VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Haley's Story [v1.1 Pre-Patched] [Viitgames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    good game with as silly story as it almost can get but it works and that makes game good, good graphics (not top grade but still good) don't hurt and game has a lot sexscenes and various paths so game isn't over in hr if plays all paths.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's ok, dont really see how the choices really matter tho, i tried to romance somebody else and avoided as much sis choices as possible and yet still got the 3 way ending. I get that her name is literally in the title and it doesn't say multiple endings but still, they could of made it so much more which is why I'm giving it a 3 star.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    It's a visual novel mum

    Haley's Story is a good game, it's worth playing, has likeable characters and decent sex scenes, however the game doesn't do anything more than that and fails to deliver on everything you'd expect.

    The first 9/10 of the Sister's story is really great, if the entire game was of this quality it would be a masterpiece, the game starts with a nice slow burn, that is believable and satisfying without being at all tedious. Once the Brother/Sister relationship begins the quality of the writing or my interest doesn't at all drop off, almost evey single interaction between the MC and Haley was funny and cute right untill the end. The twist other reviews talk about is actually done really well in my opinion, perhaps because I only started playing the game after the twist was introduced, it adds a lot of depth and emotion to the Brother/Sister relationship. My issue is with how anti-climatic the endings feel, nothing exciting or interesting happens, especially with the sister, the status quo of the last few episodes just seems to continue with some tacted on pregnancy.

    This alone wouldn't necessarily wouldn't make the game as much of a disappointment as it, however the weak end isn't the games only problem. Nearly of all the side girls start off nearly as strong has Hayey, however this doesn't last. Half of them lose any personality while the others seem to vanish off the face of the earth without explanation, unless I've missed something in my 3 playthroughs using the gide, half the routes are unfinished.

    The girls that have endings suffer from the same problems as the endings of Haleys route, a lack of satisfaction or anything of interest happening. This game has a really strong first half, and strong elements throughout, however after a while it feels like the Devs just lost passion for the game.

    Viitgames clearly has potential, I just hope they lost interest in Haley's Story not the genre, and don't make the same mistake on their next project.

    Played on v1.0 Pre-Patched
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Objectively the animations are great what I don't like are a few of the characters unfortunately that includes the Protagonist who seems like a weak willed character, you are given the illusion of choice but the end result is always the same he runs back to Haley the 2nd character I feel comes across as needy & petty from a character standpoint, there are a few standout characters with interesting developments the protagonists girlfriend Sandra who dotes on him despite the protagonists obvious sexual interest in his own sister :sick: & then there is Adriana who is perhaps the most developed character in the game with a sympathetic backstory compared to the rest of the characters.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my earliest played games. It's an unforgettable pleasant ride. The ending makes me feel both happy and lost. It is the hardest time to say goodbye. Maybe only a trailer of new game will make it less emotional. Anyway, love Haley love this game and thank you Viitgames
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A good story with a good bit of realism in the writing. Really enjoyed this VN. Not perfect, but none are. Since it is better than most, 5 stars. Especially considering that it was completed and not abandoned. That deserves 3 stars just for that. Two more go to it because it is a good tale. Well done.
  7. 2.00 star(s)



    This game used to be one of my favorites games to look forward to in this forum. I try to keep it cool and not get too crazy hyped for games to avoid being let down, but that was the case with this.

    Whether it was a certain random plot, forced relationships or meaning choices this game slowly fizzled in my eyes.

    MC seemed to have the maturity of a toddler at times, but the dialogue is where I think major improvements are needed. I haven't played all the endings yet just the one that mattered the most. Too many of my favs have bombed in the ending category so that being said I wasn't expecting anything magnificent to take place.

    Wasn't a bad ending, I just had already lost real interest in this game and owed it to myself to see it's conclusion.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing, a complete game with good graphics, great story, meaningful choices, and great characters to complete it.
    From the get-go you follow believable characters with real depth to them, entering an amazing world where your choices make a real impact.
    I'm truly in awe of what this Dev managed to accomplish, 10/10.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Updating my review after playing v1.0 pre patched.

    I only played Haley solo path and disregarded the other female characters, even the unavoidable Sandra who my MC broke up with later on in the story which I am thankful for.

    I liked:

    - great story. well written and paced. although I hated the part were Haley was sexually abused by that pathetic excuse of a man Klaus when she was young. it is great that he was "taken care of" in the later part of the story and I hope that they skinned him alive first.

    - one of the best incest stories out there

    - good renders and animations. no absurd body parts.

    - the player's choices really affects the story

    - the player can choose whether to have a relationship with other female characters or not

    - hot sex scenes. I took the Haley solo path and never regretted it. I checked the other scenes that I've missed on other paths using the gallery mod but it's still not worth taking for me, Haley's more than enough for my MC and she has the most content.

    - no unrealistic sex scenes

    - dirty talk

    - i love Haley, she's not the hottest and finest woman in the story but she is easily the most lovable and a complete package.

    - i love the chemistry and relationship between Haley and the MC.

    - story driven

    - lots of contents

    I did not like:

    - Klaus

    - sexual abuse. although it is not portrayed in the story, there was still a mention of it happening to Haley when she was young which really made my blood boil.

    - the game forced the MC to have a relationship with Sandra at the beginning

    - I just wish that the pregnancy at the epilogue was optional

    I honestly did not expect the story to end at v1.0 after I played v0.99, but I am still satisfied on how the epilogue went in the Haley solo path even if I am not a fan of pregnancy. All in all, with the great story and characters, coupled with great graphics and animations, it's a game worth your time. 5 stars for me. Good job to Viitgames and congratulations on completing the game. Keep it up. Waiting for the next story from you.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Best B/S incest VN on the market. For real. The script is outstanding, it's not the basic "creepy brother trying to grope and rape his sister while she sleeps" thing that most of the devs do, but this is actually something that makes sense. Romantic, but at the same time perfectly fitting dirty and taboo. Enough love routes for everyone, but my favorite one is Haley path. When it comes to the story and storytelling, this right here is a VN that all of the incest games creating devs should read and learn how to do it.

    Renders are good, and the girls are really pretty. I liked that each girl was unique, and it wasn't the same old "copy & paste" way of creating the characters. Thanks to the script, all of the characters has also unique personality that adds so much to the story.

    Easily my top -3 AVN's, taking the current no. 1 spot at the moment.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A really great romance and one of the best written B&S incest games out there. The two main characters are nuanced and engaging. It's an opposites attract kind of thing but done really well, and their relationship is heartfelt, humorous and very satisfying. The slow burn is well done and well explained and the reasons for Haley's feelings for her brother aren't explicit but the can be kind of inferred form what she's been through. The other characters are well done too and without a doubt necessary to bring the narrative alive but they don't really hold a candle to the 2 main characters. Visually it's a nice looking game and Haley is certainly nice to look at. The sex scenes are fine but it would have been nice had the devs delved a bit deeper into some of the kinks that were implied in the game, it would have help spice up the scenes which frankly get a bit repetitive. Overall an excellent VN and well worth playing for the really well done romance between the two main characters.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Not an entirely bad attempt for a sandbox game. However on the perspective when titling a game usually gives the basis of the plot of it. For example of Melody or Babysitter both gave the plot of male protagonist. However this being Haley's story should be her story with players choosing her paths not the story of Haley's twin male protagonist point of view forming a harem by getting his main female to help him to add the other female characters to the roster.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Good game.

    Graphics is very good (but sometimes Haley's lips are too swollen and teeth too white and numerous). Sex scenes are good. Music is nothing special

    The writing is very good, some parts (in particular dialogues) are really funny. MC and sis are kind of endearing, it is actually nice to watch their bickering.

    Was impressed at first that several male character other than MC that are neither assholes nor dickless or whatever non-MS males are in such games
    (well, in the end it does turn out that one is gay and the other has tiny dick; another one was known to be a douche from the beginning.)

    I found it unfortunate that the MC displays this weird aggressive feelings towards old crushes of main LI ("I remember she dated X in high school. Now I want to rip of his head" or something like that. Why is that always done in AVN? Apart from some complete sociopaths nobody would feel/think of a year old crush of a LI, no?)
    The violence path of the abuse arch felt artificial and silly.

    Update: Contrary to several reviewers here I found the endings very satisfying.

    Updat2: Changed the rating to 5 stars. Despite the small shortcomings mentioned it is a truly excellent game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the best slower-paced ero games that you can find out there, and it certainly has the most well-written incest romance by far. The writing for the dialogue and the characters are actually good, and their dynamics/interactions with each other are all very entertaining and relatively realistic. If you don't mind sister-incest and want to play an adult game with actual romance development and not just sex scenes every two minutes, then there's really no reason not to try this one out.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Story driven romance VN. It's above average but nowhere near perfect. With higher quality art and animations or even more attractive girls it might have been a 5, but now even a 4 is pushing it. I don't care too much about incest one way or another, but I could see this being great if you are into that.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, with great dialogue. I really enjoyed playing this game as for me Haley had something else that I did not find in other games, which was her personality. Great work guys, please keep it up and wish you good luck with your future project.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best quality erotic VNs I've played so far.
    Its writing quality is absolutely excellent:

    - the relationship between the characters is plausible, well motivated, perfectly interconnected.

    - its not just sex start to end, you can have a lot of it with many characters or just a bit with just your favourite(s). what's valuable as hell is that these choices feel very meaningful. And not in a constricting way.

    - The way you relate and connect to them has meaningful impact on the story. This has been worked on properly because there's at least two distinct general areas you can play towards and they're not more or less the same with just a few slides modified. They're proper standalone paths.

    - the dialogue is written splendidly. I swear if there's a sequel I could recognize the people solely based on what they say. Fun, engaging, troubling, emotionally charged, irrelevant.. . You'll have the whole range of banter and verbal exchanges, there's a huge range and it's all immersive and realistic.

    - granular details that makes the characters very realistic. Each character has their own personality and flaws and you're put in the situation to react to them and be careful. They all have individual quirks and personality and motivations and strengths. Each person feels different. All well balanced.

    -the girls don't suffer from spherical big boob syndrome

    -the girls don't have that weird thing like in other VNs where anything they wear gets perfectly wrapped around their breasts like the fabric was glued into the lady.

    - the attention to detail and plausibility is impeccable. It feels almost real.

    -small references to series and stand up bits. Cute amounts integrated nicely, doesn't feel forced.

    - the emotional side and cuddles are very warm and welcome and it genuinely made my heart warm at points.

    - I don't have a sister so I didn't come to this due to the taboo aspect, but now I wish I did have a sister like in this

    - I genuinely got emotionally attached and am reeling right now.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Haley's Story

    Shameful, shameful me, i have been following this game from nearly the beginning and yet i havent rated nor critized it till now :eek:.

    To be honost, i wanted to know what dirrection the game would take for me to be able to rate it because i had some doubts before the first big update (called the splitting arc for those that remember it).

    Like others i didnt like to date Sandra but here ill dislodge other crittics, the only forced action is a kiss!! now, dating Sandra was a crucial factor to the storyline (you have to start somewhere).
    (extra subnote: if your looking for porn material, your looking at the wrong game, this game has erotic scenes)

    • The strong suite off this game/ story is both the writing and storytelling.
    • I adore the sex scenes wich arent porn but highly erotic sex.
    • The renders and animations or of higher quallity
    • multiple story arc routes, your choises will lead you to different outcomes,
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    • characters and there personality or strong and is beeing kept straight troughout the story.
    • ...
    (extra note of worth towards storytelling: fears, thoughts, likes and dislikes continue like a set vallue wich is why the storytelling is so strong, other games make a one scene about it and the next it becomes obsolete here it stays present, even crucial plotwise.)

    also, i find realise i didnt put in a negative except at the start, well mostly it would be some polishing (had to put something :rolleyes: )

    finale to the review:

    The easiest way to put all this toghetter is "I would/will miss Haleys story after the game would/will be completed".

    I want to thank the dev, the creators and artists that made this game possible and for sharing it with us.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I would have rated it 3.5/5 (so 7/10) if it was possible but since it's not I'm increasing my rating to not hurt devs who made a quality product, definitely above average but at the same time lacking in some crucial areas.

    The main flaw of the game is the linearity and lack of control that player has. For example it's impossible to not date that black chick, we have no choice here and it's really hard to screw things up with her later on, she literally doesn't mind that we have sex with Haley and doesn't mind threesome even. In general writing here (outside of sex scenes) is mediocre, pretty standard for an erotic game.

    There's also too few choices along the way (there are times we need to read or skip a ton of text just to reach next dialogue option) and even when they appear usually they don't have much of an impact and basically if we play once we'll see almost every erotic scene there is. That's not necessarily a bad thing but my point here is that this game lacks replayability unlike some other VNs (Pale Carnations, Being a DIK, Sisterly Love, Once in a Lifetime, etc.).

    However game compensates those flaws with really well done erotic scenes, beautifully rendered and well written and paced and that's the most important thing in a VN IMO hence such high rating despite some major defects.

    All in all it's a good game and I can definitely see why it has such a high rating (albeit it is overrated).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Not bad so far. Quality of renders is good, animations are well made, definetely no complains on visual. Background music is OK as well. But the most interesting part is the story, especially writing. Characters are so well-written, good attention on character traits and over all I had stupid smile for the whole playthrough. Plot isn't any drama or action but tempo fits the game well and so far it is at least 6+ hours of content. I'd definetely recommend this game, mostly for its good writing and story. 9/10. [v0.98.6 Pre-Patched].