Man, I'm usually a bit let down with the content of an update even though I still somewhat enjoy the content, but this update....What a massive let down for me. 3 male characters added to the rodeo and the only (supposedly) female one doesn't even get a scene. Fine, I'll just play as Sam then. WRONG. It's still whispy or some faceless character railing these people. well, except for the lazy blowjob given to the man with the worlds lamest gun. Seriously, half the time the shot doesn't even connect because it's so slow, and even then it shoots a skunk that farts? What sort of genetic dead end paid to have this shit put in? At least there's this milf character now! oh wait, it's more diaper shit. Fuck me I'm just so done with this at this point. What happened to Trinity? Eden? The actual stages that are supposed to be what the game is actually about? No. It's just about dudes getting railed in some do nothing bar area. just a half assed gallery because you can't be bothered to put in the actual one. OR it's more diaper garbage. Honestly, just rebrand the game at this point. I loved the shit out of HHH and I loved this when it was first put out, but every. single. update makes me care less and less.
....I will give credit though, I like the updated labs. Feels like an actual stage now. the attack changes are alright, though I find the heavy attack to be rather useless overall. Adding more enemies to the labs and Daycare also makes the game feel a bit more difficult which I appreciate since you basically never got hit before unless you were just trying to see the animations
....I will give credit though, I like the updated labs. Feels like an actual stage now. the attack changes are alright, though I find the heavy attack to be rather useless overall. Adding more enemies to the labs and Daycare also makes the game feel a bit more difficult which I appreciate since you basically never got hit before unless you were just trying to see the animations