Others - Goodbye Eternity [v0.10.3] [RNGeusEX]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Firstly, I would like to say that the art is amazing and the animations aren't half bad either, but the facial expressions could really use some work...

    Now as for the story and the sexy times, I'd say they are pretty bad. The story is pretty non-sensical, seems very random and a lot of the stuff that happens makes no sense, which in turn makes the sexy times not that sexy. Especially for Asami, that escalated way too fast and Natsume just doesn't make sense as a character.

    All in all, it's an okay game, I liked it much more on update 3.0 where i last played it, I have hopes that things will come together though.

    Edit: V0.6.91 Okay I have finished the revamped game now. As everyone else has already said the art and animations are amazing, top-notch. The story is okay, it has a lot of cliches, and they're done well.

    I am changing to 4/5 now since the only thing missing now, and it is a big thing, is me feeling connected to the characters. We need much more dialogue I'd say, even though the scenes are objectives sexy they don't do it for me. Keep up the good work I believe it's going to be a great game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    the art and cg alone makes it 5 for me. prob the best art i've ever seen for a very long time.
    there's not a lot going on in the story yet, its simple and easy to understand ( i like it for this type of game) but i think theres still a lot of room for improvement.
    the character can be annoying sometimes but atleast the mc is not stupid.

    i can see a lot of potential in this game, we'll see.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    i like the art, but the game is buggy, and the storyline is down there with the worst of them.
    generic, boring, uninspired.
    same goes for the characters.
    really stupid and tedious "minigame" where you have to click all over the place to get money to progress in the game. and theres rng to how much you get. brilliant (not)
    as of version 0.4.9 the developer has added a lovely feature to the game which effectively turns it into a waste of space.
    you can no longer view the game images or video at your convenience without resorting to cracking the game files.
    the latest update has primarily added a form of drm through obfuscation and bricking of the game if you naively tamper with the files.
    sadly the decent art does not make up for the pitfalls of recent game version.
    overall rating: 1/10 - get the old "noriko special" version while you still can
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice game so far. Played 0.4.9 a like the story so far, it's different, althrough I would like to know a bit of more background. It's allright to learn a few things later one, but I am really missing more deep family info or more best friend info so I could build a better connection to those guys. Art is just fantastic. Looking forward and adding to my checklist, Maybe even support the developer.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I definitely don't understand the hype around this. The writing is overall decent, but nothing entirely special on its own. The art is fine, but there's just not that much of it. For a game so heavily based on choices, it tends to just boil down to "Good" or "Bad" choices in...maybe 3 situations? Not many choices and even less art makes for just an average 'spend 2 hours jumping between areas to get all the stats you need just for 1 of the 5 scenes in the game' type sims.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is overrated. Maybe in the future it will reach close to what the ratings say.
    In my opinion right now it has barely anything. What its really attractive are the menus, and the art is different but 2D has to be ultraawesome to be good, and this one being decent is not that awesome.
    Also I peraonally had a hard time advancing the Asami story, and in the game fodler It seems that her or another similar girl have the most content.
    Not sure if that's a design problem, or the Sandbox trying to screw the player, but it happened and didnt help to raise my opinion of the game.

    Right now I can't say is good, andeven if im gonna rate the potential, I really don't know where to look at to raise my perception of the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4683768

    I personally like the game most cause of the story -drama . The world around the protagonist was so tragic and cruel that some kind of greater force actually made the choice to give MC the opportunity (probably) to fix it. Even though plot at the beginning is kinda fixed and somewhat follows usual basis from zero to hero - more or less isekai genre (being also sentient about this), it' s made well as it' s captivating to see protagonist fueled by emotions getting prepared to avenge himself (with player' s influence in that). The art altogether with sprites in my opinion is beautiful. In my view characters with the story development are going to be interesting for now it's more or less a setup. The game is far from finished which is good thing considering how nice it is established already. Hoping for more drama in the future - great game!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is honestly a hidden gem. The art is amazing the character designs aren't over-doing it and Noriko is honestly a "True Tsundere" and I'm a little in love maybe a lot in love. This game has plenty of potential to be amazing. not to mention the music is a lowkey groove.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit this game is amazing, excellent writing, beautiful art work, and best of all ANIMATED. I never thought I would get all three in one game. Bravo dev bravo. Personally I was never into tomboys but I've done both Asami routes and holy shit you might've awakened something in me. Only complaint I have (which I am 99% sure will be nulled as more content gets added) is that the only way to pass time is going into your bedroom. If there was a quick to bedroom button or pass time on the world map that would be cool. Other than that GIVE ME MORE YASKA NOW BEST MILF \o/ Also I swear to jeebus if you force us to hurt a hair on her head I will burn something!

    PS Nice easter egg in the cheat menu
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Extra Life [v0.4.3] review

    This is very, very good!

    Backgrounds are amazing, the characters are cute and funny and the writing is fantastic.

    So far it's quite short, think of this more like a tech demo. But that's fine, because what's in here is really really promising.

    I would give this a super easy 5 if it wasn't for some really egregious game design choices:
    - No map icon. This means that to go from your room to work there's a shitload of unnecessary clicks. Like a lot of them.
    - No option to progress time other than napping in your room. This means that if you go to a location you need to be at in the wrong timeslot, you'll have to go back home again to nap. And since there's no fast way to get to your room, there's a bunch of unnecessary clicks yet again. Progressing time in a multiple-timeslot game and having a map is just basic common sense! It's hard to forgive this kind of basic oversight when the rest of the game feels so professional.

    I can understand the Dev's need to pad the game out a little, because it's kinda short at the moment, but forcing unnecessary clicks is not the way to go and a dev of this caliber should definitely understand this.

    - And lastly, the game is linear. There's no point in having an open world map and a million clicks to go between places if the story is on rails. Maybe the Dev will decide to give players a proper chance at branching progression later, but as it stands right now, there's none of it. Open world game with linear progression = bad game design.

    All in all though, the game is extremely promising. The writing is really top notch, something I rarely see in H-games these days. And the art is amazing. Gonna keep a close eye on this one going forward.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    5 out of 5, not gonna lie , this game has all the potential to succeed and stand out on top. The graphics are exquisite , the story foundation is well made and the animations are as fluid and astonishing as they should be . I see that this game has a lot of "out of the box" ideas and concepts , this keeps it fresh and exciting and holds a little ambiguity to the storyline for the player to try and reshape his former past .
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    Hell yeah!
    I decided to give this game a try after the Vaginal sex tag was added. Oh, boi! I was in for a surprise!

    • Great visuals
    • Interesting storytelling and plots
    • Nice UI
    • Smooth use of music and SFX
    • A likable MC
    • Nice looking characters
    • Good character design (Variety of personality and well designed)
    • Good animations
    • Very well written
    • Amazing sex scenes
    Between good and bad:
    Sex scenes could be improved I think
    There is some grinding

    Overall the game has very little content but It is quality content and there are some good variances in the game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Among so many games that try to bring the same concept and appeal this game stands his grounds.
    Not only does it have a well founded story that keeps you reading and playing it also implements a developed and mature UI that makes playing a walk in the park.

    +UI clear and simple
    +Characters that have dept and are compelling.
    +The way you collect your needed income.

    Download Enjoy and support if you can.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Amazing art and good animations but gampley/writing really suck

    The gamplay loop sucks, not the find the random spot for free money gimmick that was kind of amusing, the click a bunch to navigate the map just to repeat the same thing everyday in order to grind gimmick.

    Writingwise the sex scenes are fine but the story and basically all of the characters/dialogue suck, it's the stereotypical m'lady/fedora guy stereotype played straight, somehow it turned out surprisingly better than how it tends to turn out when stumbled on unintentionally but it's still fairly terrible. Basically all guys are assholes that lead to the death of the women they're connected to(the only real exception being weird exercise dude that wants to stick stuff up the mc's ass) but luckily for them you're an asshole loser from the future that now attracts women through the power of plot convenience and poor writing(the developments aren't inherently bad but the execution tends to be fairly bad ) that intends to change the future.

    The game has a weird obsession with trying to make the mc out to be a tragic hero and a strange need to make sure there's always a villain to pin the blame on for the misfortunes that transpire so that there's never a need for deeper thinking or more fleshed out writing than "that person sucks let's get revenge/make them pay". The game would legitimately be much better if just bad luck/unfortunate circumstances or just events that could've been resolved via hindsight were more common instead of generic male villain number 666 was behind everything bad that happened in regards to this! and gasp!! I remember that other villain was responsible for what happened in this unrelated event!!!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn amazing overall. First time i wasnt skipping dialogues, even trough i wanted just a quick relief, not diving into the story. Hoping this game would live for a long time, with frequent and decent updates. Exellent.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing, cant wait for futur update, art is beautiful and girl lovely ! Really good job ! one of my favorite game, for a first game it's really good ! Some option for the story, realy good thing hope this game will be never abandonned. When this game will be complete it will amazing game
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    After trying the game in its most recent version (v0.4.2) I can say that I like the game a lot, I like the design of all the characters so far, perhaps the only bad thing I see is that it is a lot of grinding for little" action", maybe there should be a little more scenes in between since many times it's just work and going to the park and home
    the other bad thing is that there is no button to advance time, you have to go to the MC's bed and maybe the house is poorly distributed and it makes me a little tired, and finally this is more personal taste but I would like a patch or an option to enable incest as such
    apart from that, great game, I love the 5 animations that are currently and Noriko, she's a bi*ch but I love her
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Good game and anime style high quality art. Sandbox style 2DCG game. With nice sound effects and humor. Game play is not boring but it's short. You don't have to work in other places to earn money. You can find money simply by clicking surroundings. Because game is not implemented yet. If you like sandbox style 2DCG games give this one a try. Artstyle is the biggest plus point of this game other than that there is nothing much. But I liked the game looking forward to next updates
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version : 0.3.91 [PC]
    Time Played : 2-3 hours

    Extra Life is a game where the MC is sent back into the past to relive his life. The plot isn't utterly groundbreaking or unique but it has potential to be a good story. You can influence the MC's actions to a variety and has a feeling akin to that of a VN.

    Pros ( + ) :-
    • Great Art. Pretty Unique Artstyle. The backgrounds are colourful and detailed, look stunning in different time settings and even have animations.
    • Fantastic UI. This is the best UI in any game I have played on this site. The buttons slide into place, highlight when you move your cursor over them, and are not static.
    • Realistic proportions of body shapes.
    • Money is provided via alternative routes unlike doing the same activity over and over.
    • There is a CG screen as well where you can view the characters in different emotions and different settings as well.
    • There is no need for a walkthrough as the game is pretty simple in its storyline and instructions. The UI really helps here as hints/ directions are integrated very well.
    • Grammar and use of language seems correct.
    • Has some animated scenes.
    Cons ( - ) :-
    • Since its still in early development there's not a lot of content.
    • There's not a lot of sex scenes.
    • It is a sandbox and as a result, shares one of the most common problems of these type of games - Go there , talk to X, Go back , talk to Y and repeat .
    May Affect your choice ( ~) :-
    • The art style sometimes is inconsistent compared to the sprite.
    • Not really a lot of kinks exposed so far.
    • The corruption may be a bit cliché.
    • MC can come off as a bit of a dick.
    It may be noted that a lot of the negatives and other parts of my review focuses on aspects which has not yet been expanded upon by the Dev right now. As of the the update mentioned in the review, the game shows a lot of potential - Very unique Art and UI, Decent story and classic sandbox gameplay mechanics . The game is still in early development and it shows. If I was basing this review on solely the potential of it - it would be a perfect score right now. However, at this moment, there is just not enough content to warrant 5/5 so I'm giving a 4/5, with the intention to review it as the game gets updated.

    In conclusion, great game in early development and I wish all the best to the Developer and I will be playing the game after every update.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Stalker Seducer

    This game is quite promising great art and a top tier story i normally don't care about visual novel storylines but this one is actually interesting and i really hope to see more.

    really my biggest complaint right now is that this isn't a "dating sim" as it has been tagged but i can see a great groundwork for a dating sim and i hope they fully make it one with multiple routes dating just one girl or multiple girls etc.