Furry shit has never appealed to me and it feels fucking weird to be honest.. every other aspect despite that seems pretty rad if it werent for the characters being animals. I'm not one to bitch but it'd be at least a nice option if you could choose to be human rather than a weird ass racoon or whatever that shit's suppose to be lol.
Protip: most of us furry content creators are *shit* at making human models/art, which is probably half the reason there's so many furry content creators out there. That's also why when furry artists decide to finally add a human character to their cast, there's almost always something... off about them.
(Though I only do furries because they're more fun to make.)
EDIT: Kinda worded that a bit poorly. Basically what I'm saying is that because we, as humans, live and breathe around other human beings 24/7 IRL, we have this subconscious knowledge of what a human should look like. Getting something wrong like having the arms an inch too long, or setting the eyes slightly too close together makes us uncomfortable. This is where the term "uncanny valley" comes in.
With furries, our brains don't really have anything to compare it to, so we can dive headfirst without knowledge of proper anatomy or anything and still make something serviceable.