4.20 star(s) 45 Votes


Jun 28, 2018
I want to just highlight how fucking retarded the "iT tAkEs tImE tO DeVelOp A GaMe" defence is. Yes its a perfectly valid defence for someone making a game on donations below minimum wage, but Doggie Bones makes £3,000 a month. He makes enough to survive without a job and pay artists for their work.

It does take time to create a game... so let's look at other games then shall we?

In 5 years:

Game developer Fuyou has completed 3 games and is working on a 4th.

Game developer Siren's Domain has made 4 games and 2 have been completed.

Game developer Pink Tea Games has completed 8 games.

Golden boy started work on NTR Legend, put the project on hold for a year for personal reasons and then finished the project.

A house in the rift was created and has monthly updates that are larger than the ones we see from doggie bones.

Karryn's Prison was both created and finished.

Jikage Rising started, finished its first arc and is close to finishing the second arc.

Crimson Keep has 7 chapters.

Rignetta's Adventure was created and finished.

And these are the games I thought of in 5 minutes. No wonder people think this game is a money-milking scheme.
Poring is doing Castle Of Temptation, and he's doing the game by himself I believe


Oct 31, 2018
It's the + and - from your numpad, not the two on the left of backspace
Is this just for me or?The plus or F1 doesnt work.I enabled cheats,F2 and - drain my health but F1 and plus does nothing
So I was dumb and for the longest time I thought I was enabling cheats but then realized it was a little check box when you start the game..... like at the title menu..... but I had the same problem and that was my problem. (not calling you dumb, i just felt dumb lol)


May 10, 2018
funny seeing that one mentioned seen a thread of that game on u18chan for those wondering its a visual novel game... seems you cant go 5 steps theese days without tripping over one... then again might just be me.
4.20 star(s) 45 Votes