Ren'Py - Abandoned - Harley Quinn Trainer [v0.20b] [Volter]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Harley Quinn Trainer 0.20b

    The game easily crashes, the fight system looks bad, not sure what I am looking at and I only unlock Harley bj there is no sex scene batgirl, I suggest don't waste your time
    if it is still beta or alpha whatever it is called it just bad
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Eh, honestly, not bad for a first project.

    In short, compared to the simmilar project from Gunsmoke's this promises to be much more personal, interactive and rapey.

    In a bit more details.
    This seems to be a clear male dom oriented thing, ranging from power fantasy like - "I'm so powerfull last night I forgot to turn off my SWAG and now am covered in bitches" to the crude classic of "bring me a sandwich bitch".
    So it will be a turnoff to the crowd that hates that, just like it will be a turn on for people that loves it.

    Visuals: 3/5 - Needs work, but far from terrible, making me belive that people that focus on that alone just hate some of the fetishes in the game.
    Story: 4/5 - For one, this zero backstory for MC works perfectly for what looks like a planned self-insert. And it keeps with the themes of this generation iteration of Harley perfectly. If you liked the show, well, this has the simmilar levels of humor, if you disliked it, well, you can slap the main bitch around until she looks and acts more subby, like a classic Harley.
    Gameplay: 4/5 Honestly, its a bit clanky and buggy, but not as clanky and buggy as a certain other project, that managed the same levels with 4-5 years in development, and still has the same bugs despite having lot less interaction, and a much worse safe options. In short, gameplay is normal for 2D, and perfectly acceptable for early stages.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    In early stage, has promise. There are lots of ways this could go, but what is there has a decent foundation. I'd like to see more from where this came from, not enough dc/superhero porn out there. But good so far.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    Terrible for an Alpha. As everyone and their mother knows when it comes to my style of reviews, the most important aspect (especially for media in Visual novel format) is the goddamn VISUALS. And this one is bad. Just bad.

    If you need samples, just a quick look at the gallery in the Game description will show you all the issues that You WILL be seeing throughout the rest of the game. Let's have a gander, shall we?

    1) Inconsistent art quality. There are varying levels of bad with every turn. Just look at Harley from the first screenshot, her hands are of two different sizes! That's all you need to see to gauge the amount of care the artist gives to the project, which is 0. The other characters are also painfully disproportionate and look like dollar-store discount versions of what they are supposed to be. You know those made-in-China cheap toys they sell in random supermarkets? Yeah here's your 2D rendition.

    2) Extremely Ugly UI and UX. They put choice and textboxes in places you never expect to see. It's a mess to navigate, and you'd wonder why they don't just stick to the same format a million other Visual novels out there are following.

    3) Uninteresting premise and story. I won't harp too much on this one since it's an Alpha, but goddamn, it's cliche and boring.

    For anyone wanting to come at me about the art and say "It might get better." Well, buddy, the keyword is MIGHT. I have played way, waaaaay too many games where the developer promises to swap the shit art assets for something better in the future, only for that to never happen. So forgive me if I'm a little skeptical that this project will be receiving that treatment.

    Honestly, I would not recommend this eyesore to anyone, If you want to fuck Harley or play a Trainer simulator, just go play Something Unlimited. It's doing everything this game does, and about a million times better. I would not touch this again with a ten-foot pole unless the dev makes MAJOR changes.