Guide to corruption related tags and ideas


May 27, 2017
Guide to corruption related tags and ideas

So there's a number of tags and ideas on this site that have a strong relation to my favorite tag, corruption. Most of the folks here have an understanding of the tags/ideas, but some may not have had enough experience with the games involving them to understand them fully, or have simply not spent much time thinking about them. I'm going to go over those tags/ideas (including corruption itself), explaining in detail what they are and how they are commonly used, based on my experience, NOT necessarily the official description on the site. This will be done from a heterosexual point of view, but in most cases you can swap genders/sexuality/genitals without issue.


In essence, the girl becomes a slut. Slut specifically meaning she loves sex. How much of a slut, who (or what) she becomes a slut for, how innocent she starts off as, her libido, as well as how fast the corruption takes, are all variables that change based on the work. There are times sexual corruption is tied to moral corruption as well, but this is much rarer and involves something like (non-sexual) drug use reinforcing reckless behavior, or poor self-esteem from being abused causing her to feel she might as well become a slut, as that's what she deserves.

Most sexual works of a decent size contain at least some corruption aspects. A girl can be corrupted or lead to corruption by just about anything, such as drugs, mind control, rape, big dicks, manipulation, blackmail, or even positive means like love, care, and good sex. As long as she becomes a slut over time for at least one person or thing, then it qualifies.

In most games featuring corruption, there is a sense of progression of the corruption. As a rule, the more the change from start to finish, the more satisfying the corruption. A sense of shame, regret, or resistance is almost always an important part of this progression. Sometimes there are actual tiers with numbers, sometimes a lewd/corruption/lust stat number, and sometimes a less obvious progression based on internal game variables. The following is a rough example of a corruption tier system.

Corruption Tier:

0 - Complete Innocent. Knows nothing and experienced nothing about sex (that they are aware of). Completely trusting and will not even be aware that a sexual interaction is happening. Due to this, these girls usually never move from this tier naturally. Arguably, because there is no sense of shame or awareness, these girls are incapable of being corrupted, no matter how much they come to love cock. Not realistic for girls without serious mental defects or MASSIVE mental trauma. Also very, VERY rare.

1 - Dangerously Innocent. Knows very little, but is vaguely aware that sex exists. May have experienced some very mild sexual interactions, like a lustful glance at her. Sexual desire either doesn't exist or is completely repressed. May not be aware of most sexual interactions and typically is trusting to a fault, but is at least dimly aware that something's up, even if they don't know why. Most girls portrayed as truly innocent usually start here, because at tier 0 they are basically insane.

2 - Naive. Knows that sex exists, but is ignorant of a lot of details. Very little experience, but may have been groped or sexually harrassed. Any sexual desire tends to be heavily repressed. Starting point where the girl will be highly defensive and feel a deep sense of shame for engaging in any sex act, though often will be tricked or manipulated into it. Most corruption works start a girl here because there's a better sense of progression then tier 1 or 0.

3 - Normal. Knows about sex, and may have had a wide variety of sexual experiences. May enjoy sex quite a bit. Still feels some shame for non-typical sexual experiences, but may not feel any for routine ones with someone trusted. Still resists casual sex with (unattractive) strangers. Basically a typical girl in reality, and highly variable in details, though trending towards more innocent rather then less.

4 - Lustful. Knows a lot about sex, and either has had a lot of sexual experiences, or wants to. Enjoys sex a lot and seeks it frequently. May still feel shame in certain cases, like cheating, but lust tends to win out. May engage in casual sex, even with unattractive people she wouldn't normally have sex with. This point may mark fallen status in some works and the end of the corruption chain.

5 - Slut. Almost complete knowledge of sex, and has had a lot of experience. Craves sex constantly. Shame is either gone completely or is only a minor annoyance, and lust always wins out. Engages in casual sex constantly, and would prefer taking a cock to any other activity. Still possible to have a normal life, but heavily distracted and if cheating likely to be caught. Most works end the corruption chain here.

6 - Cock Slave. Knows everything and has done everything worth mentioning sex-wise. Completely addicted to sex. No shame whatsoever, and takes perverted glee in doing taboo acts. Will have sex with anyone, at anytime. Can no longer have a normal life, because they can't stop having sex long enough. In extreme cases, may not be able to survive without help, as they forget to eat/drink/sleep/breath. Its rare to see this tier except at the end of the work, since there is no more corruption possible at this point.

For all tiers, the girl's corruption may either only apply to one person or group of people or be heavily limited except for them. Any aspect of a tier may also be mixed and matched, so a normal girl may have the lust typically found in a slut, or a girl may have the knowledge (but not experience) of a cock slave but in every other respect is naive.

Most corruption works have a fascination with the naive tier, and it has the most potential for corruption in a reasonable time frame. However, if the majority of the girl's characteristics don't move from their starting tier to at least one tier above (usually two), then its a shitty corruption work. The reason being is the sense of progression is a huge part of the enjoyment of corruption works, and if there is no progression, or worse regression, then it feels pointless.

That's not to say that a enjoyable game can't limit overall progression for event chains, so that the girl always starts at naive for instance and becomes a slut by the end of the chain, to ensure the player sees all the events. The main point here is that general events or systems not tied to an event chain need to show how the girl is changing, so a girl for example might wear sluttier clothing as she goes up the tiers, or her facial expression changes.

Finally, its worth noting that despite popular opinion, a whore/prostitute may not be a slut and may belong to any tier. While most whores in works typically start at normal tier or above, since all that is required for a whore is that she sell her body, she may, in fact, be innocent in many or all aspects outside experience and (some) knowledge.

Mind Control

One of the methods of corruption, and is often misunderstood as to the full extent of its possibilities. Mind control isn't simply making a girl have sex using hypnosis or something, but potentially controlling virtually every aspect of how she views and experiences reality itself. Unfortunately a significant number of works just use the mind control to force the girl to have sex, so the misunderstanding is to be expected, but its not limited to that. Below is a list of a FEW ways mind control might be implemented, for all of them the girl may not be aware of the control, and she may not enjoy it, depending on the work.

Types of Mind Control:

1. Alteration of sexual desire - Makes the girl horny (or frigid), may be conditional or all the time. Very common, usually leads to sex immediately, sometimes has a delayed effect.

2. Given order, must obey - The classic "suck my dick" command. Can include any sex act (or mundane action for that matter).

3. Alteration of enjoyment - Makes the girl enjoy things she might not normally enjoy, or enjoy them more. Can also be inverted to lessen enjoyment. Useful for making a girl REALLY love giving that blowjob command above for example, while being disgusted with her boyfriend's dick.

4. Alteration of norms (sometimes called common sense) - Rewrites the girl's understanding of what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior. There's a lot of ways this can go, but as an example may be used to make the girl consider it polite to introduce herself by stripping naked.

5. Alteration of relationships - Rewrites a relationship, in both subtle or unsubtle ways. Often used to make the controller a friend/lover/husband/relative/master. Can be used to make a rival an enemy or some non-threatening status, like brother.

6. Alteration of sense - The girl may see or even feel things as different then what they are. A guy's penis might become a lollipop temporarily for example. Can alter everything, including taste and size, though radical alterations, like turning a tiny dick into a huge one, may cause too much inconsistency with reality.

7. Alteration of will - Controls free will, can be used to remove it completely, compel the girl to do or avoid specific things, or simply push them to do or avoid certain actions without forcing them. Complete removal can lead to a "doll", which is basically a mindless girl who does whatever is asked without resistance, popular in some works.

8. Alteration of memory - Inserts, rewrites, or removes any or all short or long term memories, including feelings with those memories. Can also prevent or promote memory retention. Memory can include skills, such as riding a bike or even walking. Can essentially change the entire person if used fully, or even "kill" the person without actual murder, assuming no soul. Often combined with relationship alteration or alteration of will. Arguably the most potentially evil ability on this list, even if we included literal torture. Also, probably the most powerful on this list, since with enough work it can do what any of the others can, practically speaking.

9. Alteration of emotion - Changes any aspect related to emotion, including when certain emotions are felt and under what conditions. Another ability with incredible evil potential, since removing a person's ability to feel any happiness except when sucking dick would be a pretty awful thing to do.

Some of these are just more limited forms of others. Relationship and norm alteration for example are really just more limited forms of memory alteration. Enjoyment and sexual desire alteration are specific forms of emotion alteration. Given order, must obey is a more limited form of alteration of will.

Limitations are in fact quite useful for corruption because they make things more interesting and add a challenge of sorts for the girl affected to potentially overcome. The fact the girl MIGHT find a way to resist more limited mind control is more interesting then simply seeing her eagerly suck dick as commanded every time. Mind control in this sense can add to the sense of progression that's vital to good corruption.

For example, a simple alteration might be that the girl gets slowly escalating pleasure when complimented by men. Most straight women enjoy sincere male compliments anyways, so the girl even if she is aware of the mind control might never realize its form. It would end up being extremely effective though, because when you think about a girl who'll eventually do anything to get a positive response from men, she would naturally end up a eager slut to do so.

Another interesting aspect of limited mind control is it can also be used to suggest that the girl is really a slut at heart without outright stating that. If the mind control is limited, she could resist if she REALLY wanted to.

This is my favorite method of corruption, if it wasn't obvious. If an author can't come up with a hundred different ways mind control could be used to corrupt a girl, they aren't trying hard enough. Its extremely flexible, and most other forms of corruption will just be heavily limited versions of what mind control can do. In theory, its also possible, since no one fully understands how the brain works. That said, I guarantee, given how humans are, we would know very quickly if such a thing really existed, and no, real life hypnosis doesn't count.


Fantasy method of corruption, as powerful and flexible as it gets. Can alter reality, rather then just the perception of it like mind control. Lewd crests go here, as well as any means used to inflict mind control that isn't properly explained through some kind of (pseudo)science. Can literally do anything, so putting categories here is pointless. Like mind control, tends to be under-utilized in its potential.


A very specific form of corruption. Typically altering a woman so she has big breasts, plump lips, blonde hair, and empty head. There are variations, but if she isn't attractive and stupid, then she's not a bimbo. Often involves either a lot of plastic surgery, or outright magic, along with mind control.


Ok, I didn't put this in here just because its controversial, but because it has a lot of overlap with corruption. The definition here isn't going to be simple, but I'll try. First, there are three main types, and the types are different enough that the definition of NTR changes based on it. As below:

1. Netorare, or classic NTR - Situation(s) where due to some sort of relationship or attachment, the character/player/viewer feels a sense of sexual jealousy (and arousal) as a girl is used sexually in secret by another man or men and is often "stolen" or ends up in a relationship with the aggressor(s) and sometimes ends the relationship with the cuck. Usually follows the male character who's getting cuckolded, and he usually doesn't know about the secret relationship(s). Also tends to be made in such a way that even if you don't care to be a cuck, you can focus on the girl or aggressors and enjoy it that way.

2. Netori, or cheating NTR - Same as Netorare (minus sexual jealousy), but more emphasis is placed on the perspective of the guy(s) stealing the girl, or the girl herself, with little regard for the cuck. Very similar to the cheating tag, though usually with small bits of information about the cuck, often to point out in some way how pathetic he is. The opposite of "sexual jealousy" occurs here, as the viewer/player identifies with the thief(s) or corrupted girl.

3. Netorase, or complicit NTR - Same as Netorare, but the cuck knows whats happening and encourages it. Usually doesn't intend the girl to be stolen. Almost always focuses on the male cuck, even more than classic NTR. Sexual jealousy isn't just what occurs, but is the point of his encouragement. Occupies a strange spot, since it tends to leave both netorare and netori fans mystified, as in "why would you do that?!".

So what's the connection to corruption? Let me answer that with a question. Why do you think the girl is screwing the aggressor in the first place?

In most stories the girl is no higher then normal tier, and often is on naive tier. She's usually leading a happy life with the cuck, though the sex part is almost always lacking. The aggressor opens her eyes to the pleasure of sex, but before he gets there he has to gradually wear down her defenses, trick her with guile, or use brutal means that she ultimately ends up enjoying.

Basically NTR provides an excellent reason for the corruption to happen. You can have corruption without NTR, but its a rare work that has NTR without corruption.


Another method of corruption, drugs refers to pretty much any substance that causes arousal, lowers inhibition, or alters thinking. Usually addictive, but doesn't have to be. I'm putting male cum in this category in those cases where it has a strongly addictive or arousing effect beyond what one would expect. Monsters often have addictive cum, and it can be fun to see a girl gradually desire this cum more and more even if she's initially disgusted.

Big Dick

Method of corruption which is exactly what it sounds like. Interesting thing about big dicks though is its a more "natural" form of corruption then most other methods. No weird drugs or magic spells or mind control. It also doesn't usually require any negative action taken against the girl, just an excuse and exposure, accidental or otherwise. This situation does require that the girl in the work has a big lust for big dicks, so its still not highly realistic.

Wealth, Status, and Beauty

The most prominent real life traits that corrupt, also "natural". Wealth and status almost always is corrupting exclusively to women, while beauty corrupts both. Ask a woman whether she'd fuck her favorite media star. Since porn tends to be escapist in nature, these tend to be downplayed except when it would make the object of lust more attractive. In porn for women, expect a LOT of wealthy, powerful, attractive men. For men, expect good looking women.


Use of secret info of some kind or inherent authority/power to threaten the girl into compliance with (sexual) demands. The classic path to corruption for villains everywhere. The blackmail material itself can be extremely flimsy at times, such as "I took a photo of your panties, now give me a blowjob!". In better works, the threat will be a lot more meaningful, such as firing the MC/girl, exposing a secret that will get the MC/girl put in prison, etc. Doesn't usually sexually corrupt in and of itself, except perhaps in a moral sense, though the guilt and shame from the (initially) forced acts may lead the girl to accepting her fall.


A path to corruption, not an actual tag but important to note. Usually combined with blackmail, but doesn't have to be. Essentially a lie or misleading truth that convinces the girl to do something, usually sexual or to setup a future sexual situation. Other methods of corruption, like libido drugs, are typically used once the girl falls for the manipulation. Like blackmail, doesn't corrupt itself, but the consequences may lead to moral corruption and ultimately acceptance of her new role.


Not a tag, but important. Ironically, its probably the biggest method of corruption. Despite all the fancy, devious work the aggressors often do, what usually corrupts the girl the most is her own innate enjoyment of dick. Some works enhance this enjoyment through artificial means, like aphrodisiacs, but for many works, it comes down to her simply enjoying getting fucked. This corrupting pleasure is also why positive acts can corrupt. The girl may have lovey dovey sex again and again, and the pleasure she gets from that can transform her into a dick loving slut.


Hope you enjoyed that. I'm sure there are more examples of corruption methods and types of corruption, but this guide should cover most of them.


Oct 19, 2017
Gotta say, you managed to put together a fantastic summary of the ins and outs of all things the corruption tag could ever offer. Reading an entire thesis statement was something I was not expecting to do today. But judging from how well thought out this is, you've done a excellent job putting all of this together.

I especially liked how you emphasize how important it is to insure that a steady and gradual possess must be necessary to have a good corruption story. Too many times I play a game with corruption elements mixed in only to be sorely disappointed when the main girl jumps from naive to turbo slut without build up, all because you hit an arbitrary number (usually 50~60%) on the corruption/slut meter. It's like I'm playing an entirely different character from that point forward!

If I had anything to add to this, I would also mention that the girl's change in dialogue/internal monologue is also a very critical component to corruption. For there to be a good use of corruption, we have to know the main girl's reactions and internal process to whatever she is experiencing, how would try to find justifications or excuses she would hastily say/think of while falling to the pleasure. As the corruption begins and progresses throughout the story, witnessing the change in her actions slowly give way from denial, making excuses, reluctance, and eventually accepting her lewd desires is, in my mind, incredibly important. Especially for those who love a slowburn in writing/gameplay. It make the corruption not only believable, but all the more satisfying once you hit the more degenerate/harder actions the girl would gleefully engage in.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Too many times I play a game with corruption elements mixed in only to be sorely disappointed when the main girl jumps from naive to turbo slut without build up, all because you hit an arbitrary number (usually 50~60%) on the corruption/slut meter.
Yet it's how it happen in real life most of the time.

Slow corruption is appealing to a desire of control over someone's else mind, but in reality the creator would quickly lost all control over his creation. The instant the girl hit her pleasure threshold, she will goes slut crazy and, like an addict in need, she'll be seeking for more. It's only later, when it will turn into a habit, so after month, when not years, that she'll starts to slow down.
And god, the more the girl was innocent, the more corrupted her is a tiring nymphomaniac.

If I had anything to add to this, I would also mention that the girl's change in dialogue/internal monologue is also a very critical component to corruption. For there to be a good use of corruption, we have to know the main girl's reactions and internal process to whatever she is experiencing, how would try to find justifications or excuses she would hastily say/think of while falling to the pleasure.
What is also something that only happen in games, not in reality. In reality the process is really simple ; "oh my fucking god ! I didn't knew that an orgasm can be so intense and powerful. I want more of this, always do me like you just did". There's no justification nor excuses, just a search for pleasure.
And, by the way, the most effective corruption vector is deny. Once you made her experience a big O two or three times, edge her. She'll quickly do whatever you want to effectively have her dose of dopamine.

Noah Neim

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2020
Make a game man, you already understand it better than most devs in the industry
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
First of all, girl turning into slut isn't the general criteria for the corruption genre. Well, corruption is one of those tags that has become ubiquitous, so not everyone will agree on the definition of the corruption porn genre. But you can very easily come up with a story where an innocent girl, with a supportive and wholesome group of friends, explore her budding sexual desires, and becomes a woman who loves to have sex. Not just a normal sexually active girl, but like super sexually free and indulgant. You can write that as wholesome and healthy. Where is the corruption?

Disregarding the porn aspect, the word corruption is more or less defined as something bad, morally bankrupt, selfish, and evil. The staunch purist of the corruption tag might argue that it has to involve a good -> evil character arc (turning into a demon succubus, for example), but that is a bit limiting. That said, at the very least, the corruption tag should be associated with something unwholesome. It isn't just being slutty, because sluts are not inherently corrupt, moral degenerates, or mind broken sex addicts that blows up her own life.

This is why NTR is incredibly highly associated with corruption. It's not wholesome. The sluttification is generally the result of some asshole corrupting her, and the corruption process facilitates her own moral degeneration.

The most general definition for corruption should be moral degeneration. It can apply to males too. Some upstanding guy gets slowly corrupted by some power or whatever.
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May 27, 2017
If I had anything to add to this, I would also mention that the girl's change in dialogue/internal monologue is also a very critical component to corruption. For there to be a good use of corruption, we have to know the main girl's reactions and internal process to whatever she is experiencing, how would try to find justifications or excuses she would hastily say/think of while falling to the pleasure. As the corruption begins and progresses throughout the story, witnessing the change in her actions slowly give way from denial, making excuses, reluctance, and eventually accepting her lewd desires is, in my mind, incredibly important. Especially for those who love a slowburn in writing/gameplay. It make the corruption not only believable, but all the more satisfying once you hit the more degenerate/harder actions the girl would gleefully engage in.
Good point, expression of corruption is an important part of a corruption work. I was alluding to this with the comments about sluttier clothing and changes in expression, but I didn't go into as much depth as you did here.

Make a game man, you already understand it better than most devs in the industry
I've tried. Writing sex dialog is surprisingly difficult.

First of all, girl turning into slut isn't the general criteria for the corruption genre. Well, corruption is one of those tags that has become ubiquitous, so not everyone will agree on the definition of the corruption porn genre. But you can very easily come up with a story where an innocent girl, with a supportive and wholesome group of friends, explore her budding sexual desires, and becomes a woman who loves to have sex. Not just a normal sexually active girl, but like super sexually free and indulgant. You can write that as wholesome and healthy. Where is the corruption?

Disregarding the porn aspect, the word corruption is more or less defined as something bad, morally bankrupt, selfish, and evil. The staunch purist of the corruption tag might argue that it has to involve a good -> evil character arc (turning into a demon succubus, for example), but that is a bit limiting. That said, at the very least, the corruption tag should be associated with something unwholesome. It isn't just being slutty, because sluts are not inherently corrupt, moral degenerates, or mind broken sex addicts that blows up her own life.

This is why NTR is incredibly highly associated with corruption. It's not wholesome. The sluttification is generally the result of some asshole corrupting her, and the corruption process facilitates her own moral degeneration.

The most general definition for corruption should be moral degeneration. It can apply to males too. Some upstanding guy gets slowly corrupted by some power or whatever.
My guide is for porn corruption, not the real life version.

The two are distinct, corruption in reality (crooked politicians, dirty cops) is a moral failing, you belong in prison. Traditionally sluttiness also had a negative moral component; you were a bad person if you were a slut and deserved to be stoned/ostracized/imprisoned. As many societies have become less religious, it now has more to do with being seen as low-class and trashy, as well as bad dating material. Its not so much you belong in prison if you're a slut, its more that you lower your worth in the eyes of polite society (except as sex objects). Societal norm violation as opposed to moral violation in other words.

The two can be tied together as mentioned, but this is rare. Your example of an innocent girl turned slut is porn corruption, not legal/moral corruption. She isn't going to go to prison or be stoned to death, she's going to be gradually seen as the village bicycle and get fucked silly by all the men she meets while being called a filthy cum dumpster, including her wholesome male friends...and she's going to love it. If this storyline continues, she'll end up marrying some guy without a clue, and while her husband is away/in the other room, she'll be getting railed by her wholesome friend(s) with benefits while she moans like a bitch in heat.



New Member
Aug 30, 2018
The two can be tied together as mentioned, but this is rare. Your example of an innocent girl turned slut is porn corruption, not legal/moral corruption. She isn't going to go to prison or be stoned to death, she's going to be gradually seen as the village bicycle and get fucked silly by all the men she meets while being called a filthy cum dumpster, including her wholesome male friends...and she's going to love it. If this storyline continues, she'll end up marrying some guy without a clue, and while her husband is away/in the other room, she'll be getting railed by her wholesome friend(s) with benefits while she moans like a bitch in heat.

I think it is very common for a moral corruption to happen happen in a porn game, its just usually glossed over for added emphasis on sex. For example:

The person being corrupted is an office lady. She may start on tier 3 of your corruption already(has and likes sex, but is not casual or outside norms with it). She has a moral value of not using sex to advance her career and also a self image of using her mind to accomplish tasks, not her looks. If over the course of a porn game she slowly comes to accept that showing more skin is better for her career, and letting some mild office groping happen for better relations with male coworkers, this would be a classical corruption of a moral value. The more she lets her body help her job, the more degradation of the original "my mind is more important" value. The game could settle on a balance of the value with her thinking her looks and mind are equally important, or it can corrupt further with showing her that her mind is not as good, or her body is all the bosses want.

So I do believe that a social or personal value/moral is corrupted in a porn game, you just need some context and character motivation to go with it.

And I think that's a big failing of a lot of corruption games. Most assume the character is pure and is against sex in general, and that is the value that is being corrupted. There are so many moral positions the character could have that pleasure and sex could corrupt, but most never explore that.
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May 27, 2017
And I think that's a big failing of a lot of corruption games. Most assume the character is pure and is against sex in general, and that is the value that is being corrupted. There are so many moral positions the character could have that pleasure and sex could corrupt, but most never explore that.
Morality is pretty complicated beyond the basics of don't hurt innocents and help those in need as long as they aren't hurting others. There's a lot of room for opinion for most moral stances, especially when considering individual cases. Porn corruption doesn't usually concern itself with this stuff because it tends to distract from the enjoyment of the porn itself. I don't think many people want to ponder the ethics of your gradually corrupted office slut, they would rather see her get fucked silly, unless the ethics stuff is really well written, in which case if your audience is horny, they STILL would rather see her get fucked silly, then consider the morality later.

This is something of a problem with porn in general, the more you try to add complexity and depth, the more it tends to take away from the porn in some way. There ARE exceptions, but it takes substantially more work and creative thinking to make something good porn AND have great complexity and depth without overdoing one or the other. Its hard to make a good game or porn. Its even harder to make a good game AND good porn.


New Member
Aug 30, 2018
This is something of a problem with porn in general, the more you try to add complexity and depth, the more it tends to take away from the porn in some way. There ARE exceptions, but it takes substantially more work and creative thinking to make something good porn AND have great complexity and depth without overdoing one or the other. Its hard to make a good game or porn. Its even harder to make a good game AND good porn.
I agree.
Considerations for a good game would be the sum of how good their components are. Platform, mechanics, sounds, art, and story all add to a make a game good or bad. Many games only focus on a few components so those aspects will need to be strong to be good. If a game relies on more writing and narrative then it will need complexity and length to not fall into cliched porn logic to get to the good parts.

So I do think there is a place for complex corruption but also acknowledge that implementing it is difficult when a lot of players are looking for the sexy scenes.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
First of all, girl turning into slut isn't the general criteria for the corruption genre. Well, corruption is one of those tags that has become ubiquitous, so not everyone will agree on the definition of the corruption porn genre. But you can very easily come up with a story where an innocent girl, with a supportive and wholesome group of friends, explore her budding sexual desires, and becomes a woman who loves to have sex. Not just a normal sexually active girl, but like super sexually free and indulgant. You can write that as wholesome and healthy. Where is the corruption?
I'd say a bit more general rule applies: corruption is conflict-based.

It doesn't need to be an unwholesome thing (but yes, often is), since we can view a sex-positive attitude as not morally bankrupt, and in fact, quite healthy (within limits of course). A girl getting rid of extreme, unhealthy guilt and shame associated with sex would be still corruption if there's an internal struggle in that arc. I would be very interested in such a story if it is well executed, and will definutely consider it corruption, even if this is written without some malignant external pressure. In fact, the weaker the external pressure, the better for me. Hard blackmail, coercion or mind control ruin the story because they put too big of a thumb on the scale of conflict.


May 27, 2017
I'd say a bit more general rule applies: corruption is conflict-based.

It doesn't need to be an unwholesome thing (but yes, often is), since we can view a sex-positive attitude as not morally bankrupt, and in fact, quite healthy (within limits of course). A girl getting rid of extreme, unhealthy guilt and shame associated with sex would be still corruption if there's an internal struggle in that arc. I would be very interested in such a story if it is well executed, and will definutely consider it corruption, even if this is written without some malignant external pressure. In fact, the weaker the external pressure, the better for me. Hard blackmail, coercion or mind control ruin the story because they put too big of a thumb on the scale of conflict.
Under normal circumstances, conflict is important for most stories, so stuff like powerful mind control or really any ability, power, or circumstance that gives an overwhelming advantage to one side isn't going to lead to interesting conflict in the long term. That said, porn isn't conflict, its satisfaction of desire, and since we are talking pornographic corruption, the normal rules for writing strong stories don't necessarily apply. If you've ever watched one of those wish fulfillment isekai with an overpowered protagonist and enjoyed them, then you understand why meaningful conflict isn't always the goal with a work, even story-based ones.

Another way to look at it is this:

Do you want to have a fight with your toilet every time you take a leak?


New Member
Jul 27, 2024
I'd say a bit more general rule applies: corruption is conflict-based.

It doesn't need to be an unwholesome thing (but yes, often is), since we can view a sex-positive attitude as not morally bankrupt, and in fact, quite healthy (within limits of course). A girl getting rid of extreme, unhealthy guilt and shame associated with sex would be still corruption if there's an internal struggle in that arc. I would be very interested in such a story if it is well executed, and will definutely consider it corruption, even if this is written without some malignant external pressure. In fact, the weaker the external pressure, the better for me. Hard blackmail, coercion or mind control ruin the story because they put too big of a thumb on the scale of conflict.
Some internal conflict should be a given in a situation like this. A girl who has unhealthy views of sex because she grew up in a crazy fundi christian household or something would have internal conflict as she works through that issue. Imagine a situation where her group of very supportive friends slowly bring her out of that mindset and she blossoms into a sexually confident person, perhaps even taking it farther than the average person and becoming quite promiscuous. But the tone of the writing never takes it into an exploitative or destructive direction. There was conflict there, but it's hard for me to say that story is anything close to a corruption story.

Now let's look at a fairly innocuous corruption tag we often see. The male MC harem game corruption. As it often goes, devs of harem often want to portray that MC as someone relatable or decent. And the relationships are usually romance based. But there exists some mild corruption undertones or routes in many cases, as the male MC teaches some innocent virgin about sex. In some way, you could view it as something wholesome similar to the above example, but the actual tone and the incel vibes turns it into a selfish act where the male MC is basically training her to be his personal slut or whatever. So even if it isn't intentionally written as unwholesome, you couldn't really call it a wholesome situation, at least if it warranted the corruption tag. At best, there is a selfish motivation for the MC to "corrupt" her, so the unwholesome criteria for corruption could be met.

Other borderline situations we could look over could be those female MC corruption games that gives all the agency to the FMC. Unlike the more common form where she is corrupted by some ugly bastards or whatever, some games make it so she is always in charge of her own fate and decisions. But personally, I have never seen a single game of this type that doesn't have unwholesome vibes. Either she takes it to the extreme where her own well-being is jeopardized, or she is part of some broader unwholesome situation like NTR/cheating/inappropriate relations. In fact, if a game like that existed, where the female is just breaking out of her shell in a wholesome way and exploring her sexuality despite some inner/outer conflict, I doubt it would be tagged with corruption in the first place.

I'm sure there could exist a wholesome game tagged with corruption somewhere on this site. Perhaps it's a mistag, or perhaps it deserves it in a way that I didn't consider. But we both know that it would be an extremely rare thing, as opposed to the plethora of shady corruption games.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
If you've ever watched one of those wish fulfillment isekai with an overpowered protagonist and enjoyed them
Well, that's just the thing: I don't enjoy them.

Do you want to have a fight with your toilet every time you take a leak?
An interesting example. You do realize that the pleasure of a release when taking a leak is directly proportional to the struggle you had beforehand, to hold it in? I don't want it to be tied this way, sure, naively I want all the reward and none of the struggle. It doesn't work that way in our brains.

Some internal conflict should be a given in a situation like this. A girl who has unhealthy views of sex because she grew up in a crazy fundi christian household or something would have internal conflict as she works through that issue. Imagine a situation where her group of very supportive friends slowly bring her out of that mindset and she blossoms into a sexually confident person, perhaps even taking it farther than the average person and becoming quite promiscuous. But the tone of the writing never takes it into an exploitative or destructive direction. There was conflict there, but it's hard for me to say that story is anything close to a corruption story.
I generally agree that most corruption games are shady. But then, 90% of everything is crap. And remember that Sturgeon was talking about published works, works that passed some editors and curators. For self-published works this figure evidently exceeds 99%.

I don't want a definitional debate. What I know is that he emotional beats that I want in lets-call-it-for-simplicity corruption story would be the same as the "wholesome fundie detox" example. Internal struggle and breaking barriers with a sexual theme. As for the shadiness, I think it's just easier to write because there are a lot of established tropes for shady paths, whereas it's hard to think of a wide array of wholesome alternatives.