VN - Ren'Py - Guilty Pleasure [v0.41] [Quonix]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    (Review of v0.40, updated for 0.41)

    Not a bad game but after having sex with Lily at the campsite (probably the only scene that feels taboo in the game, despite being rather simple) every other sex scene feels routinary, like fucking your older sister and aunt is no big deal. The characters aren't that interesting anyway, and they get more simplistic and predictable as times passes.

    Renders are OK but the lack of variety in facial expressions and the boring storyline contributes to make the characters quite forgettable despite the attempts at witty humour. Animations are decent, fairly smooth and they play without lag, but they don't make the game any better.

    In summary, an average game with nothing especially wrong but nothing remarkable either.


    Update for 0.41:

    This update confirms the game is hopeless as mom finally catches the MC fucking one of his sisters and nothing much happens. Other than that it's more of the same hollow talk and hundreds of renders filling the void between boring sex scenes. Changing rating down from 3 to 2 stars; I say 0.42 will show the MC fucking mom too as if that would make this story less irrelevant. At this rate the developer will end up having to pay people to play this, it's all I'm saying (n)

    PS. If you absolutely must download this please mind the planet and go for the compressed version (Win/Mac), you aren't missing anything...
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The animations are decent but the story is linear and boring. You should download gallery mod if all you're looking for is the sex scenes. Boring bits about how some guy is suddenly allowed to fuck his family
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is fun, at least better than the average incest game on this site.
    The renders, animation and story are all better than average. The story starts of interesting and then starts to drag.
    Where this game shines is the content is released frequently in small chunks which is refreshing with so many other developers getting lazy.

    Story 3/5, Originality 3/5, Renders 4/5, Animations 3.5/5, Amount of content 5/5
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Whenever i try to play this game, i'll inevitably go a handfull of slides further than the previous attempt, only to stop and quit the game because of just how bad the writing is. I just can't move past that horrible writing.

    Incest is one of my shamefull kinks, i'm very ashamed to say that, but i really dig it. So this type of game should be right up my alley right? since that is very much the premise of the game. The problem however is that the writing is so bad that i just can't enjoy it. In my opinion, for an incest focused game to be good, it needs to justify that incest in some way, there needs to be some level of build up in that relationship for two siblings or other close family members, to go down that specific path of depravity. And no matter how much they love each other, that relationship must remain taboo in their "world" because if it's not, if it's something that everyone just easily accepts it, it loses the appeal of it.

    There is zero build up here. The two siblings engage in that type of relationship way too quickly, and worse of all of it, with other people very close nearby that could be listening or watching. I found their first sex scene to be way too abnormal, no amount of substance abuse could allow for something like that to JUST HAPPEN.

    And if that wasn't enough, they go too quickly to not only accepting their incestual relationship, but then Lily - fitting name for her to be fair - is already working on corrupting her sister and mom, and the main character just shrugs and goes along with it. - i guess pussy is just pussy for him, so who cares. This type of incest porn actually takes away all the "fun" of the incest part of it, it's supposed to be taboo, so keep it hidden, keep that tension, keep that secret for as long as possible, because, at least for me, that's what actually makes it exciting.

    Don't get me wrong, a game doesn't have to be a slow burner to "justify" the incest, it just has to be a little bit more patient and try to set up a reasonable situation where two siblings will start to mess around with each other. And for the other family members like the MC's mom, IT DEFINITELY needs more build up, because she goes too quickly from "hmm my son and daughter may be incestuous" to "wow should i join in with them? "oh god what am i thinking?" facepalm.

    In short, it's just bad. It's an incest focused game where Incest is clearly not that big of deal, and where's the fun in that?
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game started out as one of my favorites but it fizzled out so much that I'm not even looking forward to playing new releases anymore.

    The game was basically very good and interesting until you got to the boat chapter. Before that, there were sexual tension and chemistry between characters. Incest was still a taboo and progress was exiting.

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    Then it all come tumbling down into a badly written harem game like so many before this one. No tension... no anticipation. You decide to see a have sex with her. The other girls all knows it...they are not jealous, they don't mind it and the still worship your cock and happily have sex with you the next day. Let's just work out the logistics between all the girls and spread the love evenly.

    So frustrating as the game started out Soooo...Frikken well. Lost oppertunity IMO.

    I mean... Mingling with the younger sister's friends after the camp... realizing the risks of ongoing sex with her and keeping it from her firends. Maybe throw in the potential to cheat on her with the girl you always had a crush....etc. etc. etc. (Not a writer but just throwing alternatives out there)

    In anycase. And went from a solid 5 to 3 for me. Now it's just an average boring harem games with pretty girls and pretty renders. The aunt and the boat chapter started a downward trend for me.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Supreme Breeder

    The story is average to say the best as it is the same cliche incest storyline we have seen plenty of times before.

    The renders and animations are okay, not good but not bad too.

    Thr updates keeps getting smaller and smaller with almost no progression in terms of story and character arcs. These 1 minute update simply ruin the mood to play.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    At beginning this game was showing promise. But now no story line just blah blah sex blah blah and it was like that last couple updates, No new characters game is dead and boring, Dev could have finished this game a while a go and there wouldn't be any difference!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Guilty Pleasure [v0.37] [Quonix]

    • An excellent story emphasizing incest & polyamorous. Incest approach with mom was very good, especially mom’s reluctance to give-up the morality was very well expressed.
    • Excellent quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations
    • Playability, performance and grammar are all just OK no issue

    • Sound: Almost no sound except background music
    • Lack of genuine or more of fictitious for sexuality except for the first one with the younger sister.
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach.
    • Few dialogue mismatch as who is talking and few spell mistakes.
    • More of blow / boob job; just more of manly domination; Very limited pussy eating.
    • Limited dressing / attire for females but fairly good dresses.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The premise of the game was quite good at the start, but it sadly lacks in the most important part: the sex scenes. The more the game progressed in content, the clearer it got that the dev is just pushing content out at a high rate (small updates, but a high frequency). The sex scenes lack buildup, content and renders. Even if you ignore the low number of animations, the scenes feel very rushed and unfinished.

    If it is the first game of the dev, thats pretty fine. But maybe he should invest a bit more buildup and care into each scene.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    sexy characters maybe romance developed a bit too fast cuz they jump into sex really fast -- still the mom is slower in this regard and also the hottest so the build up is worth it 5/5. The scenes are nice the writting isnt bad overall worth the play.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I love every part of this game except for the sex scenes. Basic incest plot. Nothing ground breaking, but the characters are hot and have their own personalities. The choices started to dry up as the game went on but it is still fine.

    The sex scenes suck all enjoyment out of playing this. There is 1 animation, MC says I'm about to cum (no choice about where), 1 image of MC peen inside the girl with a bit of cum leaking, and done. Boring as hell and repetitive.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This started out good - good renders, good story, etc. Unfortunately, it later went from a game to a kinetic novel (without getting the tag.) Kinetic novels aren't games and they suck. It's too bad. It could have been a good game with the characters in, but instead it's not. If I wanted something not a game, I'd watch porn.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is simply about a boy in a family full of women whose mission is to fuck them all. It is an incest game just to warn people who are not into incest. It’s an average story of a horny young guy eventually fucking every family member. The writing is nothing amazing, but it does job. The pacing is a bit too quick, sometimes the sex scenes happen suddenly and can mess up with the game's pace. For me, as somebody who has played very few incest games. I felt like the acceptance of incest in this game was way too non-chalant and I guess too obliging.

    The main character in this game is bang average, just your normal young guy wanting to fuck his family member. All the family members are okay, nothing too interesting about them. It was fun to see how the progression went in how each family member wanting to fuck the main character.

    There is a chunk amount of content in this game. Albeit it is quite vanilla in terms of the sex and content. It is unusual how the replay is done in acts? Especially weirder there's 150 acts when really it's just scenes and mostly sex scenes. The sex scenes do feel plain and really fast which is a bummer. This game has opted for more quantity than quality sex scenes.

    There is no gameplay, it’s just your typical adult visual novel. The choices are either you follow the character arc or not.

    The visuals are good. Above average renders. All the models in the game look super hot, the proportion of the bodies are perfect for each character in my opinion. The sex animations are also pretty good as well.

    The sound design is okay, there’s some background music and sexy music whenever there is sex scene. The game has minimal sound effects, but not much to it in the sound design.

    It’s a good read if you’re into incest as the whole game’s premise is the MC fucking all his family members & other girls. However it’s an okay read for the normal audience, it’s still fun and enjoyable.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Models are so hot, great characters , nice sex scenes without grind. If you're into incest that's the perfect game.
    It's a VN though, not a lot of gameplay.
    In my opinion: the best currently ongoing game, I'm following every release ! Go for it
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not terrible, but it is the epitome of mediocrity.

    The writing is just fine. Not particularly inspired. Not engaging. Not funny. Not really anything. But it moves along the barely existent narrative, There's really not much of one. Just enough to establish a flimsy reason for the MC to bang his relatives.

    I suppose with that in mind the sex scenes are the meat of the game and I guess there's a lot of meat on these bones. But it's hard not to feel like they opted for quantity over quality.

    There's a lot of sex scenes but not a lot of writing has gone into them. I mean the images are nice enough but I only look at them as long as it takes me to read a scene and in this game I can do that in like thirty seconds tops.

    At the end of the day if you don't really care about the narrative at all and just need the bare minimum to nut to then this might be your... Guilty Pleasure. :cool:

    ...Personally though I like at least a bit more depth to my degenerate lewd games.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly I don't have much to say other than to echo the other negative reviews here. The pace of the game feels off, there is inconsistency with what the characters say and do (or how quickly they get comfortable with doing very risky stuff), the buildup is lacking and the writing ranges from okay to bad.

    I was lured in by the nice looking models, both the (by default) mother and the older sister (my fav) are good looking and start off interesting, unfortunately the game very early on forces a fuckbuddy relationship with the younger sister which I didn't care for.

    After playing for some more I realized that there were no meaningful choices to make and you didn't even get to choose if you'd like to get intimate with the girls, the sex acts were just thrown at you. Unlike other VNs where you at least can choose not to get involved with characters you didn't care about and not go their path, here you are just expected to fuck anything that moves.

    I would rate this 2.5/5 but then I read that in recent updates it gets worse and worse so I give it a 2-/5 for the artwork, the realistic proportions and the fact that you can customize the relation the main characters have (for example I made them all step-related to the MC), which is a plus.

    As others have said, a very mediocre VN that is at best forgettable and at worst frustrating to "play" through.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't let the early "choices" fool you, this is a kinetic novel through and through.

    Dated theme all throughout the story, seen one seen them all at this point. Cliche is the name of the game here.

    The most enticing thing here is the freckles on the mother.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is phoned in like "unlimited nights and weekend minutes" from the early 2000s. It's honestly impressive how little effort was put into it. Feels like dev gave less shit than a constipated Gandhi on his 135th day of fasting. More effort was put into this shit post masquerading as a review.

    If you've played this game any time in the last two years, you've already 100 percented it gamer. GGs
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to feel decent, but its been declining in quality for while now.

    Nothing happens that isn't directly related to the sex scenes, and mostly it is simply to provide a new setting to display the sex scene in.

    Unfortunately the sex scenes are very pedestrian. They are short, the dialogue is largely uninteresting and it just feels very uninspired.

    Writing this just after release .33, which introduced a 3-some that was entirely uninspired and unengaging. How do you make a 3-some that dull?

    We need to see longer and more involved sex scenes, currently it feels like the dev is just phoning in a half-arsed performance to collect his pay cheque.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't add anything that hasn't already been said by other people, so i'll just say this:
    For a guy that fucks his entire family, this dude's life is remarkably plain. Seriously, nothing happens in this game. Oh, and it definitely doesn't qualify as a visual novel.
    It's a kinetic novel.