RPGM - Hard Love - Darkest Desire Alpha [0.2.1] [MMV-DeepBride]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    As of v.10k this game is way too grindy too be enjoyable super slow pacing and not enough sex scenes. The game even struggles with giving a poor gallery to rewatch scenes that only shows pictures instead of the whole scene. Also the skip intro button doesn't do anything.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the worst rpgm games I've played to date. Limited saves, absurd difficulty in combat, slow movement. I like the art but the gameplay feels very tedious and is just a chore. Limited saves wouldn't really be that bad IF THE ENEMIES DIDN'T JUST RANDOMLY DECIDE TO KILL YOU. I really couldn't put up with the game seeing as how it doesn't respect my time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Voiced dialogue in this game is unprecedentedly hot. Game also have solid foundation lore-wise, and I love the premise in general.

    Having limited amount of saves and also apparently limited amount of mobs to grind for xp and currency seems like a ballsy move for game like this, but it hasn't hindered my enjoyment yet (Though I did get random one-shot crit from slime on my first quest. I didn't lose much progress cause that, but still seemed bit harsh, even if I might've just been really unlucky xD)
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Art and story - GOOD 4.5/5
    If ur into these kinda kinks, GREAT its fantastic, even the VAs are pretty decent. Like hell who would of thought a game like this had such effort put into development.

    Gameplay - MID 2/5
    Only reason why I dont give any more stars is the gameplay is due to some issues with questing and dying costantly for no logical reason. Sure its ur a-typical RPGM game, BUT what really grinds my gears is the extreme lack of direction, for example dying to slimes on day 2 due to Lack of gear? from what I read on the forums here you need to buy armor to survive SLIMES! no where in the game told me to buy armor for the LV.1 area! The same slimes were EZ to kill on day 1, now suddenly day 2 they are thugs.

    Don't get me started on when I had to find a quest item on day 3, no where, not even the quest UI showed anything about finding a lamp. I had to find that out on the forum as well. I'm guessing my issues have been due to glitches/coding error cause when I got the lamp, it finally showed up on the quest UI.

    There is a Gallery and its implimented in the game in a very cute way, i enjoy the idea that the gallery isn't a simple title menu option.

    I recommend this Game but I would say watch out for some ramped up difficulty spikes.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first time I've dared to write a review, so I don't know if I'll do it right. In my opinion, after so many years I have noticed the changes and improvements in the game except for combat. I have also seen the enormous effort of the author to improve his game by adding new languages and changing the graphics engine. It is a very promising game, but I think the author covered too much and now he is suffering from it. Personally, I loved the story and I would like to see more of Nova in this world. I recommend that you disregard my review and try it for yourself.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Review [v0.10B Alpha]

    Pros (technically):
    • Good arts in geral;
    • A lot of variations in the characters' expressions being consistent with the lines;
    • The characters have voices;
    • Multiple languages;
    • Minimal bugs.
    Pros (personal):
    • Good Isekai plot;
    • MC trap quite effeminate;
    • Futanaris characters with cocks of all sizes;
    • Hot dialogues.
    • Few characters with image;
    • Some sex/blowjob scenes or something hot don't have an image, just text;
    • Everything in the game depends on coins, even to save the player has to spend coins;
    • Updates take a long time and the amount of content added is small compared to it.
    • About everything in the game depends on coins, maybe when the game is complete, this system will be good, but for now I think it's better to make things a little easier for those who are trying out the game.
    • Add more art to some scenes that I think are missing;
    • Try to increase the amount of content added with each update;
    • Show the insatiable queen. (And give her a scene with the MC, I beg it!!!).
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I love traps but the artist emphasizes the main characters' ribcage and large nipples, which makes them look weird and anorexic. I found that really off-putting. The worst thing about the game is the awful writing and voice acting. It's hard to tell which is worse, if the writing makes the voice acting bad, or if the voice acting makes the writing seem bad. Not sure, but they really compound here. Just at the start of the game, you introduce what could be a hot scene, but teleport to another place instead and then introduce another possible hot scene and then skip ahead 2 years for no reason. Why not just start with the place and then explain how you got there later? Why would you start 2 years later in the place where you arrived on the island? Then the first real sex scene you fuck this dumb bully who sound retarded. Great first impression.
    Likes: lo0u
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I really really wanted to like this Game.. but I hate that limited Save System. SO I am giving it one star.. not being able to save pretty much makes this Game unplayable for me .

    I don't know why6 the devs decided on that, but it's a terrible idea.

    The art work is pretty awesome and the voices are cute, the characters are sexy, pretty much could have been a perfect Game.

    Such a pity :|
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is good, the setting is interesting, the characters are desirable.
    Not to much to explore, but hopefully the game will be ready at some point. Although it is RPGM, it is most suprising that the gameplay is not annoying as RPGM usually is. Meaning you don't have that feeling like playing any other one that you are not rewarded enough, that you probably should just download the CGs and delete it right here. There were not many games which i really enjoyed playing, and even among those few this one stands pretty solid)
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Unique nice story and setting. Fun, good graphically, with nice voicing. Now the bad parts: extremely restrictive: If you don't see the playthrough videos you will never finish it. And that eats all the fun in it. Almost all actions must be done in the exact order. There is no quest log where you can see what you need to acomplish and where. If you play it today and then in another week - forget it. On top of that it has a memory leak (v. 0.07-V3) which eats your computer's memory in a matter of minutes. You have to save often to avoid loosing your progress. I deleted it after It crashed 3 times and I lost hours of playing.
  11. B
    4.00 star(s)


    This is excellent. UNTIL a certain point. The world building is fine for a porn game. For once I actually like the voice acting in these games. The art is hot as hell.

    What the FUCK is up with the lack of saves? I blew through all my saves with the statues without even realizing they were limited, then you only get like 4 saves if you hunt for the amulets which allow you to save. Ridiculous. I hit a brick wall, because there's no way to heal, so the grind is impossible. The difficulty curve is ridiculous. I think to progress I'd literally have to start over. Not to mention I'm supposed to be killing these slime things but they're too strong.

    I also can't figure out how to equip power ups so I'm not a weak lil bitch. This is so dissapointing. This game is fantastic but what it gets wrong, it really really gets wrong. Devs if you read this, please allow unlimited saves and a way to heal. Your game is basically unplayable without unlimited saves and a way to heal (like resting, not buying items). Porn games are supposed to be fun, I don't want to have to carefully ration saves and healing items to play your game. I'm not exactly in it to use my brain or have a challenging experience :p

    I was actually considering pledging to this game until I hit this brick wall, lol.

    EDIT: Came back after a long absence to see what had updated. The game is as hot as ever. And if you're a little bitch like me that struggles with the battles, you can just use a save editor with a simple search online and cheat :sneaky: It still needs a lot of polish, but it's quality porn if you're into this stuff.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is applicable for [v0.05 Alpha], might change with future update.

    Alright i know this is quite severe but it's not about the "unfinished" part of the game so keep it cool and take your time to read since it's more about the balancing issues i've encountered.

    The game itself is pretty good, the art is nice and it's one of it's kind as there's not a lot of futa on shota games. So that's a few points already given.

    But, the system can and need to be worked on, for exemple, the save limitations need to be kept to a difficulty level and not a default thing as it is VERY frustrating with the sheer amount of text. I often found myself loosing half an hour of gameplay because of the reticence to use the scarces saves.

    Also, you can actually get stuck at the start of the game if you don't count your potions like it was your life savings as there's no way to restore (like sleeping, bathing or else for instance). Note that i think i've commented on that part in the past, can't remember.

    And even so the numbers of heal possible is almost perfect to be just good to go pass trough the first two series of monster encounters, only problem, there's a RNG in there that can makes you miss your attack, and if you miss more than 3 times you're getting stuck for good. (Unless the monsters miss you as well)

    Then again, Patreons might just have the buffs necessary to go trough that like a breeze but to me who want to at least play the game up to a certain point to see if it's worth it and see that even after the update and the addition of heal magic "free" players can still be stuck on the same part of the story is mildly infuriating.

    Well, passed all that, the game is looking pretty good so far and the customs option that have been added looks good (limited to Patreons but that's understandable and does not change the gameplay).

    So far, i can't really say i want to support that game since i have no idea how things evolve after or how it will go in next updates, nor how hard it will be for free players to even try the game in the future, but until then, the average review is to warn poeple that don't have patience to maybe skip this and wait for future updates or go pay the patreon for the buffs.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, could always use more Futa on male/Trap content, but it needs alot of work.
    Dialogue, translation, and voice acting all kinda mess up together, the dialogue is weird cuz the translation is very rudimentary if not untranslated at some spots, and the voice acting is a, sometimes weirdly enunciated, direct voice over of the partly poorly translated dialogue.
    Gameplay wise, pretty typical of RPGM games, except for the poor choice to choose to have Very specific points in the story line to choose if you want to save or not, as well as having a bug in the failed combat screen where you can't choose Retry and, what I assume is the previous save points show up as "XUNDEFINED" leading to having to load the previous save point, which can be quite a while back.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Since there are so few trap/futa themed games, this one stands out with good art and voice acting. Impressed by the animations as well. Voice acting can be corny, but in a good way. If you're into the tags, I highly recommend checking it out and supporting the devs, this project deserves more attention.