Ren'Py - Guest House [v0.2.3] [Soft Whisper Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    First and foremost the female character design are great, the animation is also good the sex scene with the landlady and jiho are good a well.

    Now here are my negative input hrre
    The dialogue and are too long just to know the character, I don't mind the long reading but it becomes tideous in the long run just to know the character background. The scene of after you ask them to be your girlfriend are all the same. Same dance move same pic post, same masturbation you just copy paste it atleast make some variation to different girls. Right now I can only give it a 3 star. I want to give it a 2 star but the sex scene at the beginning is the only saving grace here
  2. 3.00 star(s)



    as i have no means to delete this review, as the option is not available to anyone but site staff, i will merely write that the game is not to my taste.
    some may enjoy this and some may not.

    rating is moved from poor to average
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Typical "nice guy gets jumped by every beautiful girl in a house" plot, and it's also a kinetic novel. Normally I'll pass, but the writing in this game is short but fun, and Asian girl models are always a plus for me. As the first project of the dev, this game so far has done surprisingly decent. Looking forward to future content!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty average game tbh, for a kinetic novel the game sucks bad. Since the girls are all bunch of nympho sluts with no characters or personalities. Mc acts like another stupid dude who says he got experienced yet act like a fool. Animations and renders are decently good but I wouldn't date bunch of sluts who seems like they gonna jump on any cock. Landlady case is fine since it seems like they were dating before MC arrived but as for the next girl, it seemed rushed and badly executed. I hope Dev work more on the plot if he is actually planning to provide memorable and emotional plot rather than classic fuckfest with sexdolls lmfao.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7072636

    A relatively light-hearted Harem game with excellent renders especially when compared to some of the others. As all the girls are Asian it's a breath a fresh air over a lot of the other only white girl VN's (like them too but variety is needed). The rating will definitely change once the next versions come out and we get to see it start but so far it's off to a good start. I am only taking one star because the VN gave me hope of full bush for every girl only to show two of the girls being bare and one being trimmed (down with deforestation :mad:).
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense

    Pros: The quality of the renders.

    Cons: The story is a silly stereotypical mess.

    Before we even make it to the we see all of the women practically throwing themselves at the MC. There's no challenge for him whatsoever. It's like this creator watched a hentai or read a Manga and threw this together.

    All of the female protagonist are cliché Uber horny Asian women just wanting to throw themselves at any guy from the United States. At least try and add some sort of depth to your characters. We've already conquered the horny landlady I'm sure that the cam star or the bipolar girl is next.

    Dialogue is also a miss for me as I said it's like something you'd read at in a Manga. Average at best.

    I'm moving on from this, Good luck.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Dev if you see this, i apologise, but i dont give out blanket 5/5s that often, they have to be truly exceptional games.
    i wish there was a half rating, as i would rather rate this 4.5.

    So lets get the bad out of the way and and the reason its not 5/5... simply put. its too early and too short. thats literally it. i will be supporting the dev, not sure on ehat platform just yet, but will be defo one of them.

    Okay the goods parts. and there is alot. The UI is new and fresh, atleast compared to what i have played before. more refined and streamlined, alot of effort put in this, and thats just the UI.

    Renders are really good, not many different places, but they are good and different, in a sense i have not seen them before in a different AVN. usually i see alot of the same background renders/assets used over and over. nice to see something new and fresh.

    Char Renders are also amazing. its rare to see asian models, rarer still to see asian models that look good too. all of them look stunning and its a massive relief and change, to see normal. realistic bodies.

    Story is good. not come across anything like it sofar. seems abit far fetched on getting into a house with all these super hotties. but its a AVN. its good enough and eagar to see how it progresses.

    Animations are excellent aswell, like everything else in this AVN, alot of time, effort and love. has been injected to it, and it shows.

    I highly recommend this AVN, despite it being short and early days. this one i can see, will be a good one, one to defo keep an eye on.

    I also encourage others aswell to support the Dev too, he/she deserves it.

    a couple more updates to get some meat on the bones, and i can easily seeing myself changing it to 5/5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Although the content is short, it is actually too promising, I will look forward to the next update, but take it easy Author, quality is preferable to quantity, in my opinion, of course.

    As the content is brief, there is not much description of the characters, but it is really noticeable that each of the female characters has their own charm, which is made attractive by the quality of the drawing/image and the story as it is brief, I say that for the moment it is going well, the author is really trying to provide good content.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has great graphics. I love the korean setting and the female models that go with it.
    The girls different personalities come through nicely in the dialogue.
    The only one confusing is Hana. She acts so prim and proper in front of the girls and differently when it's just her an MC. This would be ok if she could realistically expect to keep their relationship secret but clearly that's impossible, so it doesn't make sense.

    Graphics: 5/5
    LI-s: 5/5
    Story: 4/5 (transfer student stuff is nothing special but the South Korean setting could be interesting if done properly)
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    My old review is no longer valid due to changes in the game, so I'm going to redo it.

    Before, I expected a harem fuckfest, the girls didn't seem to mind sharing the MC, but in the last update we saw the MC ask one of them to be his girlfriend, this doesn't match what I expected from the story, all the girls showed interest in him, he's already had lewd scenes with half of them, why would he ask one of them to be his girlfriend so soon, does he want an excuse to avoid the others?

    The MC acted like a teenage virgin who falls in love with the prostitute he lost his virginity to.

    The story would be much, much better without the boyfriend/girlfriend thing, leaving that for the end of the story.

    And another big problem that will make me put the game on ignore, is the sandbox, which is already something bad, but what we have here is a very poorly made sandbox, the dev should take some time to test the best sandbox VNs we have here, there are just two.

    Anyway, unfortunately I no longer recommend this game, it showed potential in the first version, but since then it has been downhill and considering how lost the dev is, I don't see a future in this game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Take this 5/5 with a pinch of salt. At the moment there is very little content (30 minutes or so and one proper sex scene).

    This is more an intro than anything else and it sets the scene and introduces the characters for what is to come.

    Why do I think this deserves a 5/5 ? well, the production value is quite evident, there is music, sounds, good renders.... on the scenes when the different characters talk their mouths move so it is not just a static render of three characters but you can actually follow who is talking.

    I also like how the story is setup, it is more original than 90% of the games in here, the women look realistic and have different personalities (if, of course, a bit on the sluttish side as this is, after all, a porn game) and the setting / house is also well done.

    I think this is fantastic way to setup the game and I just wish there was more content, but, for an intro, I take it. I hope the updates are not too far apart from each other and have enough content in them and I also hope that the production value remains as good as what is already there (and, on a side note, I hope that the women's models remain realistic, with realistically sized breasts and pubic hair).