VN - Ren'Py - Harem Hotel [v0.18] [Runey]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd like to put an excellent rating, but since I have a few negative points to add, I can't put a prefect mark.

    -Story: 97/100, the story is amazing, the lore is very detailed, there is a very good characters development, and the way the differents characters interwined is very well done. I just have an issue with the pacing some times.

    -Visuals: 65/100, maybe I'm too used to these 3D games with ray tracing, detailed environment etc... HH is very barebone visually speaking, at times I feel like I'm looking at sims, sometimes a very old version of source engine. But there are a LOT of CG and animated scenes.

    -Audio: 0/100 would be harsh but... there is no audio, and definitely not enough tracks for the length of the game. I finished the game in 70hours, I think there is only 3 tracks per music family. I played the game by listening to Lo-Fi girl, and strangely enough, it goes very well with the game, sometimes I thought I had forgotten to quit the game when the playlist was still running.

    -Gameplay: 70/100, it's mostly an issue with pacing. Some events will unlock only if you made some progress in upgrading the hotel or buying some slaves. And some of those are really expensive, I finished the game around day 270. I'm pretty sure half of it was grinding money by selling pinups or skipping time to wait for my bar reports.

    Overall, the game is definitely worth a try, the story is the strongest point, but be aware, that you'll be in that game for a very long time (it took me 70 hours to finish the 0.15.1 version)

    The lore is one of the deepest I've seen in such a game, you feel attached and involved in it. Even the 'bad guys aren't just black or white, they have their reasons and motivations you can't just brush under the carpet in the name of superior virtue.

    Most tenants have their issues, and once again, they are detailed, and we can feel the author either know people with such issues or has done some research on them. You don't just have stereotypical characters.

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    My biggest issue is with the story/gameplay pacing. Most of the time, the progression is fluid, but at some point, you can be overwhelmed by the number of characters you have to interact with, while some other times, you'll have to grind for money without the possibility to interact with anyone outside of basic interactions.

    Progressing in some character's stories can be confusing too, you'll have an indicator you can continue the story but won't find how to trigger it. It can create a bottleneck that once passed will trigger all the other stories and you won't have time to breathe, it will be even after the event, and then... nothing, time to grind again to find the new triggers.

    Some blocks are missing too, which can lead in some information we have gained not being used in the story because we got them too soon.

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    And finally, there are some minor plotholes here and there, but not anything that entirely breaks the world-building.

    In conclusion, if you want a really good, deep and well-thought story, with some reflection on freedom, happiness and slavery, this one is for you.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game. It has several different stories and ladies with interesting personalilties. While the world story can pull you out of the moment, it actually improves the girls stories. I wish there was some more impactful choices but overall it is a very large and great game.
    Likes: Runey
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is ultimately excellent and definitely deserve 5/5. Giving it any lower would make my doubt most of the 5/5 I ever gave on this site.
    Still, this game has one thing I'm disappointed with....the storyline.
    Basically, dev went from writing small, casual story to pretty dark one. Elf slavery went from being a subplot to justify a few character's existence to being pretty much the main plot of the game.
    And you know what? This isn't necessarily that bad a thing. My issues lie elsewhere, mostly in two points.
    The feeling of helplessness and uselessness. We do a lot of things. But never did I feel that what we did was useful. Worse: I have no agency in the story. I might as well not be there. Dark stuff happens for the sake of dark stuff, not for the sake of making a compelling story.
    Secondly...well it makes my protagonist looks like a madman. Game doesn't seem to know whether the protagonist is for or against slavery. He is forced to be against slavery during story events, but you can also still buy slaves and go on slave routes. Generally speaking, game opens up "dark" path for me to take, then punish me for taking them and force me to do the opposite. And as said above, failing while doing said opposite and being overall useless.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Harem hotel is a game with a grindy, really grindy sandbox. But I liked the characters enough, their progressions etc. Characters like Ashley simply have amazing arcs. But I feel like for a 10 gb game, not a single personal arc is yet completed is just infuriating.
    And the most infuriating part is how the story takes two of the worst cliches in fantasy genre and doubles down on it making the story nihistically dark
    1. The concept of Elven slavery and use of religion to justify that. The very notion that sinces Elves are long living and reproduction is slow, they will always be defeated by humans and their intelligence is low and they can't make any progress whatsoever and thus bound to be sex slaves. And humans using the concept of religion to justify that what they did was their God's will. Just like the colonialists did in the occupied countries in colonial era.
    2. Old rich powerful men always winning without reprecussions. We already have old rich powerful men winnining in real life, doing whatever they want and getting away with it. I don't have to watch them winning in a fucking porn game as well.
    For a 10gb game, the story just gets progressively dark, cynical with the protagonist never having make any dent in the overall narrative. The world still doinghorendous thing and although 300 years have passed 99% of population still has archaic ideas of slavery. It is just ridiculous. SO once I ended the game. I forever deleted it. Perhaps I won't be playing it ever again.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel is good at what it does: sandbox harem with manga-y characters.
    The models are decent but far from the best I've seen on this site.
    The dialogues and relationships with the tenants aren't really engaging IMHO unless you're really into manga character stereotypes.
    The sandbox mechanics does get grindy after a while.

    I would have given it 2 stars but the sex scenes are varied and generally good and the amount of content make it a relatively long game if you can get past its' flaws.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't write much reviews but I think I need to write one for this.

    This game isn't finished yet but from what I've played so far there's a fuckload of content (0.15.1). The characters are all likeable, fuckable and have depth to them. All of the main girls are very sympathetic, and even the side girls.

    The creator clearly has a knack for worldbuilding, I appreciate making your own world than just relying on pop culture references, the story is great, it makes you want to root for the characters and hope they get better.

    Would totally recommend this game.
    Likes: Runey
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Like a lot of these harem free roam type games, this one has a bit of build up before you get to the meat of it, but the girls and story are more than enough to keep you in. While it is still in dev, im sure it will come out as one of the best in this genre.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Spoilers in this review.

    This game was my favorite game on this site years ago. I would have given it 15 stars if possible. Which is why giving it 3 stars now is so disheartening.

    I don't know precisely when it happened, but this game went from a plot that consisted of getting your girlfriend a job at a pizza joint and making ends meet on your new and rather unsuccessful business venture to *SPOILERS* watching one of your extremist abolitionist sex partners fail to kidnap a queen and watching her get electrocuted into near death before being carted off to be, presumably, raped by someone she doesn't want to marry.

    What the fuck happened?

    I get that even originally the game had slightly darker undertones with the elf slavery thing, and I was content to let it be a backdrop of the story, something that was there to lampshade being able to have elves in the story and have a slightly more male dom slant on the culture/gameplay. That's fine. Not great in my eyes, and not my favorite, but fine.

    But just like with Dragon Age: Origins and the mage/templar conundrum, the elf slavery thing went from being one part of one story in a big tale, to the entire focus of the rest of the game/franchise.

    It's so disheartening, because looking through all these reviews, I'm not the only one blindsided by a game that was lighthearted for years turning steadily more and more dark.

    But even though I'm not going to be playing the rest of this game and its updates, I can't in good conscience give it less than a 3/5 star review. The characters are sexy (when they're not plot vomiting their all of the sudden horribly depressing backstories and/or asking me to sit through an actual sermon on two different pantheons and cultures), they're funny, they have unique personalities. I just don't think things needed to get so god damned depressing for them to be sexy and have unique personalities.

    All in all, don't play this game if you like lighthearted fun, but do play if you like being depressed by horrible fascistic regimes, a loose and very not subtle parody of USA politics and policies, horrific backstories, and a whole boatload of slavery.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played 0.15.1

    Harem Hotel was great when it first hit the scene, offering fairly quick progress to a few characters, looking decent enough at the time.

    I remember looking forward to the next update.

    As time went on I feel like it simply overstays it’s welcome, with much longer often not very rewarding story lines, lots and lots of characters it simply overstays it’s welcome.

    In terms of scenes you get to the point you have seen everything there is to offer and the story I personally just don’t find that interesting.

    I wish the dev would just try to round things off and move on to something new.
    This will also be the last version I will play.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    play V 0.14.1 with a french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 4/5 Overall very good, but the more the game progresses the more some stories become convoluted and a bit boring

    characters: 5/5 A very large number, a lot of diversity

    sex scene: 5/5 Absolutely fabulous, good length, massive amount, and full of different kinks

    renders: 5/5 When you go for this kind of rendering for the first time, it takes time to get used to it, but then you really become a fan! I love!

    animation: 5/5 It is without any hesitation that I say it loud and clear, they are very beautiful

    sound: yes

    gameplay: 4/5 I don't think it's one of the strong points of the game, but it does the job very well.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great visual novel game. Long plot and beloved characters. Many options to perform during the day with the girls, and the repetition does not bother. My favorite character is the android, but the rest of the girls are also cute.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say the plot for this game is quite interesting and really easy to follow, the character growth for most of the characters is really good especially Ashley.
    I’m 27 hours in the game and I’m very entertained and running out of tissues cause the sex scenes are so good at this point I’m wishing I owned a harem.
    I’m glad the next update will focus more on the side characters, I really hope we get more scenes and story development for Ann cause I really like her character and I feel like we should see more dark elf characters.
    Great game
    Off to look for more tissues
    Likes: Runey
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Came to fap
    Stayed for the story

    I like the characters especially after going through their stories.

    The downsides was the pacing of game itself cause money was a bigger factor of the story progression than I expected. (I hate myself for buying the bar late into the game).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    incredible story and excellent game waiting for the new updates after having dedicated many hours to complete it!

    setting the bar high to get other games that catch like harem hotel did

    PD: Kali Besto Waifu <3
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The review concerns v0.14.
    Huge vn with multiple girls, harem style as the name implies.

    The story starts really strong with girls but then as their stories go on it kind of goes downhill mostly. Apart from Ashley and Maria most girls late events are kid of boring. I can see that the dev has a talent for vns but short ones as the stories that don't involve connecting emotionally with girls are kind of boring. The girls are varied with different personalities which is good. The game is very long (even as of 0.14).

    Graphics and Lcontent
    The overall graphic is average. The girls are different from one another with many costumes options. The lcontent is massive and varied. If not for the average graphics it would be 10/10 in this aspect. There are lots of events that can be trigerred with additional content.

    On the scale of 1-10(1 trash, 5 average, 10 masterpiece) I would give it a 7. I'll see where this goes, if the stories get longer and more boring the score might drop, but right now its definitely worth the play even if for the Lcontent alone.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well made game that'll get you attached to every single one of it's characters for largely different reasons. Every girl is an adventure, a different one at that. Even if it's not completed yet, there is a lot of hours ahead of you - not to mention the consistent flow of updates and love put into it.

    Highly recommend.
    Likes: Runey
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    What more can I say, it's fantastic game and easily one of the best on F95.
    The story is interesting, well-paced and intriguing.
    The characters are varied, colorful, and intersting to interact with.
    They all develop brilliantly as time goes on, and as you inteact with them.
    (My favorite rn is Felicity. IDK, there's something about those characters that start by despising the MC, and slowly come around... And when they do, they kinda fuck up because they don't know exactly how to be nice)

    Besides that, there's plently of content... I mean an asinine amount, just check the file size.

    As for complaints... eh... I tend to prefer these games to be slightly more game-y? Have more gameplay.
    Though, I can't really take points off for that, because I realize that's subjective and there's probably some people out there that believe this already has too much gameplay... so, eh...

    So, overall... Good game, would recommend (for the characters and their development especially)
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. Who

    Story is rich, intriguing, nicely paced imo, catchy, fun.
    Character development is everything you could ask for and then some.
    There's no shortage of lewds and funny business.
    Play at your own pace.
    Time spent in the hotel is time well spent.
    Likes: Runey
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.15.1 Public]

    This is a fantastic game that goes above and beyond to create complex characters with an interesting world to deliver a deep and engaging story.

    The characters in this game are obviously the main attraction and they succeed in keeping you interested in their development beyond their excellent character designs. From brainy computer whiz to bratty cheerleader, there's a wide variety of characters to become invested in and looking forward to seeing where their personal stories go next. I frequently wonder what the next story event for a character could be rather than what new sex scenes could be added because I just enjoy seeing how they evolve as the story progresses.

    The world this game takes place in, Syl'anar, is also filled with a deep and complex history of events and locations that deserves its own wikipedia just to cover it all. It's really impressive that it all manages to stay coherent with the scale the world that is presented and more so that it keeps your interest as you learn more about Syl'anar and how you can have an effect on it.

    The story itself is expertly written and delivers on giving you something to think about even after you've turned the game off. Between juggling political intrigue and the consequences of a slave society, there are also a number of poignant personal character moments to keep you invested in what happens next. I'm very happy with the direction of this story's development and am always excited to see new updates and how the story progresses.

    Overall, with all of the loveable characters living in a rich and well developed setting traveling through a gripping story that leaves you begging for more, this game has more than earned a 5 star rating.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    [Rewiewing v0.15.1 Public]

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    From here on, there will be spoilers


    The Good(aka “Keep going with these things”)

    —The Plot and storylines are amazing: We go from silly moments where Emma & Felicity are getting “disciplined” by Lin to Maria being captured for being a half-elf to Android being a loving mother. It's quite a roller-coaster of silly moments and tear-inducing drama, mixed with moments that may trigger an overdose of cuteness. 5/5

    — The graphic is HS1 but damn if it's good, clearly the dev put the's just *Chef Kiss* 5/5 once again

    — The amount of content in this game is absolutely outstanding, both on a story-level or a simple "side-events" and repeatable scenes(like the exhibitionist ones or the ones in the dungeon) 5/5

    The Annoying (aka "Not urgent but you may wanna fix this")

    — The hint system...if we wanna call it like that, that thing that informs you which character has still unseen content...because Okay i know that i've yet to see (for example) Lin's new content but i went to her room or the kitchen and nothing got triggered?There is a requirement or must explore the whole hotel in different times during different days until i trigger something?...So yeah a supplementary hint system may be helpful, i mean it's fine but i'm talking about it only because i did explore the hotel twice just to find an event, until i triggered it casually XD

    The Bad (aka "Fix it asap or your game won't last long")

    - Nothing to see here, because the game is just THIS good.

    Conclusions: The game is good, the bugs and typos get fixed, the characters are likeable and have unique stories and like every other person in this universe they've good and bad moments. There are reasons why this game is in my signature, and i just exposed them. Have a good day Mr./Miss Reader! <3