I think it's fair to be upset at the stated optional area getting as much attention and work as it has, but I also think it should be acknowledged that Doggie has put in a similar if not more effort into the non-baby part of the project
Problem is, well, it's not vocalized and to many they'd probably just go 'But why?' like with overhauling the sound, rendering, fighting system, making new areas, etc.
I think a lot of the 'time spent' is equal or favoring the regular/plot stuff, but the 'look new character!' advertising method doesn't really spotlight that aspect.
I think it'd be more accurate to complain about the weird effort allocation? Because personally I'm either not a fan of stuff like the art style/rendering change or confused as to why they 'Fixed' something I didn't really have complaints about like the voices or sound design.
As for new update- cool to know it's on the horizon I guess, and the sneak peak looks pretty nice. Hopefully Doggie's done overhauling or changing stuff and can double up on the animation/area time budget and we get a bit of a faster pace on the more regular bulk of the game.
Looking forward to the circus/faire area and curious what else FNAF zone has to offer given it's got like one enemy so far. Maybe we'll get more content of handpuppet fox? Who knows.