Ren'Py - Abandoned - Gremory Live [Ch.4] [Kamos]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    + The art is great. (except the penis, it looks terrible)
    + Animated, which is nice
    - Little content thus far in this game
    - Guide damn it. You need to do things in a very particular order. such as "wait 5 days, then search church at night, then go to gym at noon to talk to girl" etc. Zero in game reasons to do the above, it is mostly random encounters that have to trigger in just the right order
    - Horrible Engrish, worse than machine translation
    - Nonsensical Plot
    - Super Grindy
    + You can skip the grind via cheats
    + Mind Control
    - Mind Control is rather shallow
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a tough game for me to rate because much like the dev's previous game this one comes with the huge advantage of that great art and content but the disadvantage of a game and interface that could only politely be called cumbersome. I dislike playing it (even with the cheats and WT, though they do help) but on the other hand when you do earn a scene or a pic it's good, so I'll call it a 3 on average.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    I just downloaded this game and started to play slowly, but I leave my opinion, I know KAMOS from the Sarada Training game, which I have done several times already, I love games with a parody theme but with DXD it's another level, I have great expectations for this game !
    there are two thing I liked about him was

    One: It's the first erotic DxD game
    Two: You can choose whether you are human, angel or demon.

    as I am playing little by little I did not explore everything and avoid spoilers but it is still an interesting game, I hope you add more character of the work!
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    M A V I

    i just wanted to come back to this game later :) It looks very nice, not much content but the artwork and etc looks very clean :) big fan of sarada trainer too :3 Going to definetly play this game again when there is much more content that hasn;'t been released yet
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    So there obviously isn't a whole lot here at the moment. As far as I can see, there's a decent setup. You can choose whether you're an angel, devil, or human and that might have a bigger role moving forward, and there are obviously a number of characters here that are easily recognizable (love that Raynare was included, as she's one of my personal favorites).

    However, if you're expecting sexual content, maybe come back in a couple of versions. But I will keep an eye on this game thanks to the art style!

    Edit: So after perusing the image files, there are some sex scenes with Rias, obvious with the title name, but no other characters as far as I can see. They can get naked, but nothing else. Still, it's a great start if anything.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1458449

    So i just played this game and came back with my opinion. Keep in mind that it's only first release so maybe there is some hope for the future development improving this work.
    +It is a first erotic DxD game
    +You can choose whether you are human, angel or demon
    +Some of the girls are drawn kinda hot i guess.(Yasaka and Akeno im looking at you).

    -Grind. Don't get me wrong it's not that i have something against grind in erotic games in general. I just wish there was a good balance between grind and content or that the grind itself had some depth to it. But it's not the case here, just clicking the same dialogue option over and over again.
    -Some characters don't even resemble their original design. Rias and Koneko look mostly in line with the design from first 3 seasons of anime. But Akeno (which still looks hot despite it) is not even similar to any of her designs that I'm aware of (first 3 seasons of anime, DxD Hero, LNs, manga), Grayfia also does not look like herself. And if all of them were redesigned by the dev I would have accepted it, but in current state it seems really inconsistent.
    -Noncon stuff. I get that some of you may like it, and I'm okay with it existing as an option, but currently the only sex scenes that we get are the usual hypnosis TOTALLY NOT rape ones. Sorry but I can't fucking fap to that. I guess I'm too 'woke' for this shit.
    -A ton of grammar and spelling errors. Nothing new from this dev. My English is pretty fucking shitty, and even I was able to notice it.
    -This fighting system is a fucking joke. Why can I spam the special attack every single round? What is even the purpose of the other attacks existing? Ah, and also I was able to use the 'domination' skill in combat with Grayfia even before I learned it. What the fuck?
    -Why the time of the day sometimes changes after talking to an NPC and sometimes not?
    -Anatomy during sex scenes. Does the artist ever saw a dick in their life? I refuse to believe that this abomination that is penetrating Rias is supposed to be a penis.

    I hope the future updates will fix some of this shit, but honestly after seeing this dev's previous game: Sarada Training, my hopes are really low. Shame because I would really appreciate even an average DxD game. Seriously the girls in this franchise (and best boy Gasper uwu) have so much potential for a nice, comfy horny game.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Awhile back, I used to help with editing the language in the games. Taking the script and making it sound more like it was written by someone who natively speaks english. I stopped because this dev has a habit of unfinished games. There is also a habit of making the games VERY heavy grindy.

    that said, like usual, there are parts of the art that look good while other parts that just look... off and wrong. Take every penis for example. They all just look wrong. Not terrible but wrong. It takes away from the scene. It seems here, the dev has gone for more of a 3D based art oppposed to all hand drawn and as a result, thier being newer to the medium shows through in various ways.

    The game is not terrible but its also not the kinda game you will sit there and wait anxiously for the next update for either.