Wow, enemy density is WAY up and he removed the ability to add HP with + (you can still lose HP with - though :^)). Even without cheating in HP the Bio Research Lab used to be a breeze, now I'm having a hard time getting through it due to there being a shitload of enemies in every room and your stamina regen continuously gets worse the lower your HP is. It's a snowballing effect where you lose HP, can't dash/hit as often and then lose more HP as a result. There are seven (7) catboys and a wasp in the first real (ie, not the lobby) room of the Lab and they're not spread out either, it's just 5 on the bottom floor and 2 on a slightly higher level ready to come down. It's not that they're hard to kill, but you're pretty much guaranteed to get hit. On top of that, enemies respawn when you leave a room and backtracking is required to finish the level so you're just gonna have to fight them multiple times and when there's 7 catboys flying through the air ready to fuck your ass, one is bound to land it.
I'm no stranger to difficult games but I can't say it's something that gets my dick hard. If it sounds like I'm just angrily complaining, sorry, I'm just trying to voice my opinion on meaningful gameplay changes as I see them, not be an asshole.
It's not actually that hard, remarkably easy, and some hard enemies are even easier now. Spam Z until they die, if they don't walk back, get some stamina, if they close the gap dash through and keep walking, mix in the occasional X even if it's a trash option that isn't worth the stamina cost. If you need health, just farm a room or two, your stamina regens faster after a grab, so sometimes letting yourself get grabbed for Stamina is a decent idea, albeit the con to that is you trade some health.
Now the gun, *the gun is hella useful* for comboing into attacks as a finisher. Ora Ora them as Sam (the better of the two characters in combat now) and then shotgun them, it's great.
Of the two, Sam's came out strongest from the update, her Ora Ora Z spam is multiplicative times better than Whispy's double sided hitbox- the point I think is that he's supposed to use his knockback X to corral them into one spot then walk up and Z spam but nobody has enough health to make that poignant as an option, Sam's X as the occasional long stun can help way more than Whispy's X smack.
Notably too, Sam's attacks are...faster? She can stunlock some enemies that are supposed to get I-Frames after you beat on them too hard, unlike Whispy.
Though, I suppose it makes sense Sam's the more combat capable of the two, given she's the proper hero, neat stuff.