This game shows great promise, with great 2D graphics, but
* it would be a much better experience if the Unity 3D world was dropped. The outdoors world look flat and ugly, and only makes you waste a lot of time running from house to house for zero benefit. Since there's only a few points indoors where something happens, forcing the player to run to each such point is just frustrating
Switching to a simple (and attractive) 2D map where you can click on the house you want to move to (outdoor) or the person (indoors) would make the game play much friendlier, look much better, and it would mean spending way less time running along the same street back and forth, back and forth...
* you have four possible jobs. In order to minimize running around (easily the worst part of the game), the player will make Hana take all jobs at the same time, experiencing the storylines in parallel. But the coding doesn't seem to anticipate this properly. Two examples of bugs I came across:
1) my Hana "leveled up" to the transparent swimsuit and the daring (two piece) bar maid suit at the same time. The game told me I should go talk to Mei (the Clothes lady). She only discussed the swimsuit - the next time I worked at the bar I suddenly had a new suit!
2) if you work as a life guard before relaxing at the pool, the dialogue where Hana discovers the transparency comes in the wrong order
3) it doesn't make sense to be embarrassed by flashing your boob in one place (at the bar or cleaning the inn) when you are already running around in a too-short towel (bathhouse) or swimming with your top down (pool). Again, this likely means more testing must be done - I'm clearly not playing the game in the order you thought I would, yet there isn't any code to prevent it (or better: to guide me).
Switch to a simpler point and click interface, both for the outdoor and indoor scenes.
Your style of (2D) drawing is really good - use it for the whole game!
Compared to the lifeless empty 3D world it would make your game much prettier and sexier!
Make it much more clear when Mei has something new to say - have the clothes shop hang a flag or something so the player doesn't need to waste time visiting only to find out nothing happens. The same goes for the bathhouse and any other space that doesn't have content all the time - give clear visual hints when it's worth the player's while to investigate.
Check each storyline against each other, so the level of embarrassment and daring makes sense: If you're ready to flash your pussy at one place, you shouldn't still have a hangup against accidentally having your boob fall out at another. One seems appropriate for level four (four petals of the flower thing) but the other makes sense at maybe level two...? Make it more clear to the player if one job has reached a plateau, and Hana needs to switch to another to keep levelling.
I look forward to more updates of this!
Especially actual hardcore content. (I understand you want a relatively fetish-free vanilla experience, but I do hope those lecherous bar patrons and bathhouse visitors eventually get to have their way with poor Hana)
My suggestions:
The game occasionally says "level up - more outfits are available" (or something like that). I realize you're talking about the "upgraded" maid and swim suits, but Mei runs a clothing shop. I really hoped there would be a fitting room where Hana could try out various scandalous outfits! That is, dresses she would use during her normal day (not at work). Having them cost hundreds of coins would be OK - since working all four jobs simultaneously nets you more money than you can spend on entrance fees anyway there really needs to be a "money drain" that motivates the player to work more just for the pay (even if each day doesn't upgrade your "level").
You could also use this to give the player power over Hana's lewdness. Instead of her automatically switching to a shorter towel at the bathhouse, for instance, have the player purchase it. Hana could simply start complaining her old clothes doesn't do it anymore for her, hinting that without a clothes upgrade her "leveling" would slow down or stop.
Just offering (already at start) a selection of ever-shorter dresses would whet the player's appetite. That you need both money and a certain level is okay - after all, it's a game not a visual novel.
Running around naked in the streets should be possible for a short while, but eventually she would be barred from entering houses. She could get the most basic torn robe at Mei's.
Hana is surrounded by lecherous old men in the various working places automatically as the story progresses. Consider leaving this decision to the player: by exploring the corner with the people, she gets herself into these situations (that give a big boost to her level). Especially going forward - if the player knows these men will molest her, it is incredibly erotic to steer Hana there (instead of it just happening to her automatically).
Consider adding dialogue where Hana reflects over todays events. Having Hana question whether she should dare go on is good - more of this! You might even add a decision point where she tries to reverse her descent into depravity (failing of course)...
Random ideas:
* At the inn, there are four unmarked doors. Mark them 1-4 and have the innkeeper give her a new room each night. If the player remembers to enter the correct door, play commences as before (with the progress save etc). If she enters the wrong door, "bad" (read good) things happen to her, depending on the door number:
Door #1 something makes Hana very embarrassed. At first a nude woman. Then a nude man. Then a nude couple. They invite her in, but she must decline (until her level is very advanced and she happily enters a threesome)
Door #2 (just above the staircase) the room is looking slightly different, perhaps the bed is on the left-hand side but otherwise empty. If the player still makes Hana go to bed, she will wake up when the real guest comes home and crawls into bed with her... Will she lie quiet even as the man mistakes her for his wife...? (He will apologize profusely in the morning if he had sex with her. Each time this happens he will get less and less upset, and be more and more rough with her. In the end he will confess his wife died a year ago, and he's asking Hana to marry him. If she's molested (=unfaithful) after the marriage, she will be intensely embarrassed each time they meet)
Door #3 three men are playing cards and invite her in for a game of strip poker. She can gain money but she can also lose her (potentially expensive) clothing. All limited by her level of course; at some point she'll get too embarrassed and run outside. Later in the game, the men will offer pieces of clothing back to her if she has sex with them. At first she might get her dress, hat, underwear all back just for letting them kiss her breasts and fingering her to climax. Later they will reason she needs to do more, for less... She might have to fuck them all just to get her hat back, for instance. (Then she has to run around town naked in just a hat
Door #4: ???
* let Hana take a nude bath in the village stream. As her level increases, she will not flinch when the town bum (a dirty drunk old man) spy on her, approach her or even molests her... He could bring a soap and pretend to use it to wash her (not giving it to her except to clean off him).
* add condoms to what's on sale at Mei's. Only to be used late in game of course. Don't force the player to purchase one condom at a time, a repetitive boring task. Instead have the game offer to have her automatically purchase a dozen each time she visits the store (assuming she's not out of money). If she manages to be felt up by more than a dozen people between visits all bets are off... which in the late game should be easy enough! (She might have to visit each time she passes by to ensure she doesn't run out) Even later Hana's lewdness level is so high the most lecherous of molesters can even talk her out of having to use one, experiencing the terror/joy of unprotected sex (risking pregnancy that is)...
* add a fifth job working as a salesperson at Mei's. Ladies would come in and try out various dresses, and Hana could suggest alterations to make them more sexy. With higher level she would convince the customers to wear scandalous outfits! (Short dresses no panties for instance)
- Mei could even ask Hana to model her clothes for important rich male customers. Mei and the client would treat her as an object, groping her and ignoring her protests. If her level is high enough, she endures the embarrassment and makes the sale. But the point is she doesn't have to: making excuses and running outside is also a neat story!