I like the game...except the QTE. I hate QTE. Especially when they are coded for controllers even when you have the game set up NOT for controllers. Trying to figure out how to do the QTE when you have to remember what button is what...
This game needs a lot more work, but since this is still early in development it has plenty of time to get it.
PS. I've hated QTE since my first encounter with them in Star Wars the Force Unleashed
Amen brother. I just checked the game out on version 082, and I'd gladly add the dev to the list of peeps I throw money at, except for QTE. If the devs are so determined to keep QTE, then either make the keys the same, kitty and cow share the same button "z", add some drops that can be sold for cash, because the money making in this game is horrible. (yes, yes I can use cheat engine, I just don't want to at this time). Or add a delay before the QTE starts, ****ESPECIALLY**** when using "f" to fast forward the combat bar, because combat is so slooooooooooow. (Except for the when the QTE pops, then it is way too fast) I can normally hit with Miriku and Clarabell, but for some reason Circe takes concentration, and for blocking.... forget it. I think I can count on one hand how many times I blocked a single letter QTE, and don't get me started on the "CXC" block that applies poison.
Yes, I can buy antidotes and bandages, but when the monsters charm then away from my girls they aren't helping me very much are they? And I think I already addressed the other issue, cash flow.
I understand this is still early in develpment, but in order to get support you need to make it enjoyable to the general public, not just the few people putting you on a pedestal because you are catering to their niche.