VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Haley's Story [v1.1 Pre-Patched] [Viitgames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice funny game and nice animated scenes and ah well. I enjoyed the game and might play it at a later time to go for another ending but the things aren't too clear while playing. Of course, I always play with walkthroughs and mods as much as possible to get the perfect endings. Don't have enough time for multiple playthroughs. Do give this one a chance another benefit is that it's a completed game so there's that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all I'm pretty sure the corruption tag is misplaced.

    Other than that, Haley is probably the best sister you gonna find in any of these sister incest games. She's cute, she's fun, though some people might find her excessive clinginess to be annoying. I personally like Adriana, so the ending feels very half-baked to me. The trauma portion of the story comes out of nowhere and goes nowhere. Nevertheless, Haley is great enough of a character to guarantee a 5 star for this game.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This story is simultaneously one of my favorite, and least favorite games I have played in a while, basically it was a good game that was ruined by a "surprise the main LI was raped" plot.

    Its annoying because it wasn't in the tags, and as someone who does not like when an LI is raped in a game it came out of nowhere and dropped my enjoyment from wow this game is 4-5/5 to 1/5 immediately.

    Basically Haley was "raped" in the past (she liked it, but since its student-teacher it is technically rape) and basically uses you as a surrogate of her teacher, IE constantly calls you "daddy" pretends that you are the same as the teacher who did it to her, and talks about how she "loves" the guy/ has kinks involving BDSM because of him. Basically he corrupted her and turned her into a psuedo-nympho, and she almost treats you as a replacement for him and thinks about him every time you guys have sex. It ruined the story for me , every time she calls you "daddy" it just disturbed the fuck outa me, but I hate stories with the LI being raped so maybe that's just me.

    Fundamentally it should have been in the tags or planned tags so that people have information on what they are going to be playing before they get invested in the story and characters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    The third world eye

    Loved the game. The expression on the characters' faces was especially appreciated. The dialogues' were very funny and seemed quite natural.
    One thing though, it's really hard to get all the endings, a button to skip to the next choice if there is nothing new in-between would be very nice.
    Thanks for your effort.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A VN focused on a brother & sister romance.

    You play as the brother of Haley, whom you basically share your life with. She's quirky with a dose of sarcasm, and a pivotal character so your enjoyment hinges on taking a liking to her.

    There are several story paths. All of which involve Haley as far as I'm aware. It's either Haley, or Haley plus one other love interest of your choice.

    What one might fault it for is that there is lots of day-to-day banter. It comes down to taste whether that is an issue or not. For some it makes things more down-to-earth and relatable, and others might feel like there's too much filler to pad the game's length.

    I'd recommend this if you're into (or can overlook) the brother & sister thing; as it's renowned as one of the best in the genre.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Haley's Story is a very nice game focused on brother-sister relationship. There are other love interests in the game but neither of them are as fleshed out and interesting as Haley, the sister. But that doesn't mean they're all expelicity bad. The story is fairly well written and relationship between main character and his sister feels very natural and progresses in a believable way. Game forces you into two different relationships; with your sister and with one of the other girls. Being forced into a relationship with your sister in sister incest game is kinda understandable but second forced relationship is with one of the most generic and bland girls ever. It serves some story purposes i guess but still, being forced into anything against players will is not a good thing. Generally speaking, the game structure and how it handles different girls routes and endings is kinda confusing. For example, if you want to achieve an ending with "girl 3" even if you do everything right with her, you will be not able to do that without forcefully ending "girls 1 and 2" routes first. Its kinda messy because game never tells you anything about this.

    Renders are quite solid. Nothing spectacular of course but they're not bad. Animations are solid, they are not 2 frame loops so that's a good thing. Mostly during a scene there is only one animation with different speeds so it wouldn't hurt to have some more diversity, different camera angles etc. Sex scenes themselves are kinda short but at the same time rather rewarding, hot and happening in a realistic way. Characters looks ok, some better than the others. All girls looks fairly realistic and believable. Very nice music.

    Overall Haley's Story is a good game and enjoyable experience. It's not amazing or anything but the story and writing are good, relationship between brother and sister is really well done and renders are quite nice. Reaching one ending took me around 12 hours.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN really hits me good.
    First, i found the renders really good and with the girls having many outfits. So already a good point.

    Then i really liked Haley's personality. I quite was fond of her and would have loved a girl like her.
    Then even if there are moments where i would have loved a less "unidirectionnal" story, i was quite into it, and could relate to the issue presented by the MC's girlfriend and sister.
    So for me, it's a clear 5 stars.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Now i understand that using the world of psychology like dealing with past trauma will add spiciness to the story. That Haley became bitter, hostile, and clingy because she was broken etc etc. I get it really, but i'm having a hard time relating to the story because: just because you're in pain, it won't give you the privilege of being an asshole to everyone all the time. In short, i found Haley's character is annoying and unappealing most of the times, except when she asks to be punished because she's been naughty, i'll give you that.

    Her character is like being caught between two sides and she can't get out of it, which is confusing, twisted, and manipulative. Not nice. I'd imagine she is actually a kind hearted girl but you can't be a victim and a perpetrator at the same time. It just too much. In the end she had to make a choice, with or without her brother which she couldn't do. It was very selfish and childish, and also cowardish.

    I appreciate the witty banter between these 2 siblings, however i'm sick of hearing it after about a quarter of the story. Haley's real motive there was just asking for reassurance, it was just her voice screaming in pain and wrapped in comedy because she didn't dare to be with her own emotions. So, it's not actually funny and it's very sad.

    That is all i have to say, after wondering when all these stories will end for days
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game. The dynamic between the main character and Haley was fun and entertaining. The other potential LIs all felt unique and interesting in their own ways. Great game! Good luck to the Dev on his future games, I'll be looking forward to them.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    This game looks good, is well written and is all around a great time! I was initially a tad frustrated by the fact that I didn't really get to choose whether I wanted a certain relationship or not, but it all worked out eventually and I got to pursue the titular character. What this game excels at are the cute moments in-between. The nose biting, the refusal to let the other go after sex, the adorable co-dependency. I've never seen any game nail those like this one!

    In summary: This game warms my heart and swells my chub!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    My only complaint is that there isn't more! The story is great, the characters are attractive and compelling, the h-scenes are good. Haley in particular is just lovely, though I like redheads so maybe I'm biased. Highest possible recommendation.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's such a game that any of the individual details that I single out and evaluate are particularly good in none of them, but overall they are very interesting and enjoyable. Because of this I could not say anything special, and if the author intends to create another such game in the future, I think it should be borne in mind that this game is a sex game and therefore the sex scenes should be varied and long.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    brief: long and boring, graphics as bad as they look in preview

    I tried this game early on and was disappointed at the lack of content. Assuming this was a story-centric slow burner I left it and came back to play the full version.

    This game is not a psychological attitude-driven slow-burner, it is a content-lean and mostly boring game. The graphics are not fantastic, but you can probably figure that out from the previews. The animations are mediocre or less. I tried to stick with the story but half way through I just couldn't cut it. The whole thing made no sense with zero progression.

    The first love interest kept "saving herself" and it is safe to say that the whole game kept doing the same with a heavy and loooooong game but no real end product to be proud of.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    First things first.

    If you are into brother/sister kinda thing, i HIGHLY reccomend this one. Please dont forget to use the incest patch!!!

    I really wish we had a 10 star rating instead of 5 stars ...

    I dont play these games for the porn. I like a good story, i like likeable characters, i like relatable characters and (mostly) believable stories, good renders and pleasing models.
    Not saying i dont enjoy the porn but its not my main focus.

    There were VN's that i stopped playing because of bad writing, even if the renders were pretty good and models were good. Other games had decent story but bad models and simply ugly faces ... the porn was never a major point in rating games.

    Also, spoilers ahead. Oh and dont play this without the incest patch.

    Oh and its my first ever review on anything. This review will probably be all over the place.

    And as a last thing, at the time of writing this review, i've only played the Haley path twice. I havent seen the other paths/endings


    Ill start with the good.

    I fkn loved this VN. I, like most people here, have a fetish. For me its brother/sister type of thing (so maybe im a bit biased?)

    Haley's story ticked most of the boxes for me.

    I really enjoyed the story, i both laughed my ass off and teared through it.
    I really liked how the relationship between the MC and Haley evolved. I loved all the teasing and banter between them.

    How their relationship evolved was a very positive thing for me. It didnt felt rushed, it happened naturally.
    That being said, i think MC was a bit slow on this. She clearly shown signs that she was into him for a long time. It took MC quite a lont time to figure this one out ... (this is not a thing that impacted the score tho, its just an observation)

    This VN reminded me of Avalon (you'll know why if you ever played that one) which is a good thing. I enjoyed Avalon.

    The renders were decent to good. Nothing to write home about but they were decent enough not to impact my score too much.

    Animations were mediocre but believable (no GIANORMOUS dick on MC for instance) as long as they are not horrible, i dont care.

    Models were good to very good. I really liked how Haley looks.
    That being said, some of the facial expressions were a bit off :)

    So far i would give a 5 star rating (7 or 8 out of 10 if we had 10 stars) but there are some issues with this VN.
    As with any other VN, this is not perfect

    The not so good things

    Story. A few problems here.

    Keep i mind, i only played Haley only route so far. I intend to check out the other routes soon.

    THE ENDING!!!!!! Come one guys. Why did you have to do this .... Its obviously rushed. Very rushed. The game was so fkn good all the way until the end where you just rushed the crap out of it.

    This is the major flaw in the game. The ending was rushed ... such a good ride until the ending ...

    Then there's the fact that the story forces you to date Sandra, there is no way around it, even if you dont care for her (i really didnt like her ... )

    If you, like me, stick to Haley route (which i will consider canon), the other characters kinda vanish at some point. If you dont pursue their routes, they simply dissapear. Its only you and Haley.
    Thats just strange and weird. Its like they dont have friends anymore.

    Also, i decided to follow Diane path as well (she is a side character and doesnt matter what you do with her, it wont affect the ending).
    It kinda ended abruptly. Like, one day we were talking on doing some more things togheter and the next day she dissapeared. There was no more Diane ... your next door neighboor which you had sex with .... i mean ... wtf

    Same goes with the other characters, even the "main ones", they simply dissapear (haley is obvously the main LI). Still, if you dont follow their paths towards a different ending, they vanish.

    Oh and btw, story related, what happened to Klaus? I mean sure i can guess but really? There is no explanation, Haley doesnt confront you about it ... What happened with the other Haley?
    Is Klaus dead? what happened?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    All in all, i would give this game a 7-8 out of 10 stars but since we dont have that, its 4 out of 5.

    I would give 5 out of 5 if it wasnt for the rushed ending and the seemingly vanishing characters depending on the route you go for.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Preface: When it comes to Adult Interactive Fiction (AIF) I look for more than just masturbation material. I, generally don't even do that. The primary thing I'm looking for is a story that draws me in and makes me care about the characters, first and foremost.

    Review for 1.1 Prepatched:

    Story - Haley's Story is about fraternal twins Haley and the male MC whom you can give a name. They live together in an apartment after both being hired at the same company. Haley is always taking jabs at her brother but, from the get-go, you know it's light hearted and that she cares for him a great deal. She's very supportive of the MC, helping him connect with a co-worker he meets. It is, at this point, where the siblings begin to show more affection towards each other. The innocent rough housing and the attention that the MC always show Haley (massages, a shoulder to lean on, etc.) starts to become more with kissing, light petting and other actions that go beyond sibling love. As they get closer, the MC learns that Haley has always had feelings for him but did not know how to approach the subject. This starts to become a problem when the two return home for their parents' thirtieth anniversary. Their mother dotes on the MC while she doesn't show the same love towards Haley. Their father feels they're too old to be as close as they are, that it was cute when they were younger and it was time for them to live apart. During the trip, they walk through their old neighborhood, reminiscing about their school days and the MC learns that Haley has some experiences that he wants to help her come to terms with. She is resistant to confronting her demons but does go through with it because she knows how much he cares for her. Their father starts becoming rather pushy about the two being close, to the point of constantly harassing them and coming to stay with them uninvited. During this time, the MC has several potential women he can form a relationship with. I cannot speak for these routes as I focused only on Haley for my first time through. The ending felt a tad rushed but I believe that the meat of the story was what is important. The love the MC felt for her as she struggled to come to terms with her past an not, necessarilly, the out come.

    Content: I would estimate a play time of approximately ten hours for a first playthrough. For Haley's route, things are fairly standard. BJs and cunnilingus, missionary/doggy/standing, massages, brief foot play and anal and lots of foreplay.

    Visuals: The models are pretty good. Better than most I've seen. No zero-G breasts on the females nor massive horse cocks on the MC. The bodies are varied and the faces are nice. Images are mostly from a third person perspective so the dreaded (for me) first person habit of zooming in on the girls' tonsils during a kissing scene are not are not there. I did have issues with a couple of animated scenes crashing on my tablet, so I had to boot it up on my PC, skip through the game to get past the scene and save, then transfer the save to my tablet. I believed this happened in three particular spots late in the game (twice in the evening after Haley's first visit to a therapist and once at a cabin in the woods near their parents' house when they go camping).

    Audio: I play most games muted so I cannot speak for its quality.

    Overall, I opted to give the game four stars because the actual ending was a little rushed but it is an otherwise spectaclar game. I highly recommend at least one playthrough.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Because it is completed version as of this review;
    have to deduce for having Very weak and clearly rushed endings.
    They go very similar, have some segments that skip button doesn't work despite being 100% same (which likely also do to being rushed), very lack luster, a lot of missing bits it feels (especially separately), not really that that definitive etc...

    All but 1 character basically vanishes only to have some show up for a quick scene unless you on their route in which case you have to be on it.

    Not that special of a story very basic.

    Other tiny, minor things (that add up to a tiny extent like text not quite matching what happening, music/sound, or things like menu/ui/options etc...)

    + .75
    Fully works no issue
    + .25
    Completed (but clearly rushed.. at end beats not being done though or forever "updating")

    Great Main Characters

    Pretty great graphics, sex pretty good, believable, journey to end segment is great, little things like biting nose is cute and fitting.

    Average but largely just due to ending segment, was not for that EASILY a 4.2/5 above average.
    In closing
    It likely they just bit more then they could chew with having to many characters + routes and wanted to have it be completed for everyone which while can certaintly be appreciated and something others I think should do, it just the endings make a bit to much of a sourness like that it???...
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very well written as the story progress the main character grows closer to the different women he can romance and you unlock new h scenes while learning about the characters. The characters are likeable and unique there are multiple ending and different h scenes to unlock definitely give this game a download and support the creator if you can
    Likes: G33N
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Surprised I have not seen this before. I found it on the "Complete" list and glad I did. Ill start by admitting that I used the walkthrough mod and purposely worked towards the Hayley route. I dont really replay for diff endings. I find one I want and that becomes canon for me.

    As usual I will say that the graphics themselves mean very little to me unless they are horrible. Mostly in these for the story. With that said, the renders were not horrible considering this seems to have started 3 years ago. The title page made it look old, so I was surprised the models were not bad looking. Lots of the facial expressions (99% of them being Haley) were.... odd. Lots of cross eye or weird expressions, but every once in a while the facial expression was REALLY good.

    I enjoyed the story for the most part (again, Haley only route). The ending was... not bad. The last few images/dialog in that ending felt a little rushed but not horrible.

    Spoilers from here down:
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    Other than that, I enjoyed it and was glad I noticed it in the list. A little tweaking to the Haley ending (reduce the shit I bitched about in the spoiler) and I would easily give this 5 stars.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I rewrote my review to this game. I sill confirm 3 stars for the merit of being one of the few games here to have been carried to its conclusion and despite not the models nor the enviroments are very cared overall it is a good job on a technical side.

    Apart from this, this game is totally empty and as boring as it can be.

    First of all, you have near to non agency. You HAVE to be with Haley. You don't want to? Bummer. You think Haley look hideous? Live with that. You are going to get Haley. And this alone would be bad enough to throw the game away. But you even HAVE to start a relationship with Sandra. No, at least, Sandra is one of the cutest girls i've see in one of this game, and she's nice. But she's also annoying, pedantic and insufferable.

    But if you dare to behave like a human being with her, that's it. You are in a fixed route, no chance to pursuit any other woman of the game.

    I tried to go after the young one but no, she disappears because things are soooo gooood with the two compulsory love interes.

    Bust at least you get spicy threesome scenes with the two (actually one) hot ladies? Nope. I mean you have the scenes but they are all very short, rather uninteresting, absolutely boring and with zero inspiration.

    Which is better then what you get with the other LIs if you menage to pursue them, who barely have any scene. I think the only anctual other LIs is the old crap lady.

    And the game is even long, way beyond the space needed to tell the story to a level that it start to cycle on the house routine.

    So, why did i play it again, after i dropped it rather early the first time? Well, i was curious about the teacher abusing haley when she was a minor. And well, ok, they make a big fuss about but then there is no resolution to it, you don't even get to know what actually happened. The plot just get dropped. Like this.

    I really can't think of any reason to play this game other then it's completed.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my all-time favorites. The writing was spot on I thought the story was very good I will agree with some that the ending was a little short, but then I have to wonder whether it might just be the fact that I didn't want it to end but I thoroughly enjoyed it it is one of my top three favorites.
    Likes: G33N