Wow i have played hundreds of html games and this one is special guys!
First of all, congrats for the author to have been able to avoid the Free roam trap!
This game has a F story! Yes! a html game with a story! And the game is devised in that aspect! So you make choice in your own adventure that are really interesting and sometimes cosmetic.
The porn is great for main media , a lot and i repeat a lot of model. And btw i didn't see that coming, there is follow ups more often than not. That's not a corruption game that's why i'm quite surprised. So gg!
Dialogue is well written and looooong! So for players who love that good for you

I do prefer shorter texts but that's okay, i have learned to read few sentences to get the gist of it. And sometimes i miss some delicious sentences the author have the talent to redact. Yes there is a lot of stuff humorous and nicely written.
The Tennis game system is non existant until recent update. That was ok for me. The new system is interesting more demanding and kind of random... that's the only weak point of this game. The change or not change that's a debate but still this part of the game need work. My point about the new syst being flawed is the randomness. Randomness is good i love it, randomness is evil sometimes

I explain: this game is linear and if you miss a scene or a game or anything there is no turning back except save scumming. That's the part i don't like! If there was a loop sure thing make me loose cause of randomness that will be ok and fun for me! But make me lose content that i feel i can't get back... there is my point!
So despite the "minor flaw" i have reported this game is a gem! A long one for a 0.3 that's really really nice! Thanks to SpicyJam!