VN - Ren'Py - Grandma's House [Part 4 v0.65] [Moonbox]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.24] I'll be honest. Didn't really pay attention to the story when I played this. Basically, your parents and sister die and your grandmother takes you in to raise you. You grow up with her friends and daughters (your Aunts). Move back in with her and start seducing every woman you see, including your whole extended family. Lots of incest fetish, MC's dick is ridiculous, and there are lots of weird fetishes and non-standard body types for the girls. The variety is great, all kinks are optional, and each sex scene feels substantial as there are multiple positions, animations, and dirty talk sections for each. The story is probably entertaining enough, but the smut content and fetishes makes this game great just on their own. Also, Grandma is Best Girl!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, was hoping to see a bit more fun with the family, perhaps a little bun in the oven, but it is really a nice story, just slowed down a bit, maybe things will get spiced up soon. The content has been really well mixed, but as I said before, a bit more family sport would be great.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen


    This is your standard porn setup of a guy moving back to his hometown where every woman throws themselves at him for pretty much no reason at all. It would be fine if it weren't for some annoying characters that you aren't allowed to avoid.

    The strangest thing about the forced characters is how random they are. There's not really any sort of a main plot, so you can't claim that they are required for the story, and at least one of the goes directly against the choices you make in the game. You can choose to be a complete asshole to one character, and then the game just forces your character to apologize and he then starts fawning all over them for the rest of the game.

    The characters I'm most interested in keep getting dangled just out of reach, while the characters I want to avoid are shoved in my face constantly. It's reached a point where I'm skipping more scenes than I'm watching, and it's only getting worse as the game goes on.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    You either really like this game, or you think it's complete crap. I personally choose the second.
    Yes, there is a lot of sex in the game, a VERY lot of sex, it's not bad if before that there were some interesting moments and the disclosure of characters, but this was not here!!! They just fuck, it's literally popcorn porn.
    If you like VN, then you will bypass such garbage. 0/5
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. Lewdwig

    [Reviewed for v0.23, subject to change]



    A bit more context:

    We, people who play adult videogames, are a funny bunch.
    If a game is too wordy and verbose, we condone it for being "too pretentious and Shakespearian" and say "I'd rather read Tolstoy!" and if it is simply worded it's "disrespecting our intelligence".
    If the game is sex-abundant it's "meaninglessly horny and cheap" and if sex is rare, it has "misread its audience" and is "pointless".

    I think what most of us suffer from is 'unwillingness to meet a game on its own terms'. Some games are story-heavy. Some are simple. Some are very horny. Some are complex.
    They each require their own yardstick for measurement.

    In that regard, Grandma's House is a great version of what it is.
    People who find it difficult to enjoy are mostly imposing their own arbitrary metrics on it, unfortunately.

    I will do an in-depth review of this game sometime in the future, but for now it has been a fun experience.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    more lesbian foot massage

    All in all, this unfortunately seems to be a case where it would have been better to choose a different medium. This VN is actually a porn film disguised as a VN, but without the strengths of the film medium and also without even beginning to use the strengths of the VN medium.

    If you want a fast fap, why make a VN? If you want a VN, why does it have zero story, zero character development, empty shells as love interests that fall on the MC without any effort. No real choices, no immersion, no engagement or player agency.

    I don't understand why it's rated so highly. I guess the renderings are decent or good. But the developer desperately needs a good story writer. Or should switch to a medium that is better suited for what he/she has in mind. Or improve their story and dialogue writing skills.

    I'm not sure how to rate it. It's not using the potential of a visual novel, except for the visual aspects. I can't give more than two stars because of it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It is what it is, it offers cookie-cutter content with a twist and it delivers, plus a wholesome, albeit still gary-stuey story.
    The renders are good, models are good and varied (godbless Liz), story, though development would be more accurate in this case, as I said is quite good for what is to be expected, dialogues are fine as well (maybe too much heavy breathing tho), and they have a good bit of gary-stu spicing, the grammar is very good, unfortunately there's no sound nor music, and neither are there animations, these being the reasons for taking away a star.
    Still, it's a good game to kill time and just read some wholesome gary-stu stuff, keep it up dev!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    1.) I have not finished the current version 0.23. And this is my first time playing the game. So keep that in mind, while reading my review.
    2.) This game may not appeal to you, if you are looking for a deep story. From what I've played, there is no endgame to strive for. No specific goal to reach. And I actually don't mind that.
    3.) The characters are lovable, including the MC, which is rare for me to like. Some characters you may find to your liking more than others. Shizuka and Aaliyah are my personal favorites so far.

    And finally: Give the game a shot, it's far better than I thought it would be. I am now a fan, and will look forward to future updates.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    another example why the ratings on this site are either faked or trash how they work. that this game is rated so high is ridicolous. story doesn't make sense at all, i wouldn't even call it a story.

    way to much girls are getting thrown at the mc without any background or relationship building. to argue about that his dick size would be over average is ridicolous as well, it's absurd big and looks pretty ugly.

    even if some girls are looking interesting and hot, there is no real backstory or some deeper story behind them at all.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Just love this game! Thank you dev to share your good work with us!

    The story, render, woman, it´s just very good.
    The updates are quite fast and with the correct amount for that time till release.

    May the jedi be with you and finish this (not so soon please) :)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is Harem and shows many sex scenes.
    Updates are consistent and fast.
    The advantage of this game is that the characters have various descriptions, and this is why I like this game.
    But it's a shame that the main dish hasn't come out yet.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game. When a new update comes out, I will start playing it as soon as I can. Updates are regular, and reasonably meaty (I believe we are shown two new days every two weeks, with each day having multiple encounters if you choose.

    People point out that there are too many women; this may be true, but it does seem like the dev is starting to better show us who are the main girls, and showing them to us regularly. While some plot points (the MC's super-potency, local drug stores running out of pregnancy tests, etc.) seem to be developing slowly, they are developing. My expectation that the MC will have at least 10 buns in the oven before Tanya delivers may not pan out; we'll see.

    It's also true that if you're primarily here to see the MC and his titular grandma get it on, you have to be patient still. That said, one can't say that there's no progress there.

    The MC, generally speaking, is a Nice Guy. In the real world, this isn't a magical pass to all the sex one can handle. To the best of my knowledge, this story isn't happening in the real world. Some women fall for the MC as a sequel partner immediately. Others (Amelia, Allison, Shizuka) love him dearly, without immediately falling into the sack with him. There is some balance.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Grandma's House is good example to show what happens when you sacrifice quality and good story for quantity and subpar lewd scenes , it doesn't deliver anything valuable , I can't feel sympathy for any of characters ,because none of them are sincere and genuine , it's an amalgam of fake characters with most perfunctory story .
    As soon as MC chose that interested in certain character , they start to beg him for sex without any effort , first encounter of MC with realtor woman and policewoman are among worst scenes I saw in any game , it lacks proper taste and sense , there are quite a lot of these tasteless scenes later on.
    I liked Fiona and Amelia character and for these two I think game deserve a 2 star!
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Poor, MC has a monster dick, he bangs random people like it's a natural thing, story is pretty average. I like the idea of grandma, but it looks so unreal. Plus, all mature women completely shaved. Too many Characters and renders are not that great
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Looked promising at first, but now it's just a shitshow with lots of mediocre to ugly renders. Mostly consists of MC either hugging or humping random women who are pissing themselves for no reason when they see him.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This used to be one of my favorite game, I really liked how it started but... Now? Same boring teasing update after update, and the MC is just out here fucking all these useless side chicks that no one gives a F about, there's no story progression and the characters that I actually like (Nana) and a couple others have zero content yet and most likely will have nothing interesting until the very end of the game, BORING.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Like most have said, Do not expect a deep story on this one. That being said one thing this story does deliver on is humor. Not just in the writing but in the animations as well. Every update has me laughing more than the last. This is one of the few games on here that I look forward to an new update. Sure the story may be "simple" but there is just a ton of fun packed into this game. Just don't expect and reality in the story.......But hell how much do you actually expect from a harem story ?

    Well done author, keep it up and let the naysayers move on.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    You can choose most of the girls you want to be with.

    There is not much story to speak of, and the game just feels bland,drags way too long, and has lazy porn logic that just lets you fuck the women you wan´t , without working for it.
    The women have no personality and are just boring.
    The writing is uninteresting and the texts/dialogues are painfully long and add nothing to the game. I later started to skip most of it on the highest speed and there were lots of dialogues that took ages to end.

    A lot of the Women in this game are bowling shoe ugly, with some of the most bizarre body shapes i´ve ever seen in a game, with few exceptions.
    The Mc is boring and his dick looks way too big to do anything with it.

    Sex Scenes:
    The Sex scenes are incredibly boring and are just static images and no animations and with no sound in them.
    When the game only revolves around having sex with everyone who crosses paths with you and little to no story, then at least have some decent sex scenes.

    I´m really not sure who I can recommend this game to.
    Maybe if you are alright with static sex scenes then this game might be for you but idk.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the most poorly written VNs on the site. The dialogue is bland and empty and gets worse with each update.

    You'd think having a huge cast of different females would be a strength but it's a weakness here since most of the main girls get no scenes and the side girls that I have no interest in get hooked on the MC's dick without any build up or valid reason.

    If you plan on skipping all the dialogue and just seeing the scenes then go for it cause reading the back of a shampoo bottle is more amusing than this.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the VN that got me into 3D rendered stuff. I exclusively enjoyed 2dcg and 2d content until i gave this a try and damn it was worth it. I love how MC cares about every women he is affectionate with and can be the right amount of rough in the right time and it's not the typical corruption type or being a loser to get pity sex type cuz it sickens me. Being romantic and passionate with neglected women mixed in with virgin love stories are so tasteful.
    The only complainant i have is that MC being a bum, well i hope with the Opelia storyline it will change or MC might start doing something cause while as much as i like MC going around seducing women their seem to be a lack of a main story or a plot.