Unity - Guilty Hell 2 [v0.40b] [KAIRI SOFT]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has significant improvement over its predecessor.

    They added more magic to the game like shields and fire magic. Combat has been improved with added air and ground combos. Animation has improved, they added more monsters so far with multiple animations and not just the standard two or one.

    They also added companions and they have H animations as well, which is awesome. I always wanted to see more of Nior and the theif girl.

    The gripes I have is, as of now when writing this review. The game has some bugs that they are fixing so please make multiple saves. It isn't a hack and slash like the first one (this is good or bad depending if you wanna play the game one handed. )

    Not sure if they are gonna add this or not, I miss the kiss magic from the first game. But they might add it back.

    I'm looking forward to the future of this game though.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly the best game in its category. The animations are amazing and diverse, with a massive bestiary and multiple sex-related endings depending on the lost battle, the opponent, or the boss...

    However, the game urgently needs an English translation, as there is already a lot of content that remains untranslated. Additionally, some versions suffer from bugs, but fixes are released relatively quickly. That being said, the game also features real lore, a true storyline, side quests, corruption mechanics, and sex scenes that can be somewhat—or even very—borderline at times, but they fit perfectly within the game's universe.

    This kind of game, still in development and with exceptional potential, deserves support!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best side scrollers. Controls are ok, combat can be tough, but rewarding, and the balance and integration of h animations and gameplay is good. Lots to explore, lots to see, many enemies to fight, a big skill (stat) tree to upgrade.

    It is very similar to HoTM and Nanocrisis/whatever the first one is called, but with tigher, more diverse and engaging combat, without the 'menu' gameplay.
    Has a few good hours of gameplay - but get a unity translator (I'm using ReiPatcher), a lot of the game is not translated into English, and getting at least a hint of what the hell is going on really goes a long way.
    I really enjoyed playing through it, and I will be following the development with interest.

    Also, the protagonist is basically Master Chief, as she doesn't utter a word (except for gasps and moans).