[R>Artist 2D] [R>Programmer] Share Unpaid Group in search for an artist and programmer/coder


May 26, 2018
Some info on us, what we're looking for, and what the situation is with payment.

We're a group of 4 who came together around late February/early March, but haven't finished much because of Covid-19 and development hell. As of now, we've recently finished the outline for a short prologue, and are in the midst of streamlining the project with the creation of assets. We'll explain the details of the prologue as we speak. We have a writer, an artist, and programmer/musician. The programmer and I work on the music, but we're also looking for a dedicated programmer.

For artists, we're looking for a second 2D artist who can vibe with us, communicate with the rest of the group, and are able to respond ASAP. Ghosting is no fun, it just wastes everyone's time. What we're also looking from you is a varied skill set, or willingness to try. From line art busts, to assets such as beds, cars, wardrobes, to scenes. Having experience in pixel art is also preferred, as we'll be working in RPG Maker. Some examples of your work/art is also a plus. You'll be working with another artist as well, so communication is key.

For programmers/coders, we'll be using RPG Maker for the current project, but we've also considered Godot as well. My partner/the programmer+musician is currently learning Javascript, so being familiar or being able to pick up a language is preferred. The programmer prefers C# too, so if you already know it, then that's a plus.

For payment, we're all working for free at the moment, pro bono publico. If you're not fine with that, then it's understandable. But if you're okay with using your time with us, who are also getting nothing in return, we can think about setting up a Patreon in the near future. We just want to create something good.

You can contact me on Discord @Prune#7084. My partners and I will discuss over your recruitment, and will let you know what we think asap.

UPDATE: Programmer position has been filled
Last edited:


Mar 5, 2018
Update on the Open Artist Position

Hey everybody,
We're still looking for another artist to spend a handful of hours a week on this project. Right now, we just want to make the best out of this crazy year. This project's main-goals for us are experience and personal entertainment, so no big pressure. I'm really looking for another artist to exchange ideas and knowledge with :)

What you can expect from us:
- A bunch of degenerates.
- Lot's of small talk.
- High chances of your ideas being incorporated.

What we need:
- We aren't looking for experts here. Intermediate skill is more than sufficient.
- Reachability. Communication is key.
- Hobby-commitment. There is no money to get for now.
- Willingness to try out new stuff because... Well, yeah...^^"

Skills needed:
- Modular Art Assets.
- Eastern and Western art style knowledge. (We're doing a mix. Western with Eastern influences.)
- Soft shading and soft-cell shading.

Skills that would be a huge boon:
- BG Art.
- A little pixel art.

I guess it's easier when the other artist briefs you, so please contact me via private message here, then we can see if we vibe :)
Alternatively here's my Discord: Darwin7#7367


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
- A bunch of degenerates.

It would be disturbing if it were not so. how to find a team doing christian porn