VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Haley's Story [v1.1 Pre-Patched] [Viitgames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Haley's Story is a neat visual novel. It uses a pretty common trope... the MC is in a great relationship, and when offered the forbidden fruit he is forced to decide where to go with it. It's a common trope, and admittedly one I normally don't care for on many levels. For one, I generally don't like the really significant decisions made without me in a story where... well, I am supposed to make significant decisions. I also have an instinct to rebel against the "expected path" that most writers generally want the reader to follow.

    Even so, this trope has produced many of my favorite stories and the defining point to the ones I love is personality... okay, it didn't hurt that the writer makes the "acceptible" path less appealing without actually painting that person as awful (there is some guilt for me in breaking this). Also, the "expected" path happens to be very appealing to me both with the character model fitting my personal taste so well, but more importantly the personalities.

    This VN truly excels in banter, and damnit I am a sucker for fantastic banter. When I follow the story I "hear" the MC and I automatically insert the character "JD" from the television show "Scrubs". It's a perfect fit in my mind as the MC is genuinely lovable, smart while playing dumb, and able to quip endlessly and entertainingly...

    Yes. I am saying that to the "Scrubs" fans. You are all correct. Haley is an analogue for "Turk"... We all know the real love interest in that show. The playful affection those two have is fantastic.

    My first playthrough was a pure "chasing Haley" thing. It takes a lot to get me to follow through with the intentions of the author, and this one was pretty darned easy for me this time... YMMV, but I was pretty happy with this. Subsequent playthroughs exploring the other characters though was the big surprise. I found that every path I chose was gratifying because every character's personalities really did shine brightly. Hell, my "mostly-hetero-but-with-bi-tendencies" self is even intrigued with the male characters the MC interacts with... probably won't ever be an option, but not one I would kick out of bed.

    This VN is definitely a slice-of-life novel and it needs those great characters. This one really pulls it off well. Your choices in the game so far are low-consequence which is usually a bad thing for me, but I actually totally ignored that due to the great writing.

    So it's a great novel that feels good to explore and replaying it to follow other paths is worth it.

    Fantastic novel Viitgames! I can't wait for more to come out!

    Heh... "come out"... Get it? Like when I mentioned... oh, forget it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Man

    One of the best games you will find out there

    Original story, haley is soooooo funny, sexy (in her own way), adorable, cute, it really makes you develop a feeling for her, and the relationship develop between her and her brother isn't rushed, it takes it time but aint too slow.

    Good writting, makes you feel emersed in the story.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2024661

    Let me tell you my dissatisfaction with the game. It pushed me into a relation ship, then it did not allow me to make the choices I wanted to make, then it would not let me out of the relationship. If it's just a book, you did a great job. But if it's a game, let me choose my own rabbit hole. If you keep choosing for me, I am going to be extremely unhappy in a game that has astronomically possibilities.

    Sandra is not my choice, she is not my choice, she is not my choice, she is not my choice. Now do you see how it feels when I make you read what I want you to read? But I gave you a choice to click away. My only choice is to stop playing your game, you decide.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Different type of plot which is good.

    Still Trying to figure out where in the story it splits (looking through my saves). I assume that everything before the split stays the same.

    It would be nice to have some sort of "Jump" to the split location so the other branch could be explored.
    Likes: Azrlb
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I've ever played of this genre.

    The dialogues are well written, the story is interesting and I just love Haley's character.

    The worst part about this game? Waiting for the next update, it's killing me! :)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just too good!
    The writing, the character development, the sexy situations and tension. I LOVE IT!
    I've seen a lot of games here getting consistently 5 star reviews and can't figure out why (other than.. you know..), but "Haley" actually deserves 5 stars IMHO. More than most.
    It's cleverly written and the MC is not a douche like in many other games here. And Haley.. that Haley.. :)

    Hat's off to the dev!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game ever.
    After only a few minutes of play I was completely involved in the story.
    Realistic dialogues and all the characters are very well defined.
    Totally fall in love with Haley.
    Great renders.
    Not for fapping, thanks to God.

    Haley, marry me.....:love:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well written and great art. I found the interactions between the MC and haley very well written and executed.

    The story is compelling to keep the segments flowing and seems to flow well when the MC and haley interact.

    Again very well done and enjoyable ! will be looking foreward to this storys completion!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say this game is awesome... I know it has some flaws here and there, but compared to other games it well deserves a 5 star rating from me. The main problem with the game, like it has been stated before by my fellow adult game enthusiasts, is the MC... his lines are bland and sometimes downright rude. But, the thing about this game is, Haley more than makes up for the MC's lack of witty responses. I love the writing, the overall story, the forbidden love trope and most of the characters. I'm not big on the incest thing in general (never had that fetish) but here it just feels right... Much love !
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking hell? I thought this is one the cheesy games, you start and bang everyone you see. I'm deeply mistaken and I'm sorry devs for it. I love how they injected gay couple without "hurr hurr look at me I'm gay" Character defined by his/her character not sexuality. I'll give Victor that. Also romance is sweet. Right now it's Onhold but I hope to see more of this game. When you really invested in characters it's hard to let go of it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    - Version 0.91

    - Storytelling 10/10. The story is terrific, superb in every sense. I enjoyed reading every sentence. The drama and comedy are well balanced. I must say the Dev was able to create a connection between the reader and both main characters meaning that there are moments you can possibly feel and understand the characters if you let the story carry you.

    - Renders/Graphics 9/10. The renders are great. The Dev created very nice dark scenes which helped the atmosphere of intimacy.

    Overall I strongly recommend to play this game. It's time well spent and think the Dev is worth supporting.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Review on v0.91
    TLDR included

    Just managed to get through the whole thing, which I did want to do to at least try and be fair in my review although I got frustrated a few times and quit for a while. I'll try to squeeze my rambling notes I took along the way into a somewhat cohesive Pro/Con review.

    Cons: The MC, the MC and the MC once more. And some other minor things.

    The MC is really where the bulk of my frustration came from and I'll just paste my notes here.
    • Generally not a big fan of the antagonizing sibling dynamic in most cases, but Haley actually gets some good banter in and is really witty while the MC's response is mostly just "Fuck off!" or something to that effect, which feels much too childish not too mention much too angry and rude. I feel really bad for Haley in these moments, she's just joking around and being witty and he's straight-up insulting and disrespecting her, it's really jarring and I can't help but hate the MC for it.
      It's also weird that they're supposed to be twins but both of them view their relationship more as a big brother / little sister thing. I guess it's just part of the standard misogynistic "big strong man has to take care of weak, soft woman" trope. Ew.
    • The MC is weirdly dispassionate and passive, mostly going through life only at the behest of his sister and other women. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those alpha guys prowling these reviews who is annoyed when the MC is "too nice" and wants him to dominate and/or rape the women in his life. But here, it's unclear if the MC actually has any wants or desires of his own. Does he really enjoy being together with Sandra? Who knows, he never shows it. Is he happy about his promotion and raise? Meh, he just says it won't change much and was expecting it anyway. Any compliments or other signs of affections he makes are always (and I do mean literally always, didn't find a single example to the contrary) only made upon request by the women and then only reluctantly, he would for instance never think of his own to buy his girlfriend a gift or go and visit her or something, or tell her that he loves her on his own, he only does it after Haley or someone else proposes that he should or as reluctant reciprocation. He never has any plans of his own, just goes along with anything the women want. He is just so sullen and impassive throughout the story, it's really weird and off-putting. The only two things he does seem to have an opinion on, are on the one hand sex and boobs, but not in any enthusiastic way, just that those are the only things he is even slightly interested in and therefore his main reason for doing anything at all, and on the other hand the interests and hobbies of the women which he mostly mocks or belittles. Makes him seem like a dick who isn't happy or grateful about anything but just floats through life, unimpressed by any of its charms, including the multiple women throwing themselves at him.
      I have the sneaking impression that the dev doesn't really know the difference between a nice guy and a passive guy. Passivity doesn't make you nice (in fact, the MC is still pretty much an asshole) and not being passive doesn't automatically make you a jerk. You can express (and to a certain degree assert) your wants and desires without forcing them on other people while still respecting what they want. The MC here doesn't really say what he wants but still manages to often shit on the women when they do tell him what they want.
      All of this is of course not helped by the fact that he always has the same sort of expressionless, bored serial-killer face for some reason even as all the other characters are pretty expressive.
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    Some other things:
    • Night scenes are generally much too dark, can't make anything out half the time.
    • Whole lotta fatphobia, characters are constantly worried about becoming fat while they're all in ridiculously good shape and comparing fat (or even just slightly chubby) people to "whales" or "land whales". That's just gross.
    • Dialogue thumbnails don't always look like the actual people because they don't necessarily change after the people changed their appearance. Lisa's still sporting the same sweater she wore in the first scene, Dennis' one is constantly topless because the first time we met him was at the pool and Sandra's changes at first when she gets her new haircut, then changes back to the old one even though she still has the new haircut. It's really weird and off-putting and is probably due to mistakes or oversights by the dev.

    Mehs: Some weird things, some neither here nor there's

    • The story changes focus about halfway through. Earlier introduced characters like Lisa, Dennis or Diane are sidelined or never heard from again, while all of a sudden a different story connected to your past with your parents as constant presences takes over. Not a particularly smooth transition either. It's just weird.
    • The animation scenes were always kind of laggy for me, in that they took a few seconds to get started but then ran smoothly. I don't know if that's due to my hardware but I doubt it. Never had that with any other VNs.
    • One girl is described as having enormous tits, bigger than her head, when they're actually, idk, a D-cup at best, maybe even just a C-cup. It's fine, I don't necessarily need unrealistic monster tits (although I'm not opposed to them either) but don't claim they're this enormous when you don't deliver and they're just a bit above-average at best.
    • No sound design at all. Just wanted to mention it, I don't think that is that bad, but some people get frustrated.
    • Same sort of thing, your choices influence the story only very little, you will have no control over where the story is going and at least two women are definitely "forced" on you, which is to say they're just part of the main story. I don't have a problem with that, that's just a choice by the dev and allows for smoother, more sensible storytelling, but I know some people hate it (and have already sharply criticized it in their reviews).
    • Slooow burn. Don't expect fap scenes early, this one really take its time and even then, sex scenes aren't that frequent and all in all really vanilla. That's again just a choice by the dev and down to personal preference, but just thought I'd mention it.

    Pros: Pretty much everything else

    • The first and main love interest is a black woman, good to see a black woman not being used simply to spice up the variety in a mostly-white harem game. And she actually has dark black skin, don't get me started on all the colourism you see in media where, even when you do have black people in the story, lighter-skinned black people are generally still preferred (and get the better or more likeable storylines) over dark-skinned black people. So yeah, love the inclusion of Sandra and I think she's just a great character overall. Very sweet and devoted and the problems she faces in balancing her work with her relationship seem tragically familiar. I'm just really worried she's in for some heartbreak in the future. But we'll see, I'm definitely rooting for her even though (as I mentioned before in my cons) the MC pretty much treats her like shit.
    • Great rendering and I love the unique character models. Really great work by the dev there. The animations still need some polishing but all in all, they're also pretty good.
    • Great storytelling overall. Yeah, like I said, it's streamlined and you don't have much choice over most of it, but that actually leads to a better and more sensible storyline. The way the relationship with your sister is approached is also the most realistic I've ever seen, mostly because it really takes time to take off. It's broached cautiously and shyly, without the characters necessarily getting a secret taboo kick out of the incest, or either one of them feeling like creeps. It's actually organic and believable, which is really hard to pull off with a brother-sister relationship like this. The storylines with other women also make sense and aren't too instantaneous. While there isn't a whole lot of actual plot, the deeper character exploration of Haley in particular, with other storylines (like the Adriana or Sandra storylines) woven-in throughout, do keep it at least interesting enough.

    So yeah, all in all, if the MC wasn't such a colossal unsympathetic dick who doesn't deserve anything good to happen to him, I would probably rate this 5 stars. And I don't like taking off 2 stars for basically one nuisance but it just often really robbed me of the enjoyment of the scenes altogether.

    TLDR: The MC is a gigantic sullen asshole, otherwise this is really good if you don't mind not having too many choices.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has the best written story in a VN that I played so far. You know it's a good story when you actually play a VN to READ IT and not to ... you know, fap. It's like a really good tv drama, comedy, tragedy, it pulls you in, through and through. Makes you actually feel emotions for these 3D renders. There are good games, good porn games, good erotic games, but the writing here is just next level. I mean the closest thing i can think of, that pulled me in the story as much was Dual family, and that was not as good as this is. Maybe where the heart is, no still not as good as this. Light of my life, but still, I find this better, maybe because I find the MC more relatable. You really feel the sympathy for the MC, his inner conflicts, growing desires, and yet he seemed so simple on the surface at first. I'd have to award this game as having the best MC out there. Anyway, great job! The story really deserves 5 stars. Hopefully the conclusion does not disappoint.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm genuinely enjoying this game.
    I appreciate a romance angle this well thought out.
    The writing has made me genuinely laugh at points, the girls are beautiful, has a lot of polish.

    I guess my biggest complaint is that, with this being .91 release, the game, and the story, are close to done. As much as I'm eager to keep playing and see things resolved, like a good book or TV show, I don't want it to end.

    Oh, a lesser complaint?
    The MC has not, at least in my game, gone down on any of the girls. I think my biggest complaint with the sex in a great many of these games is it revolves around the MC getting off. Which is understandable. But especially if you're on a romance route, what better way to say "I love you" to a girl than to not worry about your own dick for a moment, and just go down on her lol?
    Just a thought.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this one, I seem to remember playing it quite a while back when it was in very early development. I like the story behind it and its well written, not overdone so you feel like you are reading a book but not underdone either, IMO just about right. The renders look awesome on my monitor and the animations are not the best I have seen but more than good enough. Once again I am left waiting for more and looking forward to it. (Edit I just read more about the game and it seems it is finished IMO the story could still go further than it has done on the G/F and sister route.) I still give it a good thumbs up and recommend it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Funny game. No damn stats or useless grinding. :eek:
    The girls are human like, not some aliens from bimbo planet, and they have a personality.
    Well you'll fuck one of them before or later. Probably.
    I kinda messed up the first time and i hit incest. :ROFLMAO:
    Just so you know, they don't open the legs if you smile!
    All in all 5 stars for me.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    WHAT A GAME. The renders are awesome, the story is entertaining and the sex animations are well done! Everyone should play this game, I recommand it 100%. Keep going guys and waiting for a scene with the teacher's wife r daughter... and of course with MC's mom haha
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the most engrossing writing and story of any porn game I've ever played. With extremely well done static renders too. It's also nice that the bodies are fairly realistic as well. Obviously everyone in your orbit is attractive and fit and everything but not everyone is running around with double-G cups or anything.

    Definitely highly recommend it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 833007

    When i first started playing these VN games i was quite surprised with the fetishes they had or if i speak more correctly the taboo genre which made me play these games if sex was what i looking for i would stick to the a simple a game without any plotlines or story would get me all riled up as everything was still new to me but as i began playing more and more you start noticing things especially the plot and there is that annoying fuckfest storyline and MC returning home after a long time and etc etc...but after i found out Haleys Story it was like a clean fresh breathe of air..the story is amazing ..the emotions ,expressions,dressups,silent treatments and story that is almost close to reality..i dont give a damn about the renders even though the renders are decent..If your are in for emotional and drama roller coaster then this is the game for you...Just for the Story I rate this 5/5.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I remember playing this a long time ago. It was fun, then, and I was just a bit annoyed that things couldn't work out the way I wanted with certain characters given the (then) state of development. Now?

    I'm legitimately impressed.

    With most games I'll roll my eyes and skip through the...whatever it is the developer tries of pass off as dialogue to get to the renders. I might actually substitute scenarios mentally while watching the screen, if that's hotter than what the developer produced. But this?

    This is compelling. To whomever might be reading this--if, indeed, anyone does read these--I encourage you to play this. Follow the walkthrough if you don't want to miss anything, but expect a surprising degree of authenticity and character in what I call the "main story." Even the game's porn logic is unusually organic.

    And so, the least I can do is leave a review. This isn't some cookie cutter incest story or Chad MC fantasy. Is it the best H-Game ever?

    Well, no, but I don't think there is such a thing. What I do think is that this is a game worth playing. And if you can, donate to whoever's pumping out updates, because they deserve it.