Unity - Completed - Hardrock Sex 3D [Final] [Furry Tails]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    > timing based click heavy minigame DURING sex
    congrats! you managed to find a way to ruin sex.
    Most minigames reward you with a sex scene you can fap to. but playing a minigame DURING the sex scene it ruins the whole experience.

    The art is mostly good but with some drawbacks. Faces look really good, bodies decent. genitals look bad

    The prompts do not match the music. Meaning the music hinders you instead of helping, and that it fails its core premise of being a rhythm game
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent animations, but holy hell is it not a rhythm game. The music playing has absolutely nothing to do with the button prompts, to the point where it's easier to play while muted. Developer would have been better off releasing it as just a gallery of sex scenes.