Unity - Harem Party Adventures [v0.21.4] [Assmodeus Unlimited Lewd Works]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Just finished my first run of Harem Party Adventure. Gotta say, it's pretty damn fun for what it is. The whole "chosen one" thing is kinda cliche, but whatever. The real meat is in the sandbox gameplay and all the chicks you can recruit. Graphics are decent, nothing mind-blowing but the girls look hot enough. Some of the animations during sex scenes are a bit stiff, but there's plenty of variety.

    I particularly enjoyed the threesome with the elf sisters in the enchanted forest - that was wild. Gameplay-wise, it's your standard RPG stuff. Combat's alright, but grinding gets tedious. The side quests are where it's at though. Spent way too much time trying to get into the panties of that tsundere mage in the magic academy. One annoying bug: sometimes the map glitches and you can walk through walls. Got stuck behind a barrier in the demon realm dungeon and had to reload.

    Overall, it's a solid time-waster with enough titillation to keep you coming back. Just wish the MC wasn't so generic - dude's basically a floating dick during sex scenes. 3/5 stars. Worth a play if you're into harem games with actual gameplay.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I was actually playing an earlier version of this game, then updated to the newest version. I gotta say, the amount of care and work that have gone into this shows dedication from the creator. I hope they keep the momentum.

    So far, here is what I can comment on:

    Story: (3.5/5)
    Good. The characters have about your average depth in a harem game, and you explore each character's backstory. Some of them are fun and goofy, others are a bit darker.

    The setting is maintained well, and has plausibility within its harem genre. The game maintains and uses it's setting well. The world has actually shaped the characters, making them more believable.

    Originality & Gameplay: (4/5)
    The turn based Unity gameplay is fairly unique. But it does have it's flaws. Grinding is necessary in some points, and while the game guides you with a journal, it isn't always clear. For example, I didn't know you could only go to Alberta's mom's castle until after the succubus quest. Also the first sex scene with the priestess was bugged and you had to restart the scene to go to 4 and 5.

    However, the game guides are really useful in figuring out what scenes you're missing and how to get them. I found them very useful.

    There's also a few softlock bugs in a couple of the dungeons where you can walk through the walls because the map isn't properly updating. When it finally does, you're in a room behind the wall and can't move. I assume this will be fixed. It was present in the Tomb.

    Animations & Characters: (5/5)
    They're actually pretty good. Well done, believable, and sexy. I like the lingerie during sex, stockings on, but my preferences aside there's a wide variety of your typical sexual content to keep most people happy in a harem game. The sex scenes are believable. I do think the animations could benefit from animation weight blending to perform some of the animation transitioning, but it's still quality animation and camera work.

    Performance & Polish: (4/5)
    No engrish. Well translated. Optimized. Low file size. It's well made minus the softlock bugs. There's also plenty of content.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game might be my all time favorite. The turn based combat, diverse npc's and the quality of the H scenes are really amazing. I hope to see more characters and more kinks in the future. Keep up the good work dev!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Played V0.17.1
    Solid game with some rough edges. I will play the next update to see where the story goes. The game is fun but not to intense to put down if you have other things going on.
    MC: 4/5 is mad decent!
    NPCs: 4/5 are unique and have solid renders
    Combat: 4/5 Solid (nothing revolutionary)
    Story/plot: a few tiny holes but still 4/5
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Increased difficulty of battles to force people to donate to Patreon for cheat menu, this is unacceptable, because it leaves no choice, like the choice of costumes only for donaters. And the graphics resolution is quite low for a paid game
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Well this is going to be a short review, got to say i expected more after reading some reviews....

    Story 2/5
    Story was a bit meh, the girls are 99% big titted bimbos and they all trows them selfs at MC theres no real relationship build-up so you never really feel anything for anyone, combat got boring very fast its not that its really bad but it was just not fun to me, graphics are also just meh.

    Girls 1/5
    Low quality graphics so i just couldent see anything hot about them and almost all is aimed at big tit fetish which i am not into so it lost alot of points on that with me, breast cup ratio is like 0 A, 0 B, 1 C ,10+ F to O cups so its pretty clear there is no diversity in builds at all.

    Animations 1/5
    They are just really poor, some you cant any see whats going on like dick is hidden behing a see-through black figure, other times its a pencil dick and in most scenes its just a dick with no body showing and they are just really low quality.

    Music 3/5
    Average background tunes.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    As of 0.12, which is the patreon only version, this game keeps improving. And since its a game coded in Unity, expect a bigger experience than the file size implies. The devs really knows his stuff.

    Important for anybody interested is that the reviews that are old here don't reflect any of the improvements the game went through. Its different then where it was during 0.3 - 0.7. The game is a great little RPG title, the combat is great and the sex scenes and music are banging. And its well worth the price. I'd say you can rush through the game right now in around 6 hours, which is already quite a bit. I say the game has enough content to last a week or so but then again, development has barely began. This one is gonna be a great game once its really done, mark my words. And while that may sound daunting to your average fap enjoyer, its a very easy to learn game too but it does require a bit of grinding but don't worry too much theres a ton of fapable content.

    The amazing thing about this game that it actually has a detailed table where you can check on the womans name and see what cupsize they have and all, its not fully realistic and accurate but no hentai game really is. I fapped to that stuff more than the sex scenes. Finally a dev that game the maincharacter a huge cock and you fuck some sexy bitches, yeehaw!

    Anyway, version 0.12 has around 35 sexy scenes which are cut in minor scenes, with around 3 - 11 or so animations for each sex scene, so the game as around 200 animations right now, or even more. From titfuck to any sort of sex you already know from any hentai ever. What has to be noted positively is while the gameplay itself is very well done but the sex scenes themselves are all custom animations. While feeling a bit stiff, many of the scenes are really creative and fapable and you can go to your favorite animation inside the sex scene so you have creative freedom and can choose in what makes your sexdrive going.

    The worse thing about this game though is that the developer gave the main character the Goblin Slayer treatment but in a worse way so you can self insert. You can see yourself clad in armor but you're a very semitransparent blue guy floating dick during sex scenes. But what makes it shit is that its honestly pulled off in such a bad way than basically every other sex game ever made and I have to squint my eyes in every encountered sex scene to bust a fucking nut or otherwise I think of Casper the fucking Ghost or a fucking Scooby Doo skit where an invisible force fucks with shit and makes it float and I begin to laugh. I'd rather want to watch Blue Man Group while fapping to this shit, which is a shame because honestly the sex scenes are ranging from alright to fantastic so its really a good game with fapable sexy scenes but unfortunately it cannot reach its full potential since it really breaks immersion.

    The reason why Goblin Slayer works and not this main character is that Goblin Slayer doesn't bang any of the characters in the story, so of course theres not much immersion breaking shit. Not to mention even if Goblin Slayer would fuck them, the only thing I would properly remember then is when he would fuck the lizard shaman.

    Personally I would love a mode where you can see your nude main character that you can switch on an off with a click of the UI, it doesn't matter how generic he would look and how much the bangs cover his eyes to hide his true powerlevel. But goddamn this game is growing to an easy masterpiece if there would be an option for that. Just give a MC a sort of generic being during sex scenes with a on/off option so if people wanna make him into Casper the fucking blue guy with a huge fucking cock again they have a choice. I switch between transparent MC and not all the time in h-scenes when there is a choice and I'm sure other homies appreciate that too.

    Overall, 5 stars but the lack of immersion during sex by being a blue piece of shit with a huge dick attached to it sincerely makes the game a worse game.

    I may change the score depending on how the game is progressing. Expect a revised review once the game is done to reflect the games full potential.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    "Oh look there's 3D animated scenes, surely this must be 5/5" well no, it's trash, the combat is terrible, the point and click navigation everywhere is terrible, you get lost frequently, or even worse you soft lock yourself in a dungeon, I think it was the sewers and you can't get out, this is a waste of time please ignore it guys.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    good looking girls with animated sex scenes. MC is a floating penis attached to a shadow person.
    the game is an RPG, a bit tedious and while reminiscent of RPGM it is far less tedious than RPGM.

    The game is a sex romp, there is barely any dialog. You meet a girl and 2 sentences later you are fucking. And most girls have only 1 sex scene.
    The GUI also could use improvement. Most girls do not show up on the screen to click on, and instead have to be interacted with via a menu that lists people you can interact with in that place. And you need to pretty much follow the guide to figure out what to check where.

    Overall this has potential but needs fleshing out.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Im going to keep this minimal , Great game , great scenes , fun combat ( not too overwhelming for anyone that's looking for quick gameplay ) , and great porn , i came looking for some busty fantasy cliches to fuck and i got more than what i asked for , a dev that understand what his game is an does not fuck around. Love it and will continue to follow .
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I went wizard, and my party consisted of Alberta, Reika and Natalih.
    So I can't speak if the game is easier or more harder if you pick warrior or rouge/dude that steals shit.

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    The dev deserve praise for making a game that is a real rpg. This is not another rpgm game with some few drawn images , not a sandbox with a lineral story which makes sandbox redundant and most important of all, not a game on renplay. A proper unity rpg. This alone got my attention.

    What can I say, but that the game is fun, is easy to pick up and figure out how to do stuff, and the only part one needs to get used to (and I still dislike) is the navigation. The girls look great, the scenes are good and the grind is minimum. I have not in a long time come across something that gels this well with my senseabilities.

    Closet comparison I could draw is with the game Love and Corruption, which is a textbased game that requires way more time to get your smut, than this ever does. I love that game, so is great to have something similar but far more eye catching and quicker to play.

    I love this game and i'm eager to see what becomes of it in future updates. Thank you dev, you restored my belife this site contains worthwhile games that you can PLAY and enjoy.
  12. 3.00 star(s)



    What we have here is a basic dungeon crawler with a town/hub. Seem to be the only male, which is nice.

    Right now 'functional' is the best way to describe it.

    The world/Girls:
    The town is fairly baren, the girls have little to no personality and I wouldn't really say this is a 'harem' game; you fuck the chicks, but since they have no personality and little to no dialogue (and what is there is just about casual sex), its more like a slut town than a harem town. This is fine to me, but maybe wait for the characters to have more depth if you want the loving harem fantasy; right now the closest you get to that is you can call girls to your room at night... to hug them and sleep lol. Cute.
    The dialogue is so brief, so 'witty' (in an 11 year old fart joke kind of way) and casual I feel like this may never actually have characters worth being invested in. We'll see.

    Combat is a bit slow and some of the design is kind of ****ish. First enemies you're likely to fight take 1 damage from fire; one of the chars you're likely to get early atacks with fire. That kind of thing. Its so easy this barely matters, but combined with the slowness (not super slow, but not fast enough), it gets really annoying to have so many 'dead' turns. Or the MA chick joins as the 4th char in your party if you recruited that girl; she can't attack from that position.

    Currently lacks a lot in QoL.
    It has buttons like "picture of guy, 2 arrows, picture of guy" on the UI. Switch char, obviously. To me. Maybe not to everyone. Don't see why this doesn't say that's what it does.
    You do a quest to kill slimes; you cover every inch of the map. Not done. Need to wait for more to spawn even though you killed them all which is the goal. No indication this is the case. No explanation where to hand in the quest, assuming you can and its not automated.
    You can buy food in town. Why? I don't know, you don't seem to eat.
    How do I access the options menu, to make text faster? It just plainly seems to lack an options menu.
    Stuff like that

    Currently I'd call this a very good framework for a good game. Its presented very well, its not buggy, exploring the map is a very quick and painless process, the combat system is basic but feels fair. The biggest issue is the writing. Its not enaging and its not funny and its mostly not there. Probably the biggest thing that needs improving.