I played v0.44
Really like the art
Animation is really good aside from one scene (where the girl is riding the dude on the chair, it is choppy)
The humor and dialogue is hit or miss, some I was rolling my eyes, others like the with clown had me smirking
There are ways to improve combat to be less painful but...
The combat has virtually no purpose since there are no levels or stats to improve and it is just an auto-battle mechanic with no input so aside from the extremely limited pool of gear, there is nothing that goes into combat so it just feels like a waste of time
The bar mini-game was dull but would be tolerable if it gave more gold. The fishing mini-game was horrendous to control, at least on mobile, and getting to 1000 gold to get the better boat felt like pulling teeth
The scenes are pretty short for now so there is not a lot of tension or buildup to the otherwise nice erotic scenes
For things I'd like to see improved in future versions: if you want battling to stay as a gameplay, then it needs to give you xp to feel like you are still progressing in some way or gives more gold and there are significantly more equippable items available that do more than just give a flat stat boost to make the battles go a little faster. Mini games should give more gold so you don't have to spend as much time on them or they should be more entertaining as a gameplay mechanic. Even if it's playing blackjack at a gambling table or something I feel would be better than the current ones that have you click the screen mindlessly and intermittently. Hopefully this doesn't sound too harsh because I know the build is still early, just can see a lot of potential in this game and don't want it bogged down with clunky gameplay mechanics that bring down the fantastic art.
Really like the art
Animation is really good aside from one scene (where the girl is riding the dude on the chair, it is choppy)
The humor and dialogue is hit or miss, some I was rolling my eyes, others like the with clown had me smirking
There are ways to improve combat to be less painful but...
The combat has virtually no purpose since there are no levels or stats to improve and it is just an auto-battle mechanic with no input so aside from the extremely limited pool of gear, there is nothing that goes into combat so it just feels like a waste of time
The bar mini-game was dull but would be tolerable if it gave more gold. The fishing mini-game was horrendous to control, at least on mobile, and getting to 1000 gold to get the better boat felt like pulling teeth
The scenes are pretty short for now so there is not a lot of tension or buildup to the otherwise nice erotic scenes
For things I'd like to see improved in future versions: if you want battling to stay as a gameplay, then it needs to give you xp to feel like you are still progressing in some way or gives more gold and there are significantly more equippable items available that do more than just give a flat stat boost to make the battles go a little faster. Mini games should give more gold so you don't have to spend as much time on them or they should be more entertaining as a gameplay mechanic. Even if it's playing blackjack at a gambling table or something I feel would be better than the current ones that have you click the screen mindlessly and intermittently. Hopefully this doesn't sound too harsh because I know the build is still early, just can see a lot of potential in this game and don't want it bogged down with clunky gameplay mechanics that bring down the fantastic art.