RPGM Happy End* For Sorceress


New Member
Aug 22, 2018

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to introduce the game project I am working on, and maybe start a conversation/gather some early feedback .

Happy End For Sorceress

The story follows the Sorceress, a former companion of the Hero who defeated the Demon Lord and saved the world.
Feeling listless and lonely, she returns to her home town and leads a life of comfort and boredom off of the wealth and fame she gained while adventuring.

Following a chance encounter with an old friend, the Sorceress becomes increasingly aware of the deviant behaviour of the towns inhabitants, and begins to investigate a growing number of sexual events, leading to her own sexual awakening and fall into corruption.


Is focused around exploring the town, discovering scenes which lead to raising stats/unlocking skills, which in turn leads to new scenes and more exploration. Scenes will be broken up into event chains which will run largely independent from each other, allowing you to follow the event chains you want while not being locked out of content you may have missed or wanted to go back to later.

The game will include themes of
-(mostly Male dom but options for Female dom are also planned)-
and transformation
-(The sorceress will change her appearance to become increasingly sexualised over the course of the game)-

Current Progress

I'm developing in RPG Maker MV, and using Daz studio for renders.
The game is nearing a state I would consider ready for demo release, the prolog is largely finished, including three full sex scenes and three shorter scenes. Currently I am testing/bugfixing and planning out one more scene I want done.

That should cover everything for this initial post, should you have any comments or questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
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