Hey! Your game looks promising so far, and we all start somewhere right?
I have to put 200 characters in this so we might as well actually go through the motion, so without further delay...
The story, at least from the description, sounds like it's believable to an extent. The exposure doesn't make all that much sense, but that could be her playing into what people want so it still kinda works. 6/10
this seems pretty original from what I have seen on this forum. not many games have you stranded in a town exposing yourself and working as a maid in the process. 8/10
Dues to this game being the first release version, and brand new, I'm not going to delve into this. This is because it hasn't had much of a chance to grow yet. Sound, Voice Acting, Bugs, and Content amount will also be spared from judgement. ?/10
yeah, it's pretty playable. I do have a few issues with he movement system however. For one, when you are walking away from the camera or towards it, you cannot switch to sideways. This could be solved by making it follow the most recently pressed button rather than the axis. Another thing that may be a good idea is turning up the gravity on the player entity, when you gown down the stairs in the inn, you float down, you can keep moving forward during this and reach the wall right as you touch the ground. the mechanics of working is actually pretty decent, not the most original, but if it isn't broke, why fix it? 5/10
one of the perks of being a brand new game is that you never have to worry about performance. A refrigerator could probably play this game without any problem as it stands. 11/10
I'll have to admit, some of the animations aren't as fluid as I would have hoped, but they may be place holders or key frames, I can't really say due to how young the game is. for now though, it may be good to smooth them out a bit more than they are currently. otherwise, this has some nicely drawn characters, the cg's might need a touch up, but they aren't unbearable. 6/10
you do great on this, but that's partially due to a lack of game, I will revisit this as well as the rest of my review when you get a bit more out. 8/10
this is by no means a bad game, but it isn't a finished one. I think that with quite an amount of pollish, and maybe a but of lube, you can get this game to really shine. I'm giving it an average rating until you get a few more updates out, alright? overall, 6/10 not bad.