HTML - Grand Smash [v0.95] [SpicyJam]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A damn enjoyable game! Grand Smash is basically a railroaded story following a tennis player who suddenly becomes a HIT with the ladies. Like, the guy drowns in pussy almost instantly. You see a bunch of short clips of real porn, and then progress to meet more ladies and win more tennis matches.

    It's fun. It's simple, high quality, and funny in places. I enjoy it immensely, and you should consider giving it a try!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't really get the so many positive reviews of this game. The Game play is very bad and the dialog is very bad at it's very repetitive and the videos aren't even that hot and don't make that much sense in the game play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    simple easy fun. almost a vn but with enough variety to make you want to play it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Massive story. If you like lots of MF and MFF sex, this is a good game for you.

    I'd love a bit more spice and options, (one would think that in the tennis world there would be a lot more combinations) but that is my kink ;)

    Grand Smash is very deep and offers a lot of play time. You can alter a few aspects of the story, but very well done.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty boring tbh, not much going on other then 1 scene to another. It's quite average in everything, from the scenes to the writing to the 'game' mechanics. Not really fun or fulfilling, the humour is meh. Yeah a 4/10 maybe less maybe more. Honestly, not worth playing.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a whole lot to enjoy here gamewise. The game play is quite literally just picking bigger numbers than your opponents. I'll be honest that I gave up reading most of the dialog around the end of the first tournament and the game entirely soon after that, if that's where the game starts to shine then I might have missed it, but they really buried the lead if that's the case.

    It gets the second star because it works, it's and easy to progress to the next random porn scene kinda game, so if that's your thing then maybe you'll enjoy it, but if clicking to a bunch in between watching porn scene is your thing I'd recommend playing minesweeper on the side while you watch whatever porn you'd choose to watch otherwise, it would provide a much more compelling gameplay experience.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Didn't really enjoy this and did not even finish it (0.6). The game states up front that it's a visual novel, and it's reasonably well-made I suppose, but to me, everything about it felt a bit bland.

    The story is mostly just a premise for traveling to the next screen where you get to bang another random bitch, in a scene structure that feels very formulaic. In the 1-2 hours I played, there was nothing in terms of story hooks or investment. The sex comes immediately, and keeps coming unless you say no. It may sound strange to complain about too much sex in a porn game, but it makes the story tension curve of this "VN" completely flat. The game is just a slideshow.

    Some appreciation points to the dev for deliberately keeping the tennis minigame blessedly simple. This could be a negative for some but I've seen too many bad minigames in these games. Either keep them dead simple like here, just to add some flavor, or leave them out.

    The scenes are also good. Fairly vanilla though, so kink-seekers may wish to look elsewhere.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Bro, I'm not often reading through porn games but some games are actually nice to read and yours, damn, I laughed a few times!
    Enough story to be interesting yet to the point and with touches of humor, you got me.
    Decent amount of porn, varied themes with no weird kinks... Vanilla fags will enjoy this game :)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    No need to waste time for grinding. Choice are effect the gallery and there is some complexity about it so choose wisely :) Videos are good and you can stop or play the videos. But I suggest to dev to they need to close auto play all videos in same time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the very good html VNs. Really enjoyed playing it! Its become incredibly hard and very rare to find a good vn game with real images. So glad to have found this after a long of not playing such games.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, it's a fully functioning game but it's also the most base interpretation of the word "game".

    I mean, I can't think of a single reason to play it. The story's nonsensical so that's not it. The gameplay is literally "choose the bigger number" so that's out as well. The humour ranges from groan-worthy to unremarkable so that ain't it either. It's basically a collection of porn clips with vaguely related sentences in-between. There is no shortage of porn on the internet, jumping through basic gameplay hoops to access it seems dumb to me.

    Not to belittle the effort that goes into the development, but I just can't recommend it to anyone.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. The story is good and interesting. The character selection could be better but its not bad. The tennis mechanic can get a little bit boring as it is possible to always win if you just pay a minimal amount of attention. The story is linear but allowing certain choices for you to make. Decent amount of content. Will be following its updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow i have played hundreds of html games and this one is special guys!

    First of all, congrats for the author to have been able to avoid the Free roam trap!

    This game has a F story! Yes! a html game with a story! And the game is devised in that aspect! So you make choice in your own adventure that are really interesting and sometimes cosmetic.

    The porn is great for main media , a lot and i repeat a lot of model. And btw i didn't see that coming, there is follow ups more often than not. That's not a corruption game that's why i'm quite surprised. So gg!

    Dialogue is well written and looooong! So for players who love that good for you :p I do prefer shorter texts but that's okay, i have learned to read few sentences to get the gist of it. And sometimes i miss some delicious sentences the author have the talent to redact. Yes there is a lot of stuff humorous and nicely written.

    The Tennis game system is non existant until recent update. That was ok for me. The new system is interesting more demanding and kind of random... that's the only weak point of this game. The change or not change that's a debate but still this part of the game need work. My point about the new syst being flawed is the randomness. Randomness is good i love it, randomness is evil sometimes ;) I explain: this game is linear and if you miss a scene or a game or anything there is no turning back except save scumming. That's the part i don't like! If there was a loop sure thing make me loose cause of randomness that will be ok and fun for me! But make me lose content that i feel i can't get back... there is my point!

    So despite the "minor flaw" i have reported this game is a gem! A long one for a 0.3 that's really really nice! Thanks to SpicyJam!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Well made with a lot of plot and a wide range of characters. I wish the actual tennis match mechanic was a bit more sophisticated; there seems to be little difference between playing a basher, a serve and volley or a defensive player when these distinctive tennis styles could really serve to at least make the game feel more differentiated.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the games i really enjoy i hope it gets expanded way more and even maybe has mods in the future really good html game. Great choice of actors/Stars and great story overall every week i come on to check if this game has proggressed and always look forward to updates.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is pretty on rails, with choices making some modest difference. The tennis game aspect could be a fun light RPG element but it is instead pretty negligible, because the "game" involves remembering two numbers and picking two larger numbers. Really, there's no reason that you'd ever lose a match.

    So why four stars? Because even for a 0.2 version, there is a shitload of hot content. There's no grinding up stats or torturous Stairway progression; you're having sex almost immediately and it never slows down. Fap games are games, sure, but are mainly for fapping and this one certainly has enough material.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Very meh...

    Finished in 20 mins but you'll know if this games for you after the first tournament. After that its just feels like your doing the same thing over and over again.

    Unique story idea but dull as dishwater gameplay.

    The tennis 'game' involves looking down your 6 stats and seeing which 2 stats are higher than your opponents then selecting those. Its a totally pointless caveman mechanic and is the majority of this game.

    After each game you get a sex scene with zero interaction other than do you want to see this scene or not, at the end of every tournament you get a slightly bigger sex scene with the same option. there is zero interaction or player engagement

    Its basically a kinetic novel with a boring , very simple tennis game that you shouldn't ever lose and then a binary choice of see content or not see content. There is no stats building or exploration, Just read and make binary decisions.

    It was also really laggy for me. I've not seen a Html game do this to my PC before.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Good premise imo, good video choices. Also a LOT of content for a v0.1. I can imagine a lot of other developers would have given one / two tournaments then said "done, cya!" but you get at least 3 (and corresponding "relationships")and I haven't got to an end screen.