I'm on the line on this one (0.24c version). On the one hand the story is not great, not terrible, just more or less in the middle. Character personalities are very generic/tropey and sexual content comes out of the blue with no buildup or anything. Choices don't seem to matter so far (except the classical options to skip a scene) but that is to be expected since the game still doesn't have much content to be able to show the consequences of your actions. And it's obvious the creators aren't english as a first language based (few false friends coming from spanish or portuguese) but nothing terrible or problematic.
Characters and render quality are pretty high and the models are either unique to this game or seldomly used elsewhere, which is nice. There are lots of animations as well, many for non sexual scenes, which I like a lot, but the sex ones are too basic so far. And there is music but I can't comment on it since I turned it off as I usually do.
So, all in all, I'm divided. I'll give it a few more tries to see how it evolves, it could easily move up in stars or down, depending on how they work it all out.