doesn't make sense when the MC is completely braindead, the "plot twists" about the girl in the kimono and the MC's best friend are also so goddamn predictable it hurts. The story is definitely the biggest flaw in this game.

    3- The girls... Oh boy the girls. All paths are unavoidable, you can't just not be on a girl path, you are forced to choose one route, the romance is so bad, there's a crazy ass yandere, a tsundere that choose to make thugs beat up her brother for... reasons, and even decided to be fuckbudies with the most obvious "bad guy archetype ever", the mom who just gave in WAY too easily to fucking her own goddamn son and the random girl who went to play videogames with the MC and found out he is the love of his life. I mean, it's a porn game, I get that story doesn't have to be good in the first place, but when it's so bad and so prevalent in the game, it's such a huge let down. The only girl I was mildly interested in was the mom of the tomboy (she's a typical cougar type but oh well, also no content with her for now).

    There's also so many strange plots that are going to be explored in the future, the fact that they have to buy weapons and shit for some plot point, the fact that the MC "best friend" is involved in some yakuza drug dealing type shit, the drug itself that makes people... love the first person they see when they wake up, after taking three doses and that gets more effective the more you hate that person... seriously, even for a game with a lot of future ahead, the story seems like it's only going to get worse, which is dreadful. Some things are also such weird decisions, like having only one path able to be chosen on certain choices and money being useless in game (even if there's a plot point about gathering 50k).

    I don't want this review to come as too harsh on the dev, I'm sure he had a vision going into the project and it isn't a half baked project either. Had no bugs or issues while playing the game and that's a testament that shows that passion went into the project, and I'm sure there's a lot of potential hidden on this game.

    That being said, for now at least, it's not worth the time invested to play this game. You would be better off just watching the gallery scenes instead. I hope this project brings out the potential it has hidden and turns into an amazing game in the future.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I imagine the version number is unintentionally deceptive. The current version is 0.8.1 but it's more like a 0.08.1. That's just how version numbers work I guess, and starting with version 0.10 I guess it might more accurately show how developed the game is.

    Anyway let's talk about my low rating! To start with, the artwork is really impressive as everyone says. Definitely above-average, but I feel like the game needs more sort of intermediary art pieces to illustrate what people are doing in scenes. The scenes of the protagonist running through the park and the lead-up to meeting Asami are good examples of this, but aside from that I feel like more needs to be done to match the average VN.

    Story-wise there's definitely a huge pacing issue, everything happens too fast. The story plays out like a normal VN which requires you to navigate a sandbox map to go to the next scene. The typical flow is: the protagonist thinks of somewhere he wants to be, you go there, the protagonist does his thing, the protagonist thinks of somewhere he wants to be... The good thing about the whole story is the premise isn't bad, at least. It's clear that this isn't just a "protagonist trying to live a happy life" story though, he's aiming to make some serious changes to the world around him.

    For the adult scenes there's not much to them but one still or animated art piece. As said above, it's lacking in intermediary art to make the scene more appealing. If the scene isn't well developed with multiple art pieces and good dialog/narration, then the game is losing a competition against porn artwork sites that have hundreds of thousands of art pieces of the same quality as it.

    Currently the negatives I've seen so far for this game (even considering how early in development it is) is below-average story writing and pacing, below-average artwork variety, and too few sandbox elements that make the sandbox style a detriment to the gameplay.

    I don't want to be harsh, I'm just trying to point out the game's shortcomings when compared to the average VN or sandbox game before it gets too far in development to easily address these.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this game!!!! I have been playing this game since it got released, I always wait about two updates to start a new game and get into it. I'm going to list a few key points from my experience so you can see for yourself if this game is for you.

    First off I love the art it's amazingly unique and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. If you been on this site long as I have you will notice good majority of games especially renpy games tend to use same kinda models, backgrounds, generic flow you are use to seeing. Nothing wrong with it it's just good to see other Creator styles.

    Storyline itself is truly intriguing, has I'm a sucker for time slip storylines or life redo. To change different parts of your life for the better very interesting to me. The beginning hooked me instantly, no matter how many times I replay this game I always fall right back into it.

    Next is dialogue, the dialogue pace is perfect, in my opinion the Creator definitely knows how long a scene should go on for, enough words to build the scene without all that useless dialogue that just keeps going.

    Gotta talk about the choices, I love choices in games. I want to feel like I am in control of my own character and that the choices I make have meaning, and this game does not disappoint in the regard. But if a game has to many choices you can get overwhelmed, this game has the perfect amount of meaningful choices. The choices you make determine what path you want to take with your Love Interests. I love when a game gives you definitive choices to put you on whatever path you are looking for, so much easier then some games that have meaningless choices just to bulk a game up to make you feel like it has more content then it actually has.

    Next are the Love interests themselves, some of them are cute others are down right gorgeous (Yasuka:love::love:) the relationship build up is just the right amount. It does tease you a bit but I see it as a medium burn, yeah you work a bit at it but the pay off is well worth it.

    Now the scenes, for this game to only be at update v0.8.1 it has a lot of great scenes. The scenes are extremely erotic and some have alternative scenes depending on the choices you make , love to see that in a game. Can't wait to see future updates.

    This next point not on the game itself but the Creator. Always giving updates, answering questions, puts up with a lot of criticism. Extremely reliable doesn't ghost his supporters like some other Creators. Probably shouldn't even put this in here since it really has nothing to do with the game itself just something I wanted to add. I apologize If I kinda got off topic

    All in all this is definitely in my top 10, definitely recommend the Creator has done a phenomenal job and just keeps getting better after every update. Wish nothing but the best for this Creator and their project, can't wait to see what happens next.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a big fan of the art style and I liked the scenes available in the game but this still feels lacking in both story and gameplay.

    The gameplay is a deceptively linear sandbox where 90% of the locations are irrelevant outside of one or two moments. Not a deal-breaker to me but also not ideal.

    The story meanwhile gets the job done but is struggling along. It's trying to do character focused routes but you have to do it in the exact order the game wants. These routes are okay on their own but are short and generic at times. The main characters personal story which sets up the whole game hasn't progressed much at all either.

    Overall I'd recommend giving it a shot if you like the art style as it was a nice way to spend a night and there's a worthwhile amount of content.

    2/5 for what's available compared to other AVNs out there but could become a 3 if it finishes strongly. I'll keep following for further updates
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This and Mist are among the best game's I've played thus far. Simply outstanding, nearly 100% it in a single day. I genuinely got invested in the characters and story, can't wait to see it fully realized.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    The Surgeon

    Has a good amount of polish, the designs are good and even things like backgrounds look really nice.

    How the game plays however is the worst thing I have ever seen in such a game. It pretends to be an open world game in which you can go where you want, but it really isn't. You can go exactly where the game tells you to go and nowhere else. You get to meet like five people on day one and it pretends as if you can advance in all their stories at in any order you want to, but you can't. You have to do what it tells you when it tells you. Especially in the beginning, this is very confusing. You start your day with visiting four different places and you have to repeat an activity a couple of times (without the game telling you to) to just stumble upon something that drags the plot forward. They tell you that you can start working at place X and when you get there, you are told that you will be able to start "in a couple of days", while the amount of days has nothing to do with it. It is triggered by an utterly unrelated event.
    Not to mention the bizzare idea that you have "secret stashes" in each screen in which you click random things to get money. In the beginning, these stashes are just highlighted and you just spend an extra two minutes per screen on just clicking things to collect money. (Which you also never really use for anything?) When other games do this, they have maybe one of these locations per screen and reward you with additional art or the like.

    The sex scenes are another thing. They are alright, but for a game of this polish, they are really underwhelming.

    This game would be instantly ranked one star higher if it just dropped the pretense of being an open world game and was instead the VN it clearly is.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.8.1

    What the fuck was that... I have roamed around this website for a few years now, and I do not know why it took me so long to discover this game. This is a masterpiece, for sure in the top 3 of the games I tried, if not the best. Keep it up this is really great work.

    A few suggestions, which are just opinions dictated by my personal taste.

    1) I prefer games that avoid different paths, say love/corruption. It slows development down and it is cumberson to have to replay the game to get the other scenes. I would prefer all paths to sort of converge to the same scenes with slight variations. A good portion of players, even the most affectionate ones, are not willing to restart the game from scratch to get new scenes. I find lil sis path good in this sense, mom's path is too divided for my taste.

    2) I find it very cool that the focus, for now, has been a lot on mom and lil sis, I would prefer to see their story develop more deeply and for longer instead of branching off with side many characters.

    3) I would love to see pregnancy for mom and sis in the future, and also some development during the pregnancy not just "they got pregant, end of game".

    That said bravo to the dev, this is amazing keep it up
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.8.1

    A pretty well-polished and intense VN. Still rough around the edges for some parts, but overall the package is solid. Its presentation is really engaging, with beautiful character designs, and some of the cleanest user interfaces I've seen in a porn game. The adult scenes, for what little there is of them, are surprisingly really well-animated, even being able at times to fake 3D even though we're just looking at 2D images.

    The actual content of the sex scenes though, is sadly very tame and safe (the "bible in the hand" kind of sex), are over in the blink of an eye, and come into existence a bit too quickly after you first meet the characters, I would say. Given what happens in the story down the road, I expected it to devolve into something a bit more raunchy and daring, but at least what's there is alright.

    The games goes for a traditional Japanese-style VN in both its setting and its presentation, with a story unfolding in a kinda stereotyped Japan with its mafia and its archetypal characters, and while I'm not a fan of that at all, it at least manages to convey its story well enough to stay engaging to the end.

    The "gameplay" in this VN, quite frankly, could be easily cut out. The game wants to be a sandbox-style VN, and quite similarly to what you'd expect in that kind of game, you go from place to place talking to different people, some of them having events at different periods of the day, and you start to make a schedule to meet as many of them as possible and increasing your stats, raising money, etc... And none of that matters, at all. This game being heavily story-focused, you'll be railroaded constantly from one specific event to the other with barely anything you can do to change the course. You get up, you train with some NPC, you work, you get a special event from time to time, rince and repeat. Added to that a hefty amount of backtracking each time you need to go back and forth between NPCs, and you just end up clicking the same two buttons over and over again when it could just be a short and smooth dialogue sequence from one event to another.

    You can get money by working or picking it up from the ground, but it's never used and all your earnings are stolen roughly towards the middle-end of the story, so all your efforts were for nothing. And in the same way, raising your stats is never used in any way. I think strength is used at one specific event, but that's it. Just all in all, some very superficial stuff that isn't the end of the world, but some stuff that doesn't need to be there and brings nothing of value in terms of gameplay.

    About the story itself, the first thing I have to say is... Boy howdy, does the MC live in a fucking ghetto. From the first 5 minutes of the story, you learn your sister hates your very existence and tried to conspire with some shady dudes to get back at you, you have thugs down the street who directly work for a crime lord, there's the fucking yakuzas involved, and everyone is trying to kill you... Fucking hell, the MC lives in a nice neighbourhood, but if I were him, I would just say fuck it and get the hell out of there. Especially with the even more shady stuff going down the line.

    Now, the premice sounds interesting, and many side characters are pretty likable, but I think this story falls flat on a number of points:

    First of all, as I said earlier, this game wants to be a sandbox game, but is very railroaded by its story structure and the way its presented to us. The dialogues often offer you branching paths to dictate how the overall story will play out, but apart from the very beginning of the game, where you can choose to blackmail your sister, many of those choices barely impact the specific dialogue they're presented in, some being just variants of some lines of dialogues boiling down to the same outcome, while others are just there to fake the illusion of choice.

    For example, there are a few romantic interests you can get thoughout the story, but the game never lets you choose if you even want to start these relationships to begin with. I mean, sure, it's a porn game, but
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    Another example of this illusion of choice is towards the end of the story,
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    Apart from the dodgy story structure, another problem with this game's story is just that, in general, it doesn't really have anything to say. It doesn't really have any theme it follows, no message it wants to convey, and it seldom offers character development that doesn't translate in anything meaningful to us as the player. We learn that the MC regrets his past and tries to change it, and it's nice to see him standing up for himself and telling others to fuck off (when the doesn't take control away from you to completely negate that effect, that is), and it's nice to see him using his past to solve his issues, but overall, no one really experiences any character conflict that makes them grow. No much conflict between the love interests, nothing to spice up their intimate times together, nothing.

    The character personalities are nice and convincing enough, but the story never uses them to tell anything. Overall, it's still a nice story with a lot of twists and turns, but a sandbox game it is not, and a thoughtful story neither. It somewhat tries to have a theme about teamwork and trusting others to help you solve your issues, but it also falls flat because you don't know why would some NPCs, in their context, go out of their way to help you in such a dangerous situation. But whatever.

    Overall, it's still a fine package. The gameplay part is a bit of a chore, but never difficult or to the point of being annoying, so you can get used to it pretty quickly. I woudl still recommend this game, just don't come in expecting a great story, lower your expectations and you might still be pleasantly surprised.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, great design, literally the best I've seen. A rather banal plot, linear, but I think it will be corrected over time. Game 7 out of 10, deducting a point for the plot and 2 for being so short
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, what can I say... Great game, I guess ?

    It has been a long time that a game has been stuck in my head (last one has been Once in a Lifetime). It's hard to explain, but it actually made me emotionally invested in this little world and the characters, and after finishing it up to the latest update (v0.8.1), it kinda left me feeling missing something.

    Like that weird feeling of emptiness after finishing an anime, and you have to leave this world behind because the story has been told, and there's nothing waiting for you anymore.

    I know it's not over yet and there will be some more updates after this review that will continue the story/World/Characters, so that can wait...

    1. Story/World

    The Story is nothing new, I have played at least 4 games with a similar premise (Guy's a loser, no family/Friends left, dies, gets another chance, you get it...), but even tho the concept is old, the execution is done pretty well. The more I've played, the more it felt like I have to use this second chance and make the right choices, because the consequence would hurt the people I care for the most. I was actually invested.

    And the World is just... beautiful, the warm colors, the vibe... with so many little details, like these sceneries are made with so much love and care, it's just nice to see :)

    2. Renders/Animations

    The Characters just look absolutely gorgeous, like high quality, nice proportions, not so much cookie cutter bullshit like some of the other games on this site, I mean even tho I usually don't like milfs (blasphemy !!!!), in this game even the older lady's looked sexy too me, noriko is still my favorite (small boobs for the win).

    The animations are also superb, I mean perfectly smooth, no PNG loop, different poses/stages, actual creampies and no bullshit white flash (only once, and I'm still mad).


    3. Characters

    I liked the characters I'm supposed to like, and hated the characters I'm supposed to hate, so that worked great :)

    The background stories of most characters are simple but interesting nonetheless, the dialogue is good, i mean it's still an erotic game i don't expect any Shakespeare stuff.

    The "Quest system" is easy to understand, no need for an external walkthrough, which I always appreciate.

    Why no 5 Stars ?

    Even after praising this game so much, it's still not perfect, maybe it's just my own expectations/fetishes interfering, but I think even tho the sexscenes themselves are great, the way we achieve them fells a bit rushed or almost "unearned".

    For example, after fixing our relationship with our mom, and we start to show more than platonic affection to her, 20 minutes later, and we are fucking her in all positions imaginable. It just felt a bit rushed for me.

    Another example and the most annoying (for me at least) is the slow (but perfect) process of repairing the relationship with our sister and fixing the mistakes of our past (future?) self. Just as we start to understand what went wrong, just as the ice starts to melt, all of a sudden she dares us to fuck her and the first time with her is just a quickie pressing her against the closet :(

    In my opinion, the first time would have fit much better after the cute scene at the bus station where she opens up herself to us, and we reconcile, but maybe I'm just too romantic IDK

    Last words...

    One of the best games in the last few years for me, gorgeous girls, beautiful scenes with a good attention to detail, healthy amount of humor, a bunch of Happy moments, sad moment's, hot sex scenes, and some good friends :)

    maybe the points I have criticized will be fixed with some magical update in the future, and if that happens, I will happily give this game 5 stars.

    The best of luck and health to the dev/devs

  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I played v0.8.1

    Art was quite good, but the story and gameplay were repetitive and boring for me. I can see how others rate it quite well, but it just didn't do much for me, personally. Overall, I just found it somewhat unremarkable.