VN - Ren'Py - Guilty Pleasure [v0.37] [Quonix]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The premise of the game was quite good at the start, but it sadly lacks in the most important part: the sex scenes. The more the game progressed in content, the clearer it got that the dev is just pushing content out at a high rate (small updates, but a high frequency). The sex scenes lack buildup, content and renders. Even if you ignore the low number of animations, the scenes feel very rushed and unfinished.

    If it is the first game of the dev, thats pretty fine. But maybe he should invest a bit more buildup and care into each scene.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    sexy characters maybe romance developed a bit too fast cuz they jump into sex really fast -- still the mom is slower in this regard and also the hottest so the build up is worth it 5/5. The scenes are nice the writting isnt bad overall worth the play.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I love every part of this game except for the sex scenes. Basic incest plot. Nothing ground breaking, but the characters are hot and have their own personalities. The choices started to dry up as the game went on but it is still fine.

    The sex scenes suck all enjoyment out of playing this. There is 1 animation, MC says I'm about to cum (no choice about where), 1 image of MC peen inside the girl with a bit of cum leaking, and done. Boring as hell and repetitive.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This started out good - good renders, good story, etc. Unfortunately, it later went from a game to a kinetic novel (without getting the tag.) Kinetic novels aren't games and they suck. It's too bad. It could have been a good game with the characters in, but instead it's not. If I wanted something not a game, I'd watch porn.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is simply about a boy in a family full of women whose mission is to fuck them all. It is an incest game just to warn people who are not into incest. It’s an average story of a horny young guy eventually fucking every family member. The writing is nothing amazing, but it does job. The pacing is a bit too quick, sometimes the sex scenes happen suddenly and can mess up with the game's pace. For me, as somebody who has played very few incest games. I felt like the acceptance of incest in this game was way too non-chalant and I guess too obliging.

    The main character in this game is bang average, just your normal young guy wanting to fuck his family member. All the family members are okay, nothing too interesting about them. It was fun to see how the progression went in how each family member wanting to fuck the main character.

    There is a chunk amount of content in this game. Albeit it is quite vanilla in terms of the sex and content. It is unusual how the replay is done in acts? Especially weirder there's 150 acts when really it's just scenes and mostly sex scenes. The sex scenes do feel plain and really fast which is a bummer. This game has opted for more quantity than quality sex scenes.

    There is no gameplay, it’s just your typical adult visual novel. The choices are either you follow the character arc or not.

    The visuals are good. Above average renders. All the models in the game look super hot, the proportion of the bodies are perfect for each character in my opinion. The sex animations are also pretty good as well.

    The sound design is okay, there’s some background music and sexy music whenever there is sex scene. The game has minimal sound effects, but not much to it in the sound design.

    It’s a good read if you’re into incest as the whole game’s premise is the MC fucking all his family members & other girls. However it’s an okay read for the normal audience, it’s still fun and enjoyable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Models are so hot, great characters , nice sex scenes without grind. If you're into incest that's the perfect game.
    It's a VN though, not a lot of gameplay.
    In my opinion: the best currently ongoing game, I'm following every release ! Go for it
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not terrible, but it is the epitome of mediocrity.

    The writing is just fine. Not particularly inspired. Not engaging. Not funny. Not really anything. But it moves along the barely existent narrative, There's really not much of one. Just enough to establish a flimsy reason for the MC to bang his relatives.

    I suppose with that in mind the sex scenes are the meat of the game and I guess there's a lot of meat on these bones. But it's hard not to feel like they opted for quantity over quality.

    There's a lot of sex scenes but not a lot of writing has gone into them. I mean the images are nice enough but I only look at them as long as it takes me to read a scene and in this game I can do that in like thirty seconds tops.

    At the end of the day if you don't really care about the narrative at all and just need the bare minimum to nut to then this might be your... Guilty Pleasure. :cool:

    ...Personally though I like at least a bit more depth to my degenerate lewd games.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly I don't have much to say other than to echo the other negative reviews here. The pace of the game feels off, there is inconsistency with what the characters say and do (or how quickly they get comfortable with doing very risky stuff), the buildup is lacking and the writing ranges from okay to bad.

    I was lured in by the nice looking models, both the (by default) mother and the older sister (my fav) are good looking and start off interesting, unfortunately the game very early on forces a fuckbuddy relationship with the younger sister which I didn't care for.

    After playing for some more I realized that there were no meaningful choices to make and you didn't even get to choose if you'd like to get intimate with the girls, the sex acts were just thrown at you. Unlike other VNs where you at least can choose not to get involved with characters you didn't care about and not go their path, here you are just expected to fuck anything that moves.

    I would rate this 2.5/5 but then I read that in recent updates it gets worse and worse so I give it a 2-/5 for the artwork, the realistic proportions and the fact that you can customize the relation the main characters have (for example I made them all step-related to the MC), which is a plus.

    As others have said, a very mediocre VN that is at best forgettable and at worst frustrating to "play" through.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't let the early "choices" fool you, this is a kinetic novel through and through.

    Dated theme all throughout the story, seen one seen them all at this point. Cliche is the name of the game here.

    The most enticing thing here is the freckles on the mother.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is phoned in like "unlimited nights and weekend minutes" from the early 2000s. It's honestly impressive how little effort was put into it. Feels like dev gave less shit than a constipated Gandhi on his 135th day of fasting. More effort was put into this shit post masquerading as a review.

    If you've played this game any time in the last two years, you've already 100 percented it gamer. GGs
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to feel decent, but its been declining in quality for while now.

    Nothing happens that isn't directly related to the sex scenes, and mostly it is simply to provide a new setting to display the sex scene in.

    Unfortunately the sex scenes are very pedestrian. They are short, the dialogue is largely uninteresting and it just feels very uninspired.

    Writing this just after release .33, which introduced a 3-some that was entirely uninspired and unengaging. How do you make a 3-some that dull?

    We need to see longer and more involved sex scenes, currently it feels like the dev is just phoning in a half-arsed performance to collect his pay cheque.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't add anything that hasn't already been said by other people, so i'll just say this:
    For a guy that fucks his entire family, this dude's life is remarkably plain. Seriously, nothing happens in this game. Oh, and it definitely doesn't qualify as a visual novel.
    It's a kinetic novel.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Fair warning, this review is going to be pretty spoiler heavy.

    As others have mentioned, this game has numerous flaws and one of its most frustrating is of course the sex scenes in which no one ever changes positions, the MC has never heard of foreplay (unless it's for his own pleasure), and somehow everyone has an orgasm within 30 seconds. But aside from that, its biggest flaw is that it absolutely squanders every potential for storytelling.

    It starts out with a decent enough premise with the MC and his sister sort of being thrust into a situation by their friends where they end up having sex. I assumed there would be some build up to it happening again, but instead the sister almost immediately admits that she liked it and wants to do it again. So, then they start having casual sex and I'm thinking, ok, fine, they'll think they can keep it casual and eventually realize they're starting to have feelings for one another. But nope. They just carry on their merry way with both seemingly never having a single introspective thought or feeling enter their brains.

    Then there's the other sister who catches them and is morally opposed to incest but is obviously attracted to her brother. So, I figured, here comes some actual drama. But it doesn't take much time to convince her to also fuck him. And once she gets a taste of the MC's near-instant orgasms, she's suddenly fine with everything.

    There's also the cute girl he's tutoring whose parents died when she's young, but I guess I should have taken the MC literally when he told his mom he'd avoid that topic because it never comes up again.

    But the aunt is the biggest headscratcher of them all and is actually the only reason I'm writing this because I didn't notice anyone else mention it in a review. She catches the siblings in the act on her yacht. She tells them they need to come clean to their mother or she'll eventually tell her. But evidently the trauma of her yacht breaking down is too much for everyone because they all have selective amnesia by the time they're all back home. Suddenly the siblings are making comments about how they think the aunt might suspect and the aunt is acting like she's suspicious of them.

    By this point in the game, the characters basically develop short term memory loss. The aunt gives the MC a blowjob and his mom almost catches them and when his mom mentions that the aunt disappeared during the night, the MC tells her that she must have slept in one of the girls' rooms. Then later the aunt asks the MC for help coming up with an alibi and for some reason he abandons that perfectly reasonable story and tells her that she should tell the mom that she left during the middle of the night to go to a bar and get wasted. Then the aunt catches the siblings in the act AGAIN and they all act like it's the first time???

    So, yeah, if you made it through my overly lengthy review and this still somehow sounds like a good time to you, knock yourself out! Otherwise, don't waste your time.

    TLDR: The MC is a two-pump chump but has a magical dick that always gives girls orgasms anyway and eventually all the characters get amnesia. The end.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Not much of a story and really no meaningful choices. There are a lot of girls and they are all good looking. The updates are pretty short but they do drop pretty regularly, all and all it pretty solid.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A classic "quest to bang everybody" game, and I cant complain. Every female in the game is a smoke show. The sex scenes are hot. The only things that would irk me is THAT sister's perversion tends to get outta hand, and lack of awareness when getting naughty really stretches the boundaries of plausibility (i.e. doing it in the living room with a huge window with all the lights on when using the bedroom and/or a light switch was totally a possibility); however, those more or less end up being comedic to me.

    TLDR; A standard wet humping simulator with hotties and humor. Not bad.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great incest game. I would like it if we had options for the story instead of just watching though a fixed (predetermined) one, but it's still one of the best. Models and animation are great. The story is spicy and I can't wait for more Updates.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic models (though the "aunt" model looks a bit too cartoonish for my taste) and pacing, and the personalities of the characters are distinct and well-done. The updates are frequent, but short. Looking forward to the continued progression.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    [v0.30] You and your sister get sexual while playing games at a party with friends. From then on, you both look at each other differently. You decide to enter a sexual relationship which soon grows to encompass your other sister, your mother, your Aunt, and other women in the neighborhood.

    The story is entertaining, if lacking drama. Characters are playful and nice, and the models are good looking.

    The problem with the game is that the sex scenes consist of only one animation each and are over within a few clicks. A game built around sex should feature more content during these scenes. Even just additional views of each animations would help immensely.

    A porn game with lackluster porn is simply not good enough.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Not much to tell about the story, its a standard incest game with 0 twist so it something you will have seen a million times over.

    Story is kinetic you will be forced to fuck all the familie members even those you dont want to fuck and this is what really kills the game, you should always be able to pick who you want to fuck, and when you cant story is just kinetic and points, and it turns into a boring fuckfest game, might as well hit a porn site insted of wasting time reading pointless text without romance or relationship build-ups.

    I had to stop playing after the Aunt was forced on me, i just hate old ugly LIs with huge saggy tits, its to much of a turn-off and ruined the game, it shouldent force that shit on you as the player, it should insted respect that people has diffrent tastes and might not want to see everything hence the need for choices...

    MC is a bit of a brainless idiot, telling one of hes friends the truth about him and hes sister is just to idiotic when they are trying to hide it, sure he saw it happen at the party but it could have easily been explained with being drunk and on drugs, so no idea why he told him everything.

    And as allways someone forgets to lock the door so MC and the sister get cought by the mother while fucking, its just so boring and so standard, but what makes it idiotic is when they keep fucking out in the open on a small boat, next to MCs other sister, in the open on the boat where its impossible not to get caught, its just not fun and its pointless they might as well just walk up and tell everyone that would proberly be 10 times more fun.

    Also its missing the Drugs tag, you fuck your sister the first time when shes on drugs.

    Apprently that sister was also a virgin but scene was shit and not like a virgin scene in any way what so ever, MC just fucks her like any other normal sex scene, no pain no nothing, sure you can blame it on the drugs but still a total waste of potential to make a decent virgin scene, also another tag missing i guess even though scene was awefull.

    The girls or should say familie is meh, Lilly look nice but thats about it, i found the other girls at the party better then any of the familie members, and since you see those LI fuck and suck other guys means they arent even LIs and if they are i wouldent thouch them after that.

    Animations are pretty good, short but still something you can enjoy.

    Music is ok about average so nothing special or mood setting just the normal background stuff.

    Choices are shit and there are very very few of them, 95% of the story or more is just text with no choices, you cant change anything in the main story and you cant deside who to fuck, its just forced on you by the kinetic storyline.

    Missing tags: Kinetic, Virgin, Drugs, Creampie just to name some.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    V0.30 or 0.3 to those who know math :p :LOL:

    entering year 4 of development and still not much going on.
    plot (haha) is the same ol' same ol' seen many times before and is not delivered very well. dialogue reads like many below par others here too.
    it has no hook. more exciting if i hide the dialogue altogether and just watch it as a slideshow.

    the art is it's only attempt to hook players and it does an average job of that. with no real story to express, the artist has done the best they can but it's nothing new. there's nowhere to go beyond rinse and repeat

    it's just bland and unexciting. going nowhere and taking it's damn fine time doing so. takes the yellow naturally produced liquid in catheter form calling this a Novel. even 50 shades and twilight were a more interesting read and i would not recommend either to anyone.........except maybe the french ;):LOL: