Unity - Completed - GunSoul Girl [Final] [MoeGame]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Let me be straight forward here: The game is broken, and do not work.

    I attempted to run all three scenarios. I tried to run it at ultra and when that failed the first time I simply just reverted to 'normal' for all other attempts. I have decently powerful computer and a strong graphics card. The hardware should definitely be in order to run a game like this.

    And yet...
    I attempted to run scene (as the stages are called) 1-1 and 1-2. I also tried 2-1 and 3-1. All of them loaded to 100% at which point the screen went black. Waiting for something to happen did nothing, clicking something would make the game unresponsive.

    For obvious reasons I cannot speak to the quality, game play, story or anything else really. I can only say that the game didn't work for me.