VN - Ren'Py - Harem Hotel [v0.18] [Runey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If you love games with a good story, you will love Harem Hotel.
    The characters are well thought out and each of their stories are well done.

    It is strongly recommended that you spend equal time with the characters, because if you focus too much on specific characters, it can cause continuity issues with scenes, which are easy to work through.

    The dev is very responsive to reports of any issues, and will correct them as quickly as possible.

    There is a huge fan base for this game, and if you know anything about F95, you know that will also bring out the trolls, so use common sense, and be polite in the comments.

    Other players are also willing to help people with questions, but it is strongly recommended that you use the search feature at the top right of the page before asking. Some questions have already been asked many times since the start of the game.

    For overall fun, I give this game a 10 out of 10 erect penises
    It is well worth it for anyone who enjoys a good story, with intermittent naughty bits...
    Remember, this is still a game under construction, but it has a shitload of content already.
    The uncompressed size of the game is over 100GB, but the dev has compressed the images down to about 1/10th of that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This could be average 3dcg game with mid renders and some micromanagement but game is a lot more than it seems like at first look.

    - there is a lot of content with girls, game just throws event after event at you and it doesnt stop for a long time
    - girls they are unique and well made
    - H scenes are pretty good for what game is
    - game is very relaxing with all the music and management of hotel

    - game forever in development
    - lots of things screams to be improved, big potential
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a real good game, but for myself, some drawbacks that kills all the fun/interest.

    - Average renders and graphics
    - Crappy animations that improves as you play further.
    - Nice characters
    - Good writing
    - Girl feels different from the others.
    - Good gameplay
    - Dev is friendly.

    - Generic repetitive scenes are used.
    - No management at all.
    - Forced content... I know it's a harem game, but if you don't progress X girl, then you can't keep playing Y girl. (Really annoying)
    - Several bugs.
    - Years of development, still in development...

    I'd really encourage players to play this game, it's really a good one, I just don't like the repetitive grinding that much, and the experience of avoiding a girl is not really an option.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.17.2
    (Played with the excellent walkthrough mod.)

    The early game plays very much like a typical free-roam based AVN, there's exploration, character events and basic resource management. After a while, this gameplay drops off, and a large overarching story gets shaped. Each young woman who comes to live at the hotel, has their own coming of age story. They each have their own experiences, beliefs and personalities. The MC is there to help them where he can, and to get in their panties.

    For me, the world, lore and story that Harem Hotel builds, is the most interesting aspect of the game. And that's not knocking the other content, like erotic scenes, renders, and character design.

    Harem Hotel does have its flaws. Its music is uninspired, and the male protagonist is the typical HS2 body with a dong attached. I'm not too bothered by it, because this is a technical limitation.

    Story-wise, Harem Hotel gets very deep and complex. There are a lot of details that are gathered through different LIs. Sometimes the game fucks up, where a character gives exposition that they were previously unaware of. (Sylvia is probably the biggest offender here. She was unaware of certain creatures during an event, then later provided a ton of exposition about these creatures and how they're integral to her society.) Sometimes I got the impression that plot-holes were retconned or overexplained in later events. I can't be too sure of this, since I haven't played earlier versions. Still, I have a small worry that the writer has set up a minefield of details and exposition, and I hope they're not writing themselves in a hole.

    There are a few suggestions I'd like to make:

    I'd love to see an overhaul of how different building/events are integrated in a character's story. Mostly the Dungeon. It just seems to be there for an LI to be at the mercy of the player, not contributing to the LI's character development. Emma might be the exception here. I think there's an opportunity to have character-based kinks that can tie in to an LI's story. For instance: Ashley could be helped by a DD/LG scene, showing her the fatherly love she never had. Felicity could be brat-tamed. Orgasm denial fits Maria most.
    The submission trait feels useless, and more about breaking someone. This in contrast with what BDSM is about, where both the Dom and Sub get a valuable experience.

    The exhibition trait is another one that's in a weird spot. I think the way it's done for Autumn is actually pretty good. For most other LIs it just seems to come down to a dare.

    It could be interesting to have a different progression for different characters. Maria is so dominant, that it could make sense to gain submission points with her first, before she opens up emotionally. For other girls, it would make sense to need a higher level of submission before they can be enticed to do exhibitionist actions.

    I'd love to see more intertwined content (events across LIs being referenced) that are mutually exclusive, specially in the current early & mid-game. Added to this, I'd like more events with minimum levels. After building the 2nd floor, I suddenly had a bunch of new tenants. I didn't really interact with them because the Floor 1 girls still had events going on. Then, thanks to the walkthrough mod informing me of some cross-LI content, I decided to grind the events of the Floor 2 girls. Having some more minimum level requirements for events would even out the pacing, while (sadly) somewhat limiting player choice.

    All these suggestions are mostly related to the early game and integration of different (and probably newer) systems. These are just ideas, and I'm fully aware that remastering such a large part of the game is an immense task.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great i really like no ntr content just a good game and i really like how the characters are different from each other without reaching the repetitive in my personal opinion this game is great if you like just a vanilla history without ntr
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.17.2
    Not perfect, but has great potential. Very fantastical. Has some of the most sexy scenes I've experienced yet. I've actually not finished the game at the time of review, currently ~ level 40's.

    [Story]- This is a fantasy where girls just fall in love with you over just some little things(and also, you're hung). There's some logic, but it's all very weak. But all the story and interactions are still very enjoyable, and I had fun slowly(or quickly) courting/corrupting girls. You also get to gradually learn about each girl, and the dialogue doesn't become too much, but I did skip skim over some of the more mundane things. The interconnectivity between different characters is also fairly nice. I'm in the middle of the game now, and there is actually an impressive effort on the plot. This is a real full-blown novel. The dev's vision is vast, but the writing could use a lot of work. A lot of the events happen in a disjointed order, and often, characters will have information that they're not supposed to have in their event ahead of other events. There's even an instance where Sylvie didn't have certain information, but magically did after it was revealed in the story; that's just impossible. There are actually 3 major plot lines that seem like that will all come together at the end. These storylines do get a bit text heavy, and they seem a little political, so it may not be for everyone.

    [Gameplay]- It's a bit grindy. At first, you have no money, and you start out exploring the town. It provides quite a few fun stories, but that runs out very quickly at the moment(most of it is still in development). A problem is that you need a lot of money to start, and exploring wastes your time not earning money. Later on, your income will increase, but you still have to wait quite a bit to progress, because some of the story also has expenditure(something even costs 10k); however, you have plenty of time to wait for income, because once you actually get started, there are plenty of girls to increase stats and progress the story on. There's barely, if any, downtime. One big problem is that there are a lot of extra "easter eggs" that you wouldn't find normally, because they require, for example, 10 exhibitionism. While you only get to experience new scenes for up to 5 exhibitionism, so there's little incentive to actually go get to 10 when you have 9 other stats to train for each girl as well as progressing their stories UNLESS you already knew there'd be extras for doing so(but who would without a walkthrough?). So, it is a bit grindy, because you're just repeating the same actions over and over to get a stat to 10(or higher). That's not including the time you're waiting for money to increase.

    [Scenes]- First, I want to point out that you will continue to get new scenes in succession, so it doesn't really get boring. All the chicks in the game are hot, but not all of them get scenes at the moment, but I hope that you get to mess around with all of them in the future.

    Some things that I don't like are that there are a lot of scenes/pictures that aren't in the gallery, repeatable, or somewhere else. They're one off, so you have to make sure to save if you want to keep them. Secondly, there's no voice acting, and the inherent music is just generic game music, not fap music. I don't hate them, but these are things that can be improved.

    Scenes are what pushes this game up to a 5. The models look nice. Some of the scenes are too one dimensional, but they still look quite sexy. There are the traditional oral/vaginal/anal scenes, but there are also Other scenes that happen at different places. There are a Bunch of Multi-girl scenes, and these are particularly good. Well, not every scene can be f amazing, but as you go further, you may find better scenes. Some of these scenes are just EXPLOSIVE. I REALLY, REALLY LOVE the Twins dungeon scene. I loved it so much that I came to write the review prematurely.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.17.2.

    Summary: With just 8 hours played I never got far into neither the main plot nor the character side stories. So far, I have been witnessing some elaborate and intriguing worldbuilding along with the introduction of several good characters. That said, most characters have also seemed a bit too one dimensional in my eyes. Other than the worldbuilding, the general premise of setting up the hotel you inherited is interesting enough. Outside of “running” the hotel (randomly visiting guests is hardly running a hotel) you explore around the city for a short while, before reaching end of content. Not sure if I reached the end or if further content is simply gated and needs progression in the story elsewhere. There’s hardly anything more for me to say. You go about your days visiting your guests, unlocking lewd events, upgrading the hotel and a few other minor things. But it never truly caught my attention in anyhow.

    - Hmm, what do we start with as a pro? Right, the worldbuilding. The world and lore of Harem Hotel was clearly meant to be something grand from the beginning. An example is the map you can access from the menu, showing the formerly elven dominated continent with several geographic regions, cities and short informational entries tied with each one.
    - While the cast remained small-ish by the time I stalled, the heroines seemed diverse in looks and personalities.
    - Animations, while probably all stock HS1 loops, they were utilized well enough with decent angles and i barely noticed any clipping issues with MC’s wang during penetration, as I have seen in a few other HS based titles.

    Mehs and hit/miss:
    - Despite avoiding blatant clipping during penetration, we still have MC's wang clipping directly through fully worn pants. Like, imagine unbuttoning and unzipping your jeans, pulling them and your underwear down, then pulling the pants up once more and buttoning them, leaving the zipper-hole open with mr. peepee poking out. Honestly, this is not a big complaint. After all, the male body models of HS come without any equipment of their own, forcing devs to attach dildo assets to the groin. Something that never looks good.
    - The 3 sets of elevator music available helps break up the silence, but the chill casual vibes of all 3 really feel out of place during H scenes, tense/serious moments and comedic events.
    - Navigating around from location to location got a little tedious and grindy, but still, nothing outright frustrating.

    - I recognize that ugly ass oversized dildo asset of a wang anywhere at this point. The coloration is usually ok, as is the case most of the time here, but sometimes it has a very uncomfortable looking dark blue tint, as if the blood was unable to circulate.
    - I know MC was designed as a blank slate from the beginning and I never got far enough into the plot to see the parts where his character starts being a little more defined. Still, I found it tough to immerse myself in the action, lewd or not, with MC being as passive as he was. Like, we never see his face, but I think it would be fitting if his face was either completely blank (smooth featureless skin) or a big camera lens. Because that is pretty much what he has been so far. An observer that barely participates and never says more than 20% of words in a conversation. Even less if more than 1 other character is involved.
    - There was something about the dialogues that just rubbed me the wrong way. Same with the characters behavior. Something about how blatant the porn logic was and how people acted like it was fully natural. Relationships progressed very fast and in contrived and convenient ways with MC just being way to disinterested and pretty much just going all “Nice”, whenever an opportunity for lewd stuff came his way.

    Still, i feel HH has enough going for it to justify 3 stars rather than 2.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    After being caught up with the story and character events for the most recent update, I can safely say that this game is the gold standard for this genre of game. The characters, story and especially the world building are all top tier.

    The player is given several opportunities to learn more about the world which are all optional, but provide a lot of insight into the world. I appreciate that they're optional, as not every player is going to be interested. However, for people like me, it provides a lot of great lore to sink my teeth into.

    The overall cast is large, the main girls all fleshed out, with the side characters being interesting enough to make the player want to spend at least some time with them. The beat the story ends on as of update v0.17.2 is nothing short of art.

    Harem Hotel is absolutely packed with content, so much so that it will likely take several weeks of daily playing to get caught up with the story. This could be seen as either pro or con, but I think of it as the former. Not many games are packed with as much content as HH, and getting through it all was overall such a great experience

    One of the few criticisms I have of the game, more of a nit-pick than anything, is the animations. They don't have the same quality in some other games and they often loop frequently but they're hardly of a poor quality, just not as impressive as in other titles.

    I love Harem Hotel more than I could have ever expected to going in, it's the only adult game to bring me to tears and I urge anyone even remotely interested to give it a fair chance. This game has so much potential and I cannot wait for it to be completed
    Likes: Runey
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    i came

    i cried

    . . . i came again

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    a true loveletter to the genre . . .
    A game with bonafide heart & soul
    A cast of characters that i'll never forget
    A story that takes its time to tell at a deep, steady pace
    . . . wrapped up in a wonderfully unintrusive sandbox style

  10. 5.00 star(s)



    My biases and realization:
    I'm a proud hand-holding, pat-giving, hug seeking fucko that values good story telling and good FICTIONAL relationships. For this very reason, I slept on this game cuz I thought it was just gonna be about banging or what not........WRONG!!! Yes, lewds are easy to get from the get go....but the relationship building and story telling picks up slowly but surely.....and OH BOY DOES IT DELIVER SO WELL! There's so many LIs but you care about all of them cuz the time the game invests in it for you to actually see them as more than just bags of flesh pays off so well. And the plot unravels slowly but you see all the LIs being involved and affected someway. Their interactions with each other and the whole injustices around them. THE GAME COVERS PRETTY HARD HITTING TOPICS: mental health issues, aristocratic societies, injustices toward certain people based on how they look (someone with an average brain can easily pick up the social commentary and the parallels to our own world), child hood trauma, self image issues, abandonment, riots, wealth gap etc....list goes on and on about social topics. THEREFORE, game is not just about lewds, it runs so much deeper.

    Pros: Fuckton of content that explores pretty much most kinks, so much love into each LIs stories and personalities, writing is really good too, costumes are top notch, worldbuilding is wow, and renders are decent. Sandbox is done really good too (I played with mod so I had fun).

    Cons: The only thing I would have liked would be diverse music selection to fit certain scenes cuz the default music couldnt match scnees intensity at times. Other than that i have no complains.

    Verdict: So much love has been poured into the creation of this that you should absolutely consider picking it up. Stories are no where near done as we are slowly seeing how LIs are going to tackle the injustices so I'm super excited for next installments.

    Goodluck Dev, thanks for an awesome time!

    Go play it already!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an absurd amount of content to it, which sucked for me because I was on a time crunch to finish it before I went back to college. The progression in this game is inversed for most VNs. You start out having a fuckton of sex, but then as the stories get more in depth, the sex becomes more or less relegated to your own sandbox scenes.

    Don't expect to finish this game a week, not even two weeks. This game takes months to finish. I played for about an hour every night and by the end I was skipping through everything to get the gist of the story. I skipped through for a full hour and I'm still not done.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Herbert the Pervert

    I started with 0.17.2
    Sandbox game with a story of harem building, yes, sounds familiar, but this one is different, with nice and interesting background stories for the girls, great artwork and good worldbuilding in general, it rivals some of the best games in this genre!
    The possibilities are very promising, hope that the developer keeps up the good work, too many have let us down too early...
    Edit 22.Jan 2024
    Aaaand the creator has depression and/or covid, I think it's either on hold or may take forever to be finished.
    Like I wrote , was very promising...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of content, very well made. Constantly updated. The girls are all very well designed and have different styles and personalities. Very lovable characters. H scenes are top notch, too. There's a lot of dialogue for those who like visual novels but you can easily skip through most of it if it becomes too much. Even then, the game will take you quite some time because of the sheer amount of content.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Lots of content. Easy download. Enough said. But because of the character limit I will add some more stuff lmao. Support the creator. I've been watching this game develop for quite some time now.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply huge, in terms of its lifespan, the number of girls, and the parallel stories... It's a great job from the developers. The only minor complaint I have, but it's for personal taste, is that the game isn't a little more trashy (bondage, scat etc...). I eagerly await updates.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for a long time, and until then everything was perfect for me, I started liking this game for having elves and for the amount of content, I've never seen a game here with as much content as this one, with each update I open the game to see the What's new, the characters are all perfect, beautiful, especially the elves... there isn't one that isn't good, I like the story, well detailed, it has politics, religion... it really has a story behind it... a wiki whole about the races and history of the game.. a good balance between sex and history.. although lately it's just been dramas and tragic things happening and few happy moments with the girls, which puts me off a little... another thing that I get discouraged... is that our protagonist, the manager... he is very observant, everything happens around him, he doesn't even comment on anything, even if something bad is happening, he is passive throughout the game and when he comments on something , his phrase is no more than 3 generic words, it's the girls themselves who deal with the problems, it's like he's there just to accompany them, not to mention he lacks boldness, lack of attitude, not just for sex, but just to say something well elaborated showing feelings for the girls, and what discourages me even more is kali calling the robot a threat, making her go into a crisis because of that, thinking she owns the robot and deciding everything on her own and the protagonist is only passive there.. as I've been following this game for a long time, I want to continue enjoying it, but it's difficult. the 3 stars are for the elves who are all perfect, too bad they only suffer.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel [v0.17.2]

    Great Animations
    Great Sex Scenes
    So many good-looking Character Models
    Character Customization
    Good Story
    Good pacing
    So much content
    Good Character development
    Every girl has their own personality
    Sandbox mechanics are surprisingly well implemented

    You have 4-5(?) background songs to choose from, but they get quite boring to listen to.
    No moaning sounds

    Outfits are not permanent when you go to public places, like the café, and switch back to their normal street outfits. Pls fix that.

    More ways to customize/upgrade your Hotel
    More Costumes and Toys
    Have the option to do Camshows and/or have live sex shows at the hotel with the girls. Hotel live sex shows gains customers.
    More exhibitionism options and locations
    More kinky scenes and options for each girl
    Have options to have sex at work and school
    If pregnancy gets added then please make it optional (not a fan of prego)
    More sidequests and bigger world building

    I really enjoyed my time with this game, and for me, it is one of the best games on this site.
    There is so much content to play through, so much variety and it doesn´t get boring.
    As far as harem's go, this is by far my favorite Harem game out there.
    I can full-heartedly recommend this game and wish the Dev good luck in his development of the game, and will follow it closely.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome work!

    I'm a speed runner of these games, cheat addicted to boot, and rarely find something above mild satisfaction but this is one of the few exceptions I've found here, where I can really enjoy my time and thank the dev for this great job of exciting/ perverted play.

    Personally, I wish Ellen will get many more scenes, and hope that breeding and pregnancy will be close to absent, as I find this kink off-putting (because I'm a dad? oh well to each its own)

    Anyway, thanks and congrats (and vice versa)!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of my favourite games I have played from here.
    The story is really good, the writing is fantastic too.
    As far as harem's go this is by far my favourite I have played and I have played a lot of them.
    There's good variation in character design and personality.
    I would 1000% recommend this game <3
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic game, you can be nice, you can be cruel (which makes me feel bad so even in vidya games I can't be cruel) lots of scenes, lots of story. Pretty well written characters, I don't typically read the story but from what I can surmise it's pretty interesting. One of the 5 games I keep coming back to check for updates on.