Ren'Py - Completed - Harem Island Unofficial Ren'Py Version [v1.0] [The Sad Panda]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Harem Island 1.0

    With a name like Harem Island, you know what to expect, right? You board a plane and after a surprise event, you crash down on an island where demons are taking men’s lives by orgasm. I played a port of the original Harem Island and the original - and both versions are similar in their experience.

    The story is quite nonsensical and silly, but it works for the fantasy universe the game is set in. You are a young man with a good looking best friend, who asks you to come along and travel with her by plane. Once you do, a bunch of events happen before you end up as one of the few accessible men on an island with women. As you try to learn what happened and to prevent further harm from happening to your crew, the women slowly corrupt you into meaning a bit more for them.

    For a 2018 game, the story is coherent and most things make sense. Responses seem well thought out albeit sometimes a bit unnatural, but the writing style is enjoyable and while the story is full of tropes, in the end it all comes together nicely.

    Keep in mind this was a 2018 game. As of writing, that’s eight years ago. This game looks dated, but not to the point where it’s ugly. Yes, you will find renders with grain and some models that look a bit too plastic. But in the end, that’s not a dealbreaker to tell the story. Locations look believable and the entirety of the plane can and should be explored.

    The sexual scenes look pretty good, while most of the banter between characters is done with flat sprites over a static background. It keeps the game light and works - even though it means we don’t see the main character as often. He does suffer from ‘horse cock syndrome’ however, and the women will comment about it continuously. If that’s not your thing - skip this game.

    Variety of women is quite large in this game - there are small women and tall women, slim and muscular women, even Asian, African and Alien races. The MC will end up becoming somewhat of a fucking machine, with a secret ending for the person who actually goes to town on all women. Personally, I feel like some of these women still look good enough to appear in games, especially because of the detail on them. Just make sure you actually play until you get to the plane.

    While the game is clearly dated, the user interface holds up quite well - aside from some awful navigational choices that break immersion. Overall, the presentation holds up - especially on a smaller screen like a tablet or a phone.

    Harem Island starts out as a simple VN where you have to pick positions in order to fuck a woman into orgasm before you hit yours. That’s a nice gameplay touch I haven’t seen anywhere else before. When the game opens up, it becomes a sandbox time-based game with three moments per day: morning, afternoon and evening. You have a very detailed journal with hints that you can use to progress, provided you find the right thing to do at the right moment.

    It surprisingly works well and I never referred to external help in order to finish this game. I do admit the description of the stances women want from you are a bit vague, but this can be evaded by pre-saving every selection if necessary. By ¼ of the game, I was acing the sex battles quite easily. If you continue to have any issues with these, consider using this for your playthrough.

    Harem Island isn’t a great, standout game - but it is a fun and a hot one at times. It’s a fantasy game, meaning there’s a bit of magic involved, but never to the point where you completely lose touch with earth. The MC is a bit of an idiot, but the women make up for it. Not every woman is written well, but most of them are fun to experience on your quest to become the man of the island. Everyone’s man on the island.

    Verdict: 7/10
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Short Point 'n Click adventure with no story, scuffed fantasy elements and dialogue that exists. Characters look alright, all the while background mostly doesn't. There are exactly 1 faerie, 1 demon and 1 orc female. There isn't much in Fantasy department except maybe "sex magic" or whatever. Each character has 3 animations in repeatable scenes and also several in unique ones. There really isn't anything bad or annoying that really stands out, as a time-spender for a single evening it will suffice.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a great game, definetly worth playing.

    Animations are good.
    Chareacter models, are diverse and great.
    Story, is silly but it's there and has some weight.

    It's a linear story where you can just spam clic to skip dialogue and watch the scenes, but overall the story was also enjoyable.

    Music was annoying, but berable. And there was a lack in the sfx department sadly.

    I don't give it 5 stars, it pains me a bit, but if i could i would give a solid 4.6/5
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Great renders, great scenes.
    A lot of good stuff.

    As the synopsis says.
    End up on the island, bang all the girls.

    If I had to criticize. The game mentions "loving" the girls a lot. But romance, kissing or anything more wholesome is pretty much a 1% compared to the lust fest.
    Now I'm here for the lust fest. While I will admit that arousal is way more psychological/mental than most are willing to admit. So some would have greatly preferred that romantic touch being added.

    I just remove the star because the game mentions it but does a poor job of showing what it claims to show.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun little sex fest. Enough story to keep you engaged, but it's really about the sex.
    Plus - nice models. Most are unique.
    Minus - really jerky animations, repetitive dialog. I've never been a fan of the solid black models taking up space.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Chill harem game with basic plot and characters which are not boring per se but not original either. Setting is OK, girls are plenty but it is so much sex focused and most of it is vanilla sex with very mild kinks feels like scenes are recycled. It has so much insemination but no pregnancy at end. So falls short as a hot harem game but I enjoyed it for a couple of hours. 3.5/5
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A fairly standard visual novel with dialogue options that don't really change much. The sex scene gameplay has a slight twist in that you must guess the correct position to use based on what the woman says in her last sentence. This technique does make it a little interesting and you have to pay attention to the script, but it doesn't really get in the way of enjoying the experience.

    The models are attractive, offer varied personalities, and there is a simple progression of seduction towards full sex scenes. All of the renders are great and there are a variety of camera angles and poses used.

    The Ren'Py conversion makes the gameplay much easier and allows you to speed through most of the experience.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is:

    The Plot: Meeh
    The Gameplay: Meeh
    The Music: Annoying
    The Art: Good

    Maybe you are thinking why this game has four stars?
    Well my dear friend... Because this game it's a fucking joke but the good one joke, The game is very funny.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4317198

    awesome fucking game tons of positions with various bodytypes, in game easy to follow walkthrough.
    story is typical overused porn game story butthe animations, art style and good amount of content makes it worth it. good game for a quickfap
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    There are some quirks in here, like girls disappearing from the plot and some rather weird errors in the text. Having a short song in an endless loop is also not the most appealing thing. I did enjoy the simplicity though, including the in-game guide. The pace is fast, but here it was OK for me since it somehow suits the lighthearted feel-good setting. Better than a game that tries to be ambitious in writing, but ends up with boring and uninspired pretentiousness (I've seen a couple of examples here).
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  11. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all, if you want to try out this game, I really recommend going for the Ren'Py version, the interface is way less clunky. Since I will post this review in both versions, a small caveat: maybe a few of the following criticisms are not valid for the original, I played the original only up to a certain degree.

    After a short introduction which already shows that this will not be a slow burn game, the game itself throws you onto a plane which is attacked by some demons and ends up on a remote island. You are the only male survivor (there is a working explanation for that in game) but a pretty number of pretty females are there with you. From here on out we have a classic sandbox mode - you can walk around the plane and a bit around the island to do quests, get the energy running, make the girl who hates you want to fuck you, pretty normal stuff.

    Since for pretty obvious reasons money plays no role in this game, and you only have to get up two stats (for practical purposes even only half of that, more on that later) the grind is very much under control here. Some time-of-day coordination may be the largest issue you'll face. With a well working quest log, also the sandbox part is easily handled with, so while the game isn't short as such you will comparatively quickly breeze through it if compared with other sandbox games. Some may consider this a plus, some a minus.

    As for the lewds, apart a scene with your the (soon to be ex-)girlfriend, which also serves as a tutorial, you'll encounter opportunities to shoot your load soon enough, not with all girls at the same pace, the "childhood friend" (no euphemism for "sister" here) of course takes a bit longer, but you won't have to play for 6 hours to see your first female anatomy.

    There is a story in this game about the attack and how you can be rescued, which manages to be pretty outlandish and pretty predictable at the same time, but is perfectly serviceable as a backdrop for the proceedings and works to get you going. The general mood is pretty light and humorous, the writing may be a bit on the basic side but certainly isn't cringeworthy either. The pacing may be a bit (not too much though) on the fast side for me, but since I am mostly a slow guy, it may be perfect for many.

    As for the graphics: the models you can see on the preview pictures, here you can form your own opinion. IMO not too bad with some interesting characters. The "main" lewds have a good animation loop, some "side" lewds are a bit more clunky, but all in all are fine as well. At the end probably dev time ran out, some of the later characters' scenes are identical except for the model used, but generally speaking there is a bit of variation here.

    So in total this would be 4 stars for me, I enjoyed the experience but would not visit the game a second time since there is nothing outstanding for me, gameplay is simple, characters are not very memorable though not unlikeable, that kind of thing. However there are a few issues which irk me, even if not in a "this is bad" way and only in a "why didn't you make it good?" way they will cost one more star.

    - The game begins over the top goofy and generally over the top, especially with models and their expressions as well as the character's behavior, but loses that appeal gradually over the course of the game so that in the end you have a pretty standard game. An inconsistency and a small missed chance to stand out.

    - The game introduces the idea that you will have to make the girls come at least once, which you will do by amassing 100 points via choosing after reading the dialogue which of the available positions will be enjoyed by her the most. If you succeed, you'll get a better continuation, at two points in the game non-success even means game over. You'll also get some sexpertise points (one of the two stats mentioned earlier) which will help you in future situations. This mechanic promised to be pretty interesting and possibly entertaining but soon falls flat because you get so many sexpertise points so quickly during the story itself that at the second or latest the third encounter you cannot "lose" anymore even with all the wrong decisions. This is not only a wasted chance at probably interesting gameplay but also now the system starts to really interfere a bit with the lewds themselves.

    - As a minor issue, two of the girls you had some action with earlier suddenly disappear as dateable while they are still standing around on the plane. While it is pretty normal that you cannot "enjoy" all characters in all games, here it feels off.

    So yeah, in the end somewhere between 3 and 4 stars for me but I took the low road because while I was entertained well, the missed opportunities at 5 stars were screaming into my ears. Still, there's a good chance others will well enjoy it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    review based on 1.0 version
    this review ll be separated to 2 parts- first about renpy conversion(original game using unity engine) and second about game content.

    that kind conversion (unity to renpy) very rare and most of made by developer. this mean hard work and posibly many errors, but in that case was good code, no errors, no lags. my respect to author.

    about game:
    - good cg amount
    - good animations presents
    - hints presents (no wt needed)
    - simple eng
    - no grinding
    - not perfect ui- no map, markers too small(in my taste)
    - few cg/animations have clipping problem

    conclusion - very good game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I was ready to hate the game when it suddenly introduced 20 different characters on a private jet and went all whacky but it managed to change my opinion pretty fast. The story that doesn't take itself seriously but never becomes cringy just silly and the abundance of sex scenes really makes this game.

    Only negative thing I can think of is that cunnilingus scenes from the first part of the game which I liked a lot isn't replayable (by talking to them).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animation
    Beautiful models
    And it's all a LOT
    I liked this game more than 99% of others
    I started playing the Unity version, and this version is even better, there is a gallery for viewing unique events.
    Also, in this game, you can skip all the useless text, this is a very big advantage over other games.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, play it.

    * Beautiful art of beautiful girls
    * Solid story
    * Good UI
    * Nice gallery

    I found the characters, including the MC well written. With other gamaes I often find I have to skip dialogue to try to enjoy it, but they where handled well in this.

    This is my new favorite game. Love it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Just loved the game. It's a exciting experience from the beginning.

    There's this sex battle mode that's really awesome and creative.
    Very good renders and animations. Very funny simple plot and nice dialogs. I almost cried when one of the characters said:
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    Just too funny.
    The game is very well developed, with all quests and hints of how reach them. My only complain is the music, that seemed to be only one repeating over and over. However the music is so good that i didn't mind that much.

    - Good animation
    - Good dialog and plot
    - Creative sex scenes with excellent dialog
    - Pretty characters with diff personalities
    - No bugs

    - One music that repeats a lot
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting sex battle mechanics, would have loved to see them even more fleshed out. Ok animations, generically hot models. Story was a little meh. Would have liked a bit more variety on the sex front, lots of repeated animations, styles.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing and Bug-Free conversion of a very decent game.

    For those curious the title says it all, its a Harem Island, the MC gets laid with tons of hot women in some sexy animated scenes.

    The story is minimal, but it gets the job done regardless, the game also comes with a built in walkthrough for those scared of getting stuck.

    Overall I definitely recommend the game to anyone looking for some sexy animations with a variety of girls.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    I sort of prefer Ren'Py over Unity for VNs so I'm glad my first time playing was this version. This game has a fun and really ridiculous story paired with a lot of hot women and plenty of great animated scenes. The questlog makes this very easy to play through. Also the dialogue is pretty well done, lots of different character personalities with their own quirks and kinks during sex. Definitely recommended.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Probably more of a game for the dudes than for the ladies. Animations are fantastic. Models are fantastic. There's a lot of story and writing but a lot of sexual content as well. There isn't an "auto" function, only a skip function so the game requires you to be pretty hands on the whole time, though you really only need one hand.

    I think the game is finished or close to finished? It had an ending and a lot of unlockable content. There are a couple times where certain animation setups seemed reused but not too often and it was still very rewarding.

    There's a couple gripes but not that many. It mentions rape a couple times. A lot of talk about moms and daughters and sisters, but no actual incest from what I remember seeing. A couple of personal gripes would be the ntr/cheating-esque vibe (no actual relationship so no actual cheating though, just some jealous women). Also there is exhibitionism/voyeurism; not my personal favorite thing but in the context of everything was easy to get past.

    I'm not into harems or anything but this had a lot of really good sexual content so wooo thumbs up. More like this would be awesome!