RPGM - Completed - Gray vs Lighting [Final] [Serio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a neat idea, but it suffers from poor scaling. After buying the helmet destroyer skill you start each fight with 100 credits rewarded no matter what. Now if you cared about getting the most out of every fight, you might take risks and push to try to destroy as much as you can, but the second part destroyed is only 125 credits. You actually get money more quickly from just entering and running away repeatedly. There's zero risk, and it's a not fun way to play, but it's also the fastest way to progress. At least until you can one shot the next piece of armor. So build attack and nothing else until you can for slightly better monetary gains.

    If each part was worth significantly more than the last, there would be a reason to care about actually playing the fights as far as you could. And risking losses for better gains might provide tension and a bit fun. That being said, you don't really get any option besides "attack" or "slightly stronger attack" until very late on so even playing the fights isn't really engaging anyways. Winning or losing is based largely on rng for most of the game. Leaving losses feeling unfair and wins feeling undeserved.

    I like the art style and the overall idea of the game. It might be good porn, depending on your fetishes, but it needs some rebalancing and retooling before I'd call it a good game.