Completed [Guide] Before you ruin your game, read this guide about image composition (Huge Level Up!)


Active Member
Sep 24, 2019
Hello everyone! As someone with a design background, including image composition, communication design and photography, and who has played by far over 100 games from this website in the past years, there's one thing that I see many developers struggling with and that has a huge impact on the overall game: Image composition.

Image composition, as a whole, is the art of what you place in your camera shot (=frame) and where you place it. It's about the perceived weight and direction of a scene, the path the eyes of the viewer take when navigating through it first, the colors, the feeling that's being evoked (wide, claustrophobic, mighty, huge, weak, small etc), the metaphorical language and so on.

But that's not our concern in this guide. I want to keep it simple and solely focus on placing your characters in the frame and the camera angles. While this has some of the biggest overall impact, it appears to be one of the most common issues in nsfw games.

I'm going to show you a few examples here, and color-code them like this for the easiness:

Tier 1 - Excellent
Tier 2 - Good enough
Tier 3 - Avoid at all cost

Tier 1 will require more skill, because filling frames like this also requires to be very good at poses and lighting, since the T3 examples are often attempts to avoid dealing with these things. I am aware that not everyone is as good as the ones who created the T1 examples here, but you'll still have a great takeway from seeing what's possible.

Tier 2 should be achievable for everyone who puts in some effort.

Tier 3 should by all means not have a place in your game - never, under any circumstances.

And yes, we'll see some very well custom made models and scenes with fantastic lighting, and others who took their models and assets from Illusion and aren't experts in lighting. Don't get fooled by the "prettiness" of the better looking assets - this guide is about the placements of characters, their positions and the camera angles. Even if you do use Illusion assets or aren't that good at modelling your own assets (or drawing in 2D), this stuff will level up your game by dimensions if you find yourself in the T1 examples.

Let's start with something simple like a blowjob.
Which scene does look better to you?

Photohunt.png Unbenannt.png

Probably the first one! Both were taken from animations, they're usually in motion. In the first shot you see half the girl, you can see her boobs and you can see how she really sucks the D (the animation will go deeper in). The perspective gives a better feeling of the three-dimensional space, compared to the second picture which just feels flat. 100% frontal shots are rarely a good idea, and her boobs being covered by the MCs clothing isn't helping either.

Here's a good hint, which you'll recognize in all the T1 vs T2/T3 shots: Try to really get your female characters into your frame! Tits, legs, booty, feet! They're more than just a face and hair. You'll see more examples later that show how critical this is. But let's first start some T1-3 comparisons for BJ's.

Examples Round 1 - Blowjobs

Tier 1 - Excellent

Photohunt 5.png

The second shot puts the girl very well into the frame. We can see her in her full magnificence almost filling the entire frame, with her tattoos, her face and expression, boobs out.. even her other hand is wrapped around the MC's leg which is a nice detail. In terms of picture composition, it does a great job at really highlighting her traits.

The third shot has a different quality (as we talked about in the introduction) in terms of the assets and graphics, but is still fantastic: We got a nice over-the-shoulder shot from our MC and his feet are placed out of frame, so they don't interfere the aesthetics of the scene. Meanwhile we can see her full body with many juicy details at once.

Tier 2 - Good Enough
max Life 2.png

We can't see her lips on the dick, nor her facial expression. The boobs aren't really visible either. The choosen angle leaves a lot to be desired and makes the scene appear more flat. It's still good enough, since a decent amount of both characters is in the scene as well as a bit of her lips. But keep in mind that you leave some potential on the table here, for further details that could be really hot. Also, your female character loses quite a bit of what makes her unique. She's basically reduced to her hairstyle, the haircolor and her clothing. Could be any girl sucking the dick right now. Compare that to the girl with green hair above, who's widely in the scene! You can really tell her apart from the first one in the locker room.

Tier 3 - Avoid at all cost

BJ 3.png

We already talked about the first shot. The second shot - due to the bad straight sideview angle - doesn't do much for us. We can't see anything of interest and the characters feel flat. The last shot trades almost everything (boobs, lips, face, tongue, feet, legs) for a straight shot onto the booty, but for any odd reason she's wearing underwear. If you trade everything of the above for a shot like this, you better make sure to deliver a very delicious naked rear view! Ironically, the MC is in the spotlight here, which is probably not what your audience wants to focus on. If you were going to shoot such a scene, make sure to fill more of the frame with the girl.

Examples Round 2 - Cunnilingus

Tier 1 - Excellent
Oral.png Power Vacuum.png

The first shot is fantastic. We got juicy legs, the pretty feet, the facial expression and of course the full private parts. Now if her boobs were out and visible, this would be even better, but the composition overall is still T1. The second composition shows that the MC actually licking the pussy isn't necessarily required to be visible. The MC is just hinted at in the back, while the girl gets the spotlight attention. This is also an animated scene in the game with her boobs jiggling and her face making expressions. This shot is just aesthetic, and the slightly sided angle (instead of a frontal shot) adds depth to the scene.

Tier 2 - Good enough
Power Vacuum 3.png

This is a good example for what Tier 2 really stands for. It still looks good, you got the oiled skin, the character is almost full in frame (feet and hands would've been a plus, you usually don't cut them off like this in professional productions) and here boobs still look hot, especially when they wiggle in motion. However, you still lose both features that the T1 shots had: The facial expression and the private parts down there. In comparison, this shot is less interesting and the straight sideview angle feels flat and plain.

Tier 3 - Avoid at all cost
I encountered these kind of shots in quite a few games. Let's be real here: Save your time and don't even think of doing these. We're looking at pure meat here.
Skin on Skin. A wet tongue slurping over a random pussy. Is it the mom? The milf? The girl next door? Your co-worker? Your wife? Nobody knows. This scene is highly disposable. Now imagine you got 10 girls in your game and the 10 cunnilingus scenes look like this. You could as well just only made one then, because they all look and feel the same.

Scroll back up to the T1 scenes and compare it with this!

Examples Round 3 - Full Sex Scenes

Tier 1 - Excellent
Photohunt 1.png


When it comes to full sex scenes, you want to show your entire characters more than ever! You'll soon see why in T1 here. But let's talk about these 3 first:
The angles are all fantastic. They reveal the girls fully, the scenes feel three-dimensional. You get to see everything that you might like on the girls, nothing is out of frame (except in the first shot) and because of that, the scenes deliver a lot to enjoy and look at. These are the highlights of your game, the moments your players have been playing towards to, for hours, to unlock. I can't stress this enough: Go - for - full - body - shots. They're mandatory for sex scenes! Let's see what you leave on the table, in terms of potential, if you don't. Also see how the last shot manages to make the MCs feet vanish in the background so they don't disturb the aesthetics, while hers are fantastically in scene.

Tier 2 - Good enough
Good Enough.png Photohunt 2.png Sex good enough.png Sex Scene 4.png

Let's analyse these four shots!

1. Shot -> Overall a solid composition. She's largely in the frame, her face is very well recognizable, her boobs are close to the camera. But this angle doesn't really let us see what's going on down there, and her leg and foot are out of frame. These are parts that you usually don't cut out for no reason. Compare this shot with the last T1 shot, it's the same pose. But the T1 shot is way more interesting (picture-composition wise, you big boob lovers!).

2. Shot -> It's a a pretty big zoom onto the mid-body, which trades boobs, feet and the face for that. But her body is so well rounded that this scene, in motion, feels really hot. You can probably only pull this off when your models are this detailed and if you are good with lighting which makes this scene so juicy. If you'd be using the Illusion models from previous screens and some big white spotlight from the ceiling, this wouldn't come out as a T2 shot.

3. Shot -> Pretty good looking shot, and it works, well, good enough. But what I criticize is that first of all, we're too far away from what's happening. Yes, you can't just be too close (as you will see in T3), you can also be too far away. This kills a bit of the immersion and makes it hard to see what's really going on. Also, we're again dealing with the straight side-view angle that is a bit less interesting, even though her upper body is twisted towards us, which makes up a bit for it. But since the MC is so present in the scene, he steals quite a bit of her attention. There is no real focus point in this composition where your eyes want to settle. Everything is just equally important, and everthing is half there and half not.

4. Shot -> This is almost a T1 shot, but minor details keep it down. My biggest gripe is, we got both of MC's feet in the shot but none from her, this should be the other way around. You should always ask yourself what your audience probably wants to see and what not and then prioritize these things. Secondly, there are too many things going out of frame at the bottom. Hands and knees and legs being cutoff, this feels just weird and chaotic. But apart from these details, the angle and composition is pretty good.

Tier 3 - Avoid at all cost
max Life 4.png Power Vacuum 6.png
Sex Scene.png

Sex Fail.png

Now these are really, really worse. The first 3 feel very similar, although it's 3 different games and 3 different girls. And here you really see why it's important to put your characters fully into frame during sex scenes: These scenes are completely disposable and couldn't be more uninteresting. I played games with 20+ girls where you'd get these with almost every single girl. What was supposed to be a new experience with a different "flavour" (determined by the girl's unique visuals, and the story that you connect with her) was just another random, heartless close-up. The 4th screenshot is even from Photo Hunt (the game that has the most entries in this guide in the T1 examples). That sex scene played exactly out as you see it here: No faces, no boobs, no feet (instead ugly shoes), MC fully clothed, his dick is probably out but we can't see it, and we also can't see her private parts. That's in fact one of the worst shots in NSFW game history.

Now scroll up again, and compare that with the beautiful T1 shots! That's not like day and night, that's like an entire different galaxy. I will be totally honest here: If you're right now only able to do T3, take a break, practice a few weeks and get at least to T2. And never do T3 shots for your game no matter whether it's due to laziness, a delay in your updates or to speed up development. This will be forever in your game and the damage it does isn't worth it!

Examples Round 4 - POV Shots

After releasing the guide, I noticed that some people might confuse what really comes with a pov, believing that "it has to look like this". So let me make this very clear: Your pov shots don't have to look like this (and they should never):

Sex Fail 2.png

This has nothing to do with the nature of a pov and isn't even aligned with how we actually see the world through our eyes in the real world. This is simply a lazy and bad shot without any attempts made to spice it up. Devs might take this path because they struggle to make the whole scene look good, or they want to save time and pump out content; or they simply aren't even aware, that this is a very bad way of doing pov shots - you can't avoid what you don't identify as bad.

This is clearly Tier 3, and as emphasized before: Avoid these at all cost.

If you struggle to get more than this into your frame, this is due to your camera lense and the focal length settings. If these words are new for you, I recommend to spend an evening on Youtube and learning a good bit about this subject, as it's crucial to create good shots. 3D artists work with cameras every day, so they are really profound with this. There's dimensions between how they frame scenes, and how most nsfw game devs frame scenes.

Here's how a missionary POV with the girl below the MC can look like. As I said a couple of times earlier: Get your girls as much into the frame as possible!

24 (2).jpg

See how much better this looks. You got the face, the expression, the jiggling boobs (which are completely absent in the bad example shot above), you see clothing like the pantyhose from the blue haired girl. These are actual characters you have sex with here, with lots of hot details, and not just a random belly with a pussy below.

Pov shots can look absolutely stunning. It's simply about how you fill the available space in your frame. This becomes even more clear with this example. This is our reverse cowgirl scene from the worse T3 examples in the Sex Scene section:

Power Vacuum 6.png

This is again due to a very bad camera lense + focal length setup (and bad positioning). This is what you could have instead:


Both shots are pov, both have the reverse cowgirl pose. But the latter is just way more opened up. Now we can see the whole girl, and because she's looking to the side, we even get to see a good bit of her face. This shot would even allow to get her feet into the frame if desired. The same POV scene but different choices - transformed from plain, disposable and boring to unique and sexually tense.

Now let's look back at our bad T3 blowjob example:


This is - again - not what a pov has to look like. What if you did this instead:

Screenshot 2024-04-27 185406.png

Now your frame is filled with much better content in terms of what you try to accomplish with an NSFW game. There is no rational reason for trading this juicy butt and her curves for the plain white wall and curtains in the back of the first shot. The space in your frame is limited, make meaningful decisions! Don't just mindlessly throw in cameras and roll with whatever comes out.

Here's a last example in motion, to show off the vividness of full body POV shots:

View attachment Wraith-riding-on-the-beach-pov.mp4

As a little bonus for the finish, I will show you 3 other example scenes that would fall under "T4" if that existed in this guide - they're the worst of the worst. These are examples that show how easy it is to destroy the aesthetics of your scenes with bad positioning choices. The best image composition won't feel great if you supplement it with the MC's asshole + asscrack and feet. I let these scenes speak for themselves, open this on your own risk!
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You've made it to the end! Here's a sum up:

When you attempt to create a new scene, think first how you want to fill the frame - plan it! Getting your girls fully into the frame is always the best choice. You don't have to sacrifice details for this, in 2024 we're all sitting in front of giant displays and we will still be clearly able to see what's going on down there, no need to bring the camera so close that we can't see anything else. If you struggle with making these scenes look good, practice! Look how good 3D artists do it, try to replicate some of their shots. Spend an evening on Youtube and learn about camera lenses, focal length and more settings.

Avoid full frontal or full side view shots - these will result in a "flat" look. Instead, get the camera a bit more angled, so that people can really see the nice curves of your characters. This opens up scenes and make them look three-dimensional, this immersion is what you're going for ultimatively.

Keep male feet out of the picture, make sure that your girls are in the spotlight of every scene, unless you really want to focus on the MC. Keep your character's limbs in the frame for full body scenes, if they fall out of frame there's always a better way to do it, even if you need to change the poses up a bit (even some of the T1 shots here could've been improved in that regard). The only exception is when you want to purposely cut off unpleasant things like the MC's feet, head or his ass. Make sure that your different characters are really recognizable as who they are in the scenes. If a girl giving the MC a blowjob can hardly be identified by anything than her haircolor, it's time to change the angle and/or camera settings! This really connects your sex scenes with your unique characters and their individual vibes.

Last but not least avoid close-up's. Yes I know, they're quickly done and you get more renders, but it's quality over quantity. Also don't place your camera too far away, otherwise the scene might end up throwing the player out of the immersion.

If you enjoyed this guide, also check out my other guide which is rather about the gameplay-side of things (and sarcastically written):
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New Member
Apr 23, 2020
I think you hate POV? Some people enjoy acting as a main character which is not my thing but yeah I can understand. So some screenshots you showed are POV so that's actually intended that way. Also it really depends what you want to show..

For example you said avoid this(Image that guy and girl having sex on the blue car) but If you want to show how male or dominant character in hurry and excited its a good shoot. So its about what u want to show in that scene. No everything about is female body, male body is also very good way to show posture and drama in the scene.

So I find your examples very dull and pointless. Unless if you just want to see sexy female body. :F


Active Member
Sep 24, 2019
I think you hate POV? Some people enjoy acting as a main character which is not my thing but yeah I can understand.
No, I like pov quite a lot and as you can see, the first T1 example in the Sex Scene section is also a pov shot. The problem with the pov shots in the T3 lists isn't that they're pov, it's how they've been done.

So some screenshots you showed are POV so that's actually intended that way.
Intention doesn't equal great execution, especially if one doesn't know how to do it better. The T3 screenshots I shared aren't really pov, since humans don't have such a small field of view. These are shots that were intended to be pov, but ended up with a bad camera lense and focal distance settings. This happens when developers either didn't learn about the basics of camera settings or intentionally shrink down a scene because they struggle with making the models look good in full frame. Or, of course, laziness / saving time.

These are both pov. See the difference for yourself, that's simply a matter of the camera lense and focal distance:

1714219910688.png 1714219938061.png

And this is by all means not the end of what's possible in pov. Check this out:


This is much closer to what a pov looks like in reality, and of course a million times better than the first shot above. Which leads us back to this statement from the guide:

When it comes to full sex scenes, you want to show your entire characters more than ever! These are the highlights of your game, the moments your players have been playing towards to, for hours, to unlock. I can't stress this enough: Go - for - full - body - shots. They're mandatory for sex scenes!

For example you said avoid this(Image that guy and girl having sex on the blue car) but If you want to show how male or dominant character in hurry and excited its a good shoot.
It's not a good shot. You're missing the point and talk about something entirely different in your comment: "being in a hurry and excited". That's not a shot, that's a scene description. How you shoot it is a different matter. You can shoot this scene from other angles that are a hundred times better in actually showing the characters and their hot parts. Objects and body parts of no interest blocking your sight on interesting content is by far no indicator of dominance, but bad camera placement.

Specific perspectives that imply a certain hierarchy between characters do exist (picture #3 under T1 BJ's is one), but that's a different topic that falls under the category of visual language.
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Active Member
Sep 24, 2019
Update: I extended the guide with a huge brand new section about POV shots, to clear up some of the misconceptions about what POV's really have to look like.

I also added big chapter headlines to the different sections for an easier reading experience.

Have fun :)


Apr 20, 2023
I enjoyed reading the guide. thanks for the information you gave. still, I didn't find the t3 examples bad. if there are 10-15 different angles in the sex scene, I think 1 of them can be this style. sometimes you want to see the scene from your own eyes.
Jan 29, 2024
You're spot on. I've seen trillions of porn images and videos in my lifetime. POV porn sucks in my opinion unless it shows a woman's facial expression or something beautiful about the curves of her body, not just an ass and a dick going in whatever hole. And POV can be lame in a fucking scene because the dude needs to get his priorities straight. Fuck a camera view. Fuck the woman. The POV thing can be so is so clinical, like bad vintage porn or that gape dude named Mike. And any POV isn't as good as a whole picture kinda shot that deftly slides in explicitness in a non-contrived way.
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Jan 29, 2024
I enjoyed reading the guide. thanks for the information you gave. still, I didn't find the t3 examples bad. if there are 10-15 different angles in the sex scene, I think 1 of them can be this style. sometimes you want to see the scene from your own eyes.
Maybe you go to a couple of shots quick, but they're garbage and not to be emphasized. In a video, there's room for a little 'check-in' to see where it's going, typically if it's anal, but pan the fuck out and show me her body and her facial expression. How she looks and how she feels about it are the most important things. And the chemistry.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2019
if there are 10-15 different angles in the sex scene, I think 1 of them can be this style. sometimes you want to see the scene from your own eyes.
You can see the scene from your eyes, but like I showcased in the guide, that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to shrink down the vision of the eyes by 80%.

We're sitting in front of large displays nowadays, there's nothing to miss that would require a zoom-in like mad. In terms of seeing something "with your eyes", that's achieved by switching up angles while still delivering a great full frame.

So instead of getting this which wouldn't be a pov


you get this


Would this really look more amazing cropped in?


I don't think so. There's no issue in the full picture #1 to focus on that part down there if that's what you want to see, but in the #2 trimmed down version, you lose the fantastic upper part of the girl. Could be any girl just lying in front of you there, it has just become mindless. Meanwhile, cutting down the frame didn't really do anything for us, it's not that there are now details visible that weren't there before.
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May 27, 2024
I enjoyed reading the guide. thanks for the information you gave. still, I didn't find the t3 examples bad. if there are 10-15 different angles in the sex scene, I think 1 of them can be this style. sometimes you want to see the scene from your own eyes.
I liked some of the "never do this" pics.
Some scenes can be really hot even when a lot is blocked, imagine fucking behind a curtain and you can only see the shadow.


Dec 17, 2018
Seems like all your advice boils down to "cram as much of your female character in your shots as much possible". Would a female character, laid completely diagonally on the screen where her entire body is on display, be aesthetically pleasing? According to you, this would be the ultimate composition as you can see all of her goodies, correct?

I don't think a bunch of examples with none of the theory behind why something that is composed well is attractive is of much use. I am a dev who is also struggling with composition, but it's not like I don't know what looks good. This post is like showing a beginner artist how to draw by showing him Mozart, Picasso, and Van Gogh. Of course I know what looks good; It doesn't require a trained eye to understand that a well composed image is well composed. When you've got an empty canvas and you've got a billion ways you can frame an image, or in this case a render, you just end up shitting out a bunch of mediocre renders until you get frustrated and just go with the least shit out of them all. Just because I have an instinct on knowing what looks good or have you show me what looks good doesn't mean that I now understand the secret sauce behind how to compose a render.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2019
Seems like all your advice boils down to "cram as much of your female character in your shots as much possible". Would a female character, laid completely diagonally on the screen where her entire body is on display, be aesthetically pleasing? According to you, this would be the ultimate composition as you can see all of her goodies, correct?

I don't think a bunch of examples with none of the theory behind why something that is composed well is attractive is of much use. I am a dev who is also struggling with composition, but it's not like I don't know what looks good. This post is like showing a beginner artist how to draw by showing him Mozart, Picasso, and Van Gogh. Of course I know what looks good; It doesn't require a trained eye to understand that a well composed image is well composed. When you've got an empty canvas and you've got a billion ways you can frame an image, or in this case a render, you just end up shitting out a bunch of mediocre renders until you get frustrated and just go with the least shit out of them all. Just because I have an instinct on knowing what looks good or have you show me what looks good doesn't mean that I now understand the secret sauce behind how to compose a render.

Trying to get her goodies fully into frame will automatically lead you to good compositional decisions. Because your composition follows a purpose.

1719671870774.png 1719672024539.png

Both are rear views, but the right one is automatically the more appealing one as we can see her private parts.

The shot is still not the best we can get out of the scene though. It's good enough (Tier 2), especially if you
just want to focus on the private parts. But why limit yourself if your 3D model is complete and you just need to switch up the pose and camera?

Just get it all into one frame: The face, tits, feet, private parts.


Look how much of an upgrade this is compared to the first boring image.

Just because I have an instinct on knowing what looks good or have you show me what looks good doesn't mean that I now understand the secret sauce behind how to compose a render.
There are many other aspects that contribute to an overall good render, like I mentioned in the OP. That's colors, lighting, textures, fluids, the background, objects in the scene and such. But by following the general guidelines here (that include way more than just "put girls fully into frame") you'll also erase a lot of things that will drag your composition down.

For a porn game you'll win 100% of your scenes no matter what if your girls are placed well - even if there's room for improvement in other aspects.

Compare these: the first image is a bit plain in terms of lighting, shadows and atmosphere, but just a fantastic shot and pose, while image #2 has all the cinematic lights, shadows, reflections and highly detailed textures, but is just boring because the composition isn't really going anywhere with it:



A good image composition beats other aspects every single time.

As for "how" to fill your frame, where you place your camera and the angles you choose, there shouldn't be much room for significant mistakes left if you match all the check boxes from this guide. If your images still look bad, like for instance because the depth feels odd or unappealing, take a look at things like your camera lense and focal distance as mentioned in the guide, those can make a huge difference.

But if you have questions, feel free to ask - and share examples, if you got something visual to represent the struggle, it's easier to pinpoint the problems.
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