Others - Hard Stuck [v0.4 EA 1] [floppystack]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Damn this is a promising release.

    Hard stuck is a take on the classic roguelike game. And when I say classic I MEAN classic. We're talking old school gaming days where the games were done by text with very limit graphics. You move a plain in 4 directions where each action you move and monsters move also. You explore the floors for the next floor stairs. Meanwhile you pick up items, gear, and fight monsters with pointing and clicking. Overall its bare bones and difficult right now, but for the most part its got very good potential.

    Story is.... nonexistent. Girl pops out of tv and just starts. This means there's no tutorials. Given its a first release I can pass on judging that too harshly. We don't even really need a story to be fair. But no tutorial to explain the game would be nice. Or some kind of "whats going on" intro paragraph.

    And now on the meat. And when I say meat I mean MEAT. The MC is a nerdy girl thats on the chubby side. Think Mei from overwatch. Now some may be turned off from this but I personally think its great. Good unique character with unique models and animations. You specifically target the monsters for sex and the animations again I'll say are incredible. A bit goofy but damn. I am impressed by the dev doing this all in the Godot engine.

    Right now there's like 4 monster animations and one tentacle animation from finding a specific item. First release like I said. But its all there. It distinguishes itself from the rest, has an interesting gameplay loop, and already starts off strong showing how good they can model and animate which is very important for good porn games.

    4/5. There's a bug right now if you fill up your cum meter and there's really nothing else with the game. But I'll be watching it closely.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this game. Despite minor bugs and some crashes, this one has a great potential, as it first release. I clearly see, that the dev took inspiration form old Rouge games. If there could be realised as many as original Rouge mechanics has, this game should be on the TOP of must play ero-games!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Apart from getting stuck in a blackscreen from time to time the game looks fantastic so far.
    I rly love the art and the simplicity of the game without missing out on being a proper dungoen crawler.
    More content and bit more development and the game will be one of the best here
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    ok been playing for a hot minute and so far its a super fun roguelike monster fucker. controls are a lil weird BUT easily worked with.
    Maybe next update we will get more bodily curses like body mods with buffs and debuffs, pregnancy, and more. theres a lot of potential here.
    Maybe a character customizer too