3.00 star(s) 73 Votes


New Member
Jan 31, 2022
Well, I wanna warn you that some of the debugs commands cause crashes. Usually not after using it, but later.
Like, if you use "setguildseals" to set no of seals for a particular rank to very high, and if you get any further seal in that rank, it crashes. Using "refresh" or "town" during dungeon cause crashes sometimes. Also, I suspect that using "setqueststep" cause you to skip some particular scenes, and it dont unlocks as it should have been. But it is just a speculation.

Also, hungerstrike dont usually work, so use "food x" which will add x amount of food in the dungeon.

[Just some extra words down here, you may ignore] Well, there are many codes that are not in that file, and I have tried trying some words which I thought would work. But I have a very slow PC. If once crash, it take 15 minutes to get on again, so haven't experimented much which codes.
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Jun 16, 2017
Hello, which monster can teach you lewd moves for the quest and their location(woods, cavern, etc)? And how can you win a battle without attacking enemy quest?

Axle Jones

Aug 30, 2019
Hello, which monster can teach you lewd moves for the quest and their location(woods, cavern, etc)? And how can you win a battle without attacking enemy quest?
the win without attacking one should be obvious, just use seduction moves and manipulation


Jun 16, 2017
Then it bug, because you need to do it 3 times. I use beastmode, then lewd attack, give order go away, doesn't count. Then i order give up and then go away, don't count either, so i give up on this quest


Jun 16, 2017
Another question. The Quest, where you need 3 ko enemy in 1 attack, is it possible? Because my haremon weak as fuck, i just skip battle or activate beast mode. There no option to increase attack and fully upgrade technique give me at best 20 attack. Trying use my head and use circe insta kill move and miruku copy skill on other enemy, doesn't count. I give up on this game, it impossible to play without cheats and has many bugs, you cant clear quest's. Better play something else and don't waste time on this underdeveloped game. Maybe few years later game became better, but realy i don't think so.

Axle Jones

Aug 30, 2019
Another question. The Quest, where you need 3 ko enemy in 1 attack, is it possible? Because my haremon weak as fuck, i just skip battle or activate beast mode. There no option to increase attack and fully upgrade technique give me at best 20 attack. Trying use my head and use circe insta kill move and miruku copy skill on other enemy, doesn't count. I give up on this game, it impossible to play without cheats and has many bugs, you cant clear quest's. Better play something else and don't waste time on this underdeveloped game. Maybe few years later game became better, but realy i don't think so.
cant remember but im pretty sure theres a couple moves you can use to instant KO 3 enemies though the only one i actually remember is luck based, Circe has a sticker on the sentiment board that upgrades her instakill move to have a chance to chain react killing other enemies so you just have to go somewhere where enemies arent immune to freeze and keep using her freeze all skill and the insta kill one till it kills everything

also kinda funny you're calling the game underdeveloped when so far your complaints have been about the guild jobs, side content that you dont even have to do to progress the story, all the guild jobs are for are getting money, adding some new items to the shop and i think getting one sex scene that most people were disappointed with, theres a few other guild features you unlock through it too but i honestly got through all 4 current chapters without ever using them so theres honestly not much point in doing the guild quests outside the easy ones like "give an item you already have" or the ones that tell you the right options for a certain event


Mar 30, 2020
Another question. The Quest, where you need 3 ko enemy in 1 attack, is it possible? Because my haremon weak as fuck, i just skip battle or activate beast mode. There no option to increase attack and fully upgrade technique give me at best 20 attack. Trying use my head and use circe insta kill move and miruku copy skill on other enemy, doesn't count. I give up on this game, it impossible to play without cheats and has many bugs, you cant clear quest's. Better play something else and don't waste time on this underdeveloped game. Maybe few years later game became better, but realy i don't think so.
I m' assuming that you are talking about the gild quest then yes it is possible and no it is not really that hard i can literally kill the final boss in like 4 atttacks (it has like 800hp) so you jus need to know what you are doing also i don't know what you are talking about the game being "underdeveloped" it is really not the case ( IMO )
Ok, how can i increase haremon power? Upgraded moves don't give much power increase
your characters become stronger by upgrading/learning moves, using certain armours (pantys) , and trough team synergies (support characters).
first you need to know a couple of things
1 not all characters are DPS some are pure supports so trying to give the holostaurs girl (the cow girl) offensive moves for example it's a waste of time.
2 you need to know the mechanics: like for example if an enemy is frozen and you attack it with fire you do 50% more damage
this is important because some moves don't seem like much until you factor team synergies.
but if you wanna know a unit hat is worth upgrading early on :
you are in luck one of the strongest units in the game is the imp girl that you get before act 1.
for her you just need to upgrade her "untethered rage" and her fire move until it becomes "hades spear" that is it. start the combat in aggressive stance use "untethered rage" in turn one and then just spam "hades spear" until all enemies fall.

also I can probably give you more recommendations on moves and character synergies for the game but i need to know what characters / dungeons you have access to and if you have access to the vr headset at the profesors lab (you unlock it trough a non-repeatable side quest) (it is not a gild quest) .
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Jun 16, 2017
Chapter 1, just beat kitsune stage with foxes, which you need ko 2 times. Have cat,mage,imp,cow. Ok, i get imp+mage combo- fire and ice, any other suggestions? Like ko enemies in 1 attack


Mar 30, 2020
Chapter 1, just beat kitsune stage with foxes, which you need ko 2 times. Have cat,mage,imp,cow. Ok, i get imp+mage combo- fire and ice, any other suggestions? Like ko enemies in 1 attack
you dont have the gargoyle? they give it to you when you beat the black kitsune.
if you are talking about killing the 3 enemies in 1 attack (for the gild quest not the sentiment board achievement) you just need to kill them all with 1 move but they don't need to be full hp so you can do an horde battle in the fores lower their hp a bit with the cat and use the imp to finish all of them off with hades spear. (if she doesnt miss one of them ofc) if that is how it works unless they changed an it need to be from full healt but if it neesd to be from full just freeze them first.
now if you are talking about killing enemies in turn 1 almost no enemy can be killed in turn one even the strongest units need at leas 1 to 3 turns of setting before being able to one shot any or most enemies this is why moves like "untethered rage" or "unwavering focus" are important because they are needed to shorten set-ups other wise it would take a lot of time
now that you are near chapter 2 you will have access to .... the ceberus(mid /late chapter 2) , the gargoyle (you should have her already ) , the bunny girl (side quest) and the monarch (side quest)
monarch is really good one of the 4 healers in game plus she gets really good support buffs (since you are just starting the vr head set is not yet available i think the quest can be stared after chapter 2 (in chapter 3) this thing will allow you to teach moves to your haremon easier )
bunny girl it'a also really good she enables slow (1/2 stars on speed) units to attack much faster as much as (4/5 stars units) with "baton pass" she is a key stone for a team that i call sugar rush.
also gargoyle it's good too you can either have her be a pure tank (fights are longer but you are basically immortal if you have the cow healing her )
or you can make her a bruiser unit she works really well in sugar rush but you need an haremon of chapter 3 to complete the team
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Axle Jones

Aug 30, 2019
you dont have the gargoyle? they give it to you when you beat the black kitsune.
if you are talking about killing the 3 enemies in 1 attack (for the gild quest not the sentiment board achievement) you just need to kill them all with 1 move but they don't need to be full hp so you can do an horde battle in the fores lower their hp a bit with the cat and use the imp to finish all of them off with hades spear. (if she doesnt miss one of them ofc) if that is how it works unless they changed an it need to be from full healt but if it neesd to be from full just freeze them first.
now if you are talking about killing enemies in turn 1 almost no enemy can be killed in turn one even the strongest units need at leas 1 to 3 turns of setting before being able to one shot any or most enemies this is why moves like "untethered rage" or "unwavering focus" are important because they are needed to shorten set-ups other wise it would take a lot of time
now that you are near chapter 2 you will have access to .... the ceberus(mid /late chapter 2) , the gargoyle (you should have her already ) , the bunny girl (side quest) and the monarch (side quest)
monarch is really good one of the 4 healers in game plus she gets really good support buffs (since you are just starting the vr head set is not yet available i think the quest can be stared after chapter 2 (in chapter 3) this thing will allow you to teach moves to your haremon easier )
bunny girl it'a also really good she enables slow (1/2 stars on speed) units to attack much faster as much as (4/5 stars units) with "baton pass" she is a key stone for a team that i call sugar rush.
also gargoyle it's good too you can either have her be a pure tank (fights are longer but you are basically immortal if you have the cow healing her )
or you can make her a bruiser unit she works really well in sugar rush but you need an haremon of chapter 3 to complete the team
just a little correction Kitsune has a better hit all move than the Imps Hades Spear since from what i remember it either doesnt miss or you can use bide before hand to make sure it doesnt miss and guaranteed crits


Mar 30, 2020
just a little correction Kitsune has a better hit all move than the Imps Hades Spear since from what i remember it either doesnt miss or you can use bide before hand to make sure it doesnt miss and guaranteed crits
yes it is better against 3 enemies since it doesn't do less damage the more enemies they are but only if you can single wipe all enemies in one turn and end the combat , however i still recommend using hades spear over it because it has a much better up-time and less setting requirements paring it with the fact that the imp is naturally faster than the kitsune and the character itself has much better sentiment board buffs it normally ends up havin shorter fights. plus if any awakened haremon (except the emolich) does more than 100 damage on a turn it will enter overload state turning back into their un-awakened form for at least 2 turns if they have a speed of 3 or more. basically for the kitsune you need 2 turns of setting or 3/4 if you add an element (1 focus 2 element 3 bide) and have 1 or 2 strikes and then you need 2 or 3 extra turns of re setting if the thing doesn't die because you probably enter overload. at that point is probably better to use hades since you need 1 turn setting and can use it 4 turns in a row (if in aggressive stance) before needing another turn of setting wile also being 25% faster than the kitsune.


Jun 16, 2017
yes it is better against 3 enemies since it doesn't do less damage the more enemies they are but only if you can single wipe all enemies in one turn and end the combat , however i still recommend using hades spear over it because it has a much better up-time and less setting requirements paring it with the fact that the imp is naturally faster than the kitsune and the character itself has much better sentiment board buffs it normally ends up havin shorter fights. plus if any awakened haremon (except the emolich) does more than 100 damage on a turn it will enter overload state turning back into their un-awakened form for at least 2 turns if they have a speed of 3 or more. basically for the kitsune you need 2 turns of setting or 3/4 if you add an element (1 focus 2 element 3 bide) and have 1 or 2 strikes and then you need 2 or 3 extra turns of re setting if the thing doesn't die because you probably enter overload. at that point is probably better to use hades since you need 1 turn setting and can use it 4 turns in a row (if in aggressive stance) before needing another turn of setting wile also being 25% faster than the kitsune.
Ok, thanks for advice? What "awakened" means?


Mar 30, 2020
Ok, thanks for advice? What "awakened" means?
you told me that you finished chapter 1 no? they explain what it is and they give you a little tutorial. basically after progressing the main plot some haremons will have an awakened state (you can see this as an alternative state) in this new form they will have access to different moves they can also learn different moves that there normal form can't they will have a different sentiment board that your standard haremon and even have different stats . imo they are not that good since they get heavily balanced with the overload mechanic . unless it is the emolich she is amazing....for now... she will probably get super nerfed in the future. you can only have 1 weekend haremon per team and you can change their status freely outside of combat. you do so with x on a controller and idont remember what in the keyboard ...sorry i need to sleep so this will probably be my last reply for now.


Jun 16, 2017
you told me that you finished chapter 1 no? they explain what it is and they give you a little tutorial. basically after progressing the main plot some haremons will have an awakened state (you can see this as an alternative state) in this new form they will have access to different moves they can also learn different moves that there normal form can't they will have a different sentiment board that your standard haremon and even have different stats . imo they are not that good since they get heavily balanced with the overload mechanic . unless it is the emolich she is amazing....for now... she will probably get super nerfed in the future. you can only have 1 weekend haremon per team and you can change their status freely outside of combat. you do so with x on a controller and idont remember what in the keyboard ...sorry i need to sleep so this will probably be my last reply for now.
Ok, ques i check tutorial for that


Jan 23, 2019
Finishing up a build containing 3 new H scenes and some other stuff. Was aiming for late July but will probably be early August.

As usual, these new scenes are some of my favorites yet!


Active Member
Dec 6, 2019
Is there a way to get haremon to relearn unique abilities if you didn't copy them? I forgot to copy moves before upgrading them so my newest awakened haremon doesn't have a move it can use on turn 1 so now I have to make her concentrate instead. I can't use seduction because the move is unique to that haremon.

Axle Jones

Aug 30, 2019
Is there a way to get haremon to relearn unique abilities if you didn't copy them? I forgot to copy moves before upgrading them so my newest awakened haremon doesn't have a move it can use on turn 1 so now I have to make her concentrate instead. I can't use seduction because the move is unique to that haremon.
what do you mean by unique move, you on about relearning a move that you evolved?
3.00 star(s) 73 Votes